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Revision as of 09:27, 11 November 2009 by Susmit (talk | contribs)

Suggestion Table

Name "Is a..." Tested Initial Approval Themeable Board Approved Legal Approved !
Agnon (Agnomon) Constantine is an ancient king who conducted his people into Asia Minor, and so is Agnon (Agnon was a tribal patriarch in the Scythian/Milesian bloodline that Constantine descends from, the race of Fenius) Celtic & Byzantine; myth & legend
Hellsten {Constantine,Hellsten} is a hotel in {Istanbul,Stockholm} Yes
Amanjena {Constantine,Amanjena} is a hotel in {Istanbul,Marrakech} Amanjena is at the 12 km marker. 12+1 =? Yes
Keating name of a figure involved in a prominent American political scandal (Keating Five, Eliot Spitzer) Checkmark.png Yes (Really? How? --PWF (Celtic patterns! --mizmo) (Cool! -- PWF)
MacBeth Pictish King Checkmark.png Yes
Kennedy the first Catholic ruler of his nation/empire Warning.png
Gates Ivy League professor that was a victim of racism covered by the news media.
Lincoln Leader during a civil war Yes
Underwood finalist in American Idol season 4 Warning.png
Stars indie-rock band from Toronto, Canada. Yes
Blue Ridge name of a carpet manufacturer in the Dalton, GA area Yes
Ronan name of a Cornish saint (Another religious figure? --PWF) (the link from leonidas was 'king' not 'saint' --mizmo) Checkmark.png
Truro a civil parish in Cornwall Checkmark.png
Ashoka Ashoka is an emperor. Ashoka is also the name of a flowering tree found in South Asia.
Lynley Inspector Lynley is a fictional detective. Captain John Constantine is also a fictional detective. Can't see conflict unless the name of Lynley itself is trademarked yes, detective paraphernalia
Plato Constantine is a street name in Cainta, Rizal, Philippines and so is Plato.
Gordian Roman emperor
Jovian 4th Century Roman emperor
Charles Constantine was an emperor and so was Charles (IV).
Ramanujan Constantine Caratheodory was a famous mathematician, so was Srinivasa Ramanujan (they were also of a same era) Yes, symbols
Buland Darwaza The Arch of Constantine is a triumphal arch in Rome, so is Buland Darwaza. Yes