From Fedora Project Wiki

What's treebuilder?

Treebuilder is the new branch of Lorax which builds Anaconda images that boot like regular Live images. The advantages of this approach are:

  1. The installer uses much less RAM and starts up much faster than it did in F15
  2. The initrd is a normal dracut image, so:
    • There's a shell in initrd.img
    • No more maintaining the ancient, crusty loader codebase. yay!
  3. initrd.img is under 20MB, so PPC systems can netboot it

How do I get started?

1. set up an F16 chroot

  • this is optional for x86 systems but required for ppc

2. yum install pungi fedora-kickstarts (inside the chroot if you're doing that)

3. Install a copy of the treebuilder branch:

 git clone git://
 cd lorax
 git checkout treebuilder
 sudo make install

4. Grab a kickstart You can use fedora-install-fedora.ks from the fedora-kickstarts package, or you can use this minimized version if you're not going to build full DVD images:

# Minimal Fedora kickstart - basically just for testing anaconda

# ==== REPOS ====
repo --name=fedora --mirrorlist=$basearch
repo --name=fedora --mirrorlist=$basearch
repo --name=fedora --mirrorlist=$basearch
# And an extra line in case you have some local changes
#repo --name=localrepo --baseurl=file:///srv/pungi/localrepo --cost=1

# core stuff that isn't in @base
# basic groups
# size removals

Save that as /srv/pungi/anacondatest.ks.

5. Run pungi Here's the script I use:

if [ $(getenforce) == Enforcing ]; then
    sudo setenforce 0
    echo "turning off SELinux enforcing"
echo "removing /srv/pungi/test, one moment..."
sudo rm -rf /srv/pungi/test
sudo pungi --nosource --nodebuginfo --destdir=/srv/pungi/test
           -c /srv/pungi/anacondatest.ks -G -C -B "$@"



Boot problem 2011-08-05 0000 UTC

Upon boot of DVD, then dracut drops to shell with the message:

 Warning: No root device "live:/dev/disk/by-label/Fedora" found.

The file is present as

 /dev/disk/by-label/Fedora 16 x86_64 DVD

with those three spaces. Reboot with quoting (single, or double, or backslash) also fails. Altering the boot parameter to


also fails [that name is in my /dev/disk/by-id].