[08:48] skvidal: ok [08:56] mspevack (i=mspevack@fedora/mspevack) joined #fedora-board. [08:57] Topic changed on #fedora-board by mspevack!i=mspevack@fedora/mspevack: Board meeting 2006-12-12 @ 10:00 EST (15:00 GMT) [08:57] mspevack: can I call now [08:58] yep [08:58] excellent [08:59] mdomsch (n=Matt_Dom@cpe-70-112-153-20.austin.res.rr.com) joined #fedora-board. [09:01] mspevack: I'll be late - conflicting day-job meeting [09:01] no problem seth [09:02] just waiting on people to arrive [09:03] max, bill, matt, rahul are all present. [09:04] jeremy is on the phone [09:04] notting (i=notting@redhat/notting) joined #fedora-board. [09:04] when gdk walks in, we will start [09:07] fedora 7 plan, and messaging for matthew's direct reports [09:07] also the rest of release enginerring [09:08] those are basically the final steps in the "buy in of our plan" [09:09] blizzard joins [09:09] bill -- we need to get a schedule in place, and start acting on the planned items [09:11] max -- so once we get that last buy in, assuming it happens shortly, then what? [09:11] rdieter (n=rdieter@sting.unl.edu) joined #fedora-board. [09:12] bill -- message what we're doing all internally/externally, schedule for the merge, public plan for the build system, what we're doing for test1/test2 timeframe [09:12] sorry folks, I'm out of cell-range atm. [09:12] also the governance and committee ideas for the new Fedora universe [09:12] greg -- when we get a list in public that everyone can see, then the public can tell us whether we're missing anything or not [09:13] bill -- also, then it's possible to talk about any other technical things that we may or may not be interested in for fedora 7 [09:16] part of the remaining messaging involves reassuring folks within Red Hat that nothing really changes for RHEL5 at all, as a result of our Fedora plans [09:16] chris -- keep the messaging as simple as possible [09:17] matt -- so, what in terms of a Test1 release? what are we trying to accomplish by a test1, that our end users will see? [09:17] bill -- just making it build, smoke-tested, etc. No real major Test1 work right now [09:18] max -- shouldn't our test releases be based around the build system work, etc? [09:18] rahul -- test1 releses are generally not of much interest except for specific features [09:18] bill -- and we don't have any features [09:19] matt -- i want users to have a reason to upgrade to f7, and i haven't seen anything that makes people upgrade rather than it's just the latest [09:20] bill -- we have talked about ideas of how we can make changes to a desktop or server package, etc. [09:20] chris -- there are a few things, a new firefox, etc. [09:21] greg -- if we're talking about things that excite users, liveCD is the major thing [09:21] livecd, pungi, definitely. [09:21] chris -- i'm not sure? talking about how cool it is to generate your own liveCD perhaps [09:22] bill -- livecd is interesting from an evangilization perspective. that's the benefit of fc6 livecd [09:22] greg -- jeremy, how likely is it to have bits in anaconda that can install livecd by fedora 7 test1/test2? [09:22] jeremy -- well, that depends when test1 is going to be :-) [09:23] greg -- but we keep saying "how can we set a milestone if we don't know what's going in" and then "we can't know what's going in until we set some milestones". so which is it [09:23] grr [09:23] hi seth! [09:24] hi [09:24] still in the day-job meeting [09:24] I think a tentative milestone date is a good place to start. [09:25] max -- yesterday i suggested april 16th as GOLD [09:27] relesae -- 4/23 [09:27] gold -- 4/16 [09:27] test3 -- 3/26 [09:27] test2 -- 2/26 [09:27] test1 -- 1/29 [09:28] fudcon -- between test1 and test2 [09:28] freeze dates all one week before [09:29] Action: mdomsch stays on the call but drops off irc [09:29] mdomsch (n=Matt_Dom@cpe-70-112-153-20.austin.res.rr.com) left irc: "Leaving" [09:30] jeremy -- regardless of the summit, it's a pretty reasonable schedule [09:30] greg -- let's let max worry about the summit [09:32] bill -- coming back to f7, what are we going to do with the name? [09:32] greg -- prevailing wind is just fedora 7... [09:33] *********** Fedora 7 is the name *********** [09:33] unanimous [09:33] jeremy -- we can still give the 'package universe' a cute name if we need to [09:33] corbet (n=user@vc7-1-72.dsl.netrack.net) joined #fedora-board. [09:35] max -- talking about source control. jeremy is of the opinion that we're not doing enough to make it worth all the changes to cvs. [09:35] bill -- distributed would be nice [09:35] greg -- do we need distributed to make it easy for people to move bits from fedora to rhel and rhel to fedora? [09:35] greg -- that seemed to be one of the big concerns. if that's not really that big of a deal... [09:35] bill -- it is a good thing, but we don't necessarily need it *right now* [09:36] jeremy -- i liked the idea of creating a group to look into it and come back with a recommendation [09:37] max -- and that idea was floated before, and we never moved forward with it [09:38] chris blizzard, source control SIG leader [09:39] fudcon [09:40] greg -- i had been operating under the assumption that in the worst case we could have it at the Mugshot office like we did the FedoraSummit. But maybe not -- regardless, we're still shooting for Feb 9-11, which is Friday - Sunday. [09:41] sort of a BarCamp on Friday, hackfest saturday/sunday [09:41] need to move on -- NOW -- knowing exactly who we want at the event and getting them invitations [09:42] need to find a core set of strong people who can contribute, and who we can invite and fully subsidize [09:43] greg will send a first draft of names to the board list [09:43] our "fantasy roster of engineers we'd love to have working on Fedora for a couple of days" [09:44] max has a list of "interesting coding topics" as well that we can start with [09:53] blizzard (n=blizzard@H11.C26.B96.tor.eicat.ca) joined #fedora-board. [09:53] dgilmore (n=dennis@fedora/dgilmore) joined #fedora-board. [09:55] hows the meeting comminag along? [09:56] good, we're off on a tangent that doesn't really need IRC [09:56] max -- anything else? [09:56] seth -- want to mention some stuff from the LSB meeting last week [09:57] the plan regarding how the LSB will function in the future. it seems to me (seth) that it will be impossible for Fedora to be LSB4 compliant [09:57] greg -- why? [09:57] to be LSB 4 compliant, you'll have to be LSB 3 compliant? and so on [09:58] RHEL can be LSB compliant if they want to, regardless of Fedora. [09:58] blizzard -- we shouldn't decide anything until we see the actual specs [09:59] seth -- i didn't make a decision, i just said what I thought was likely [10:00] seth -- things like LSB compliance can have an impact on people's perspectives. it's a risk (one way or another) we need to be willing to take. [10:00] greg -- if we can get LSB compliance for relatively little pain, great. [10:02] not all arches have lsb defined [10:02] there is no LSB for SPARC [10:03] dgilmore: is there the solaris standard base [10:04] notting: i dont think so [10:04] notting: i dont care for SPARC/solaris [10:08] i guess any arch can be covered under the generic LSB definition. MIPS, alpha, SPARC, etc dont have LSB specific definitions