[Di Aug 12 2008] [18:00:45] Who's present for the KDE SIG meeting? [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:01:20] present [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:01:57] * SMParrish here [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:04:25] svahl: Were do we go from here? Do you want to discuss something with me and SMParrish? Should we wait? Or try again next week? [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:05:33] I can give a short summary of the status of KDE 4.1: basically, most of the blockers are solved now, but Phonon is a big mess, we're struggling to fix it to default to PulseAudio (when available, of course) yet again. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:05:37] good question. the first topic is quite a question of what is missing to push kde-4.1 to f9-stable. The second and third topic should be discussed next week with Rex, Lukas and than, imho [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:05:56] I've started working on the Phonon fixes, but the patch I tried wasn't working. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:06:08] So I'll be debugging this some more. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:06:33] I'm working on Phonon-xine at the moment, which we'll keep as the default at least for F9, it's also what upstream KDE 4.1 defaults to if both are installed. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:06:46] Phonon-GStreamer is even more broken when it comes to device selection. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:07:18] The GStreamer backend handles device selection very strangely, it has a separate setting for "sink" (e.g. alsasink, pulsesink etc.) which isn't exposed anywhere in the UI, and then picks the devices only from that. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:07:33] So if it decides to pick the alsasink, you get only hardware devices, no PA. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:07:50] And if it decides to pick the pulsesink, I believe it ignores the device selection entirely. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:08:11] That's really bad systemsettings integration, to say the least. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:09:11] So did I understand it correctly that sound through phonon is completely broken atm? [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:10:14] It may end up working by luck because Phonon is clever when it comes to fallbacks, but the defaults are just screwed up. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:10:42] ok. thanks. sounds bad [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:10:58] I'm working on fixing it. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:11:12] I think I already know what's wrong, but something in my patch wasn't working. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:11:22] Mine appears to be working but has several devices listed twice [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:11:49] I think that's the GStreamer backend being outright weird. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:12:14] If you install phonon-backend-xine, you might see things a bit less weird. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:12:29] We'll change -gst back to -gstreamer so yum prefers -xine again. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:13:13] But if you already have -gst, it will keep that by default. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:13:33] However, if you install -xine too, KDE will prefer -xine (which is one of the reasons I'll switch the default back to -xine). [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:15:57] ok. thanks for the summary [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:17:05] phonon-xine still pending for F9? [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:17:28] I mean phonon-backend-xine [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:17:31] SMParrish: phonon-backend-xine is a subpackage of kdebase-runtime. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:18:54] As for the GStreamer backend, I'm tempted to rewrite its device selection code entirely (so it also selects the sink, like in Xine) and send a huge patch to Trolltech, but I'm not sure I really have the time to do that. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:24:54] phonon-backend-xine is in Rawhide repo but not F9 [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:26:27] SMParrish: Should be in F9 updates-testing. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:26:39] It's part of kdebase-runtime in the 4.0.x packages. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:28:23] Thanks, somehow testing repo got disabled [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:37:58] a short description of the next topics: A member of the german fedoraforum packaged some plasmoids for f9: http://www.floriansievert.de/linux/repo/english.html I was going to ask him to package it in fedora itself, but before that we IMHO need some guidelines about the naming of kde artwork (like the proposal for KDE3 some time ago). And I'm also not sure about the stability of the additional plasmoids at all, but I don't [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:37:58] have much experience with them for myself [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:39:43] the third topic was a proposal by jeremy right before the alpha. In F10 the fonts-group should be enough and so the additional fonts on the live images could maybe be removed [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:41:13] I also think we can trim some redundant stuff there. [Di Aug 12 2008] [18:42:46] I'm not up-to-date to the rescent font discussions but I'll try to get into it for the next meeting