**** BEGINNE LOGBUCH UM Wed Aug 6 18:01:02 2008 Aug 06 18:01:02 * Du sprichst jetzt in #fedora-robotics Aug 06 18:01:02 * #fedora-robotics :http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Robotics Aug 06 18:01:26 Hi John. How are you? Aug 06 18:01:48 doing well, how about yourself Aug 06 18:02:14 * ChanServ gibt Op-Status an tim_n Aug 06 18:02:19 * tim_n hat das Thema geƤndert zu: Fedora Robotics SIG - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Robotics Aug 06 18:03:03 Good. Need to have more hours on a day... :-) Aug 06 18:03:27 you're not kidding Aug 06 18:03:51 What do you mean? Aug 06 18:04:39 it's just an expression, I basically mean "I know what you mean" Aug 06 18:05:03 Ah, ok. Didn't know whether there should have been an exclamation or a question mark... Aug 06 18:05:20 Ok, let's wait another five minutes if the others show and and then we'll start. Aug 06 18:05:32 alright Aug 06 18:11:33 Ok, let's start. Aug 06 18:12:03 From your last email I saw that we can use the Player tools at least as a base, if not as an initial application? Aug 06 18:12:59 yes. player installs several example client applications, and the ones that I'd use are probably playerv and maybe playerjoy Aug 06 18:14:22 playerv essentially allows you to control the robot's movement, subscribe/unsubscribe to several different devices (sonar, laser, fiducial, gripper, and some others). It has a window that displays a representation of the robot in the environment. Aug 06 18:15:49 Sounds good. Can you writeup a short description on how you ran the applications, so that we can try it ourselves? Aug 06 18:16:24 sure can. do you want it now, or in an email? Aug 06 18:17:19 Just write 'em up quickly and send it to the list, so everybody has it. Aug 06 18:17:27 I assume it's just the correct order and config files? Aug 06 18:18:28 more or less, you simply start up a player server (in my case running stage as a simulated environment), and then tell playerv to connect to the server Aug 06 18:18:52 I haven't had to mess with config files at all, since stage installs several very useful ones in /usr/share/stage/worlds Aug 06 18:20:27 Ah, good. Aug 06 18:21:01 You are probably using stage 2.0.1? Aug 06 18:22:00 at the moment yes. I've got the source for 3.0.0, but I haven't built and installed it yet Aug 06 18:24:52 Ok, I'm curious about it. Aug 06 18:25:08 Can you send the email quickly, so I can give it a try? Aug 06 18:25:35 yes, I can. I'm assuming that you've got both player and stage installed? Aug 06 18:27:10 true Aug 06 18:28:21 Hmm, but the stage rpm does not contain a stage executable... Aug 06 18:29:25 You don't need one, at least not to do what I've been doing. I'm getting ready to send out the email, so you'll see in there. Aug 06 18:30:29 ok, thanks Aug 06 18:33:29 alright, that should be sent Aug 06 18:37:03 Ok, got it. The player command prints dozens of warnings and then does not bind to the port. Aug 06 18:37:54 hmm... Aug 06 18:38:11 It does not startup the sim window. Aug 06 18:38:30 can you pastebin the output? Aug 06 18:42:01 http://fpaste.org/paste/4416 Aug 06 18:42:19 The "Quitting" comes when I Ctrl-C when it doesn't do anything Aug 06 18:43:15 Ok, stupid me... Aug 06 18:43:39 yep, I just figured out what you did Aug 06 18:43:58 run the .cfg, not .world :) Aug 06 18:44:14 Exactly Aug 06 18:44:24 Just found that out as well... Aug 06 18:44:32 is it working now? Aug 06 18:44:42 Then the stage package doesn't work right on lib64, path error. Fixed with a symlink for now. Aug 06 18:44:49 See the sim window now Aug 06 18:46:26 alright, then playerv *should* start up fine Aug 06 18:47:06 It does. Aug 06 18:47:54 When I subscribe to the map though the robot appears at the wrong position. Aug 06 18:48:05 The laser data is shown correctly though. Aug 06 18:48:38 I've never been able to get the map to appear correctly, though everything else works fine for me Aug 06 18:51:42 It uses one core in full on my laptop. Aug 06 18:53:44 I've never noticed it, but it does about the same on mine Aug 06 18:54:00 that could be a problem for older machines Aug 06 18:54:47 Interestingly it's playerv, not player. Aug 06 18:54:58 So we should probably make that more efficient for a demo. Aug 06 18:55:31 yes, we should... Aug 06 18:56:07 Ah, if you turn "Frame egocentric" off in the playerv view menu the robot appears at the correct position in the map Aug 06 18:56:34 Ok, basically everything we need for the start is there, but playerv itself as the application sucks. Aug 06 18:56:50 For one it is horribly slow, I assume that it simply does too many screen updates. Aug 06 18:57:04 And for the other does it not have an intuitive GUI for new users. Aug 06 18:57:13 I've been spending time looking at the code for playerv, and I'll see if I can't figure out why its using so many resources Aug 06 18:58:11 What I have in mind is a GUI, pretty much like playerv to show the map and the robot's position, and buttons that resemble the movements that playerjoy can do. Then you can move around. Aug 06 18:58:54 sounds good. That's pretty much what I have in mind as well, it'll be a lot more intuitive than playerv, that's for sure. Aug 06 19:00:06 True! Aug 06 19:00:17 What would be cool is if we can integrate the stage window nicely. Aug 06 19:00:58 So we do not see the objects nicely (if we give the mission to grab one of the small things) and it will be more convenient for the user to see the "true" environment. Aug 06 19:01:00 In other words, have simply one large window that starts both the player server and the "playerv" application in separate frames. Aug 06 19:01:18 A pimped playerv but yes. Aug 06 19:02:04 this will be my main project for the next two weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to get a good start on something like that. Aug 06 19:02:18 Awesome! Aug 06 19:02:33 I'll check with Arindam about Gazebo. Aug 06 19:02:49 sweet. I've been wanting to try out gazebo. Aug 06 19:02:52 Basically we should be able to use the same application. Aug 06 19:02:59 Just the simulator backend changes. Aug 06 19:03:12 exactly Aug 06 19:06:30 Alright, I've got to go. I'll start looking further into this later today and tomorrow. Aug 06 19:08:13 Ok, awesome. Let us know how it goes! Aug 06 19:08:21 Have a nice day, see ya. Aug 06 19:08:38 I'll keep you updated. Aug 06 19:08:54 you too Aug 06 19:08:55 see ya Aug 06 19:08:58 * mcleanj (n=mcleanj@cpe-071-070-208-081.nc.res.rr.com) hat #fedora-robotics verlassen Aug 06 19:12:11 Python interface unloaded **** BEENDE LOGBUCH UM Wed Aug 6 19:12:12 2008