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(Redirected from Changes/SQLAlchemy 2.x)


The python-sqlalchemy package is upgraded to major version 2. A compatibility package python-sqlalchemy1.4 is added to the distribution to cater for software which doesn’t yet use the new API, this can be installed alternatively. Other packages using SQLAlchemy are identified and, if necessary, steps are taken to ensure they use the correct major version package.


Current status

Detailed Description

The major version 2 of SQLAlchemy was released early 2023, it contains many useful new features. It breaks compatibility with version 1.4 in many ways, this version is available in Fedora Linux and used by around 60 packages today. Version 1.4 allows using the new API so programs can accommodate both major versions, but how many of the packages using SQLAlchemy in Fedora have been adapted accordingly is unknown at this point, this needs to be determined. A (conflicting) compatibility package python-sqlalchemy1.4 will most likely need to be added to the distribution and packages not yet using the new API will have to be changed to use the new API or use this package instead for the time being.


Originally, it was proposed that the compatibility package for version 1.4 would be installable in parallel, but in discussion it turned out the implementation would be technically complicated (an application would have to select which major version of SQLAlchemy to use on startup for which Python doesn’t have good tools, various approaches would break RPM dependency tooling) and possibly a maintenance nightmare.

Benefit to Fedora

Version 2 of SQLAlchemy has new features including:

  • deep integration with PEP 484 typing practices and current capabilities, particularly within the ORM, allowing e.g. to build ORM models declaratively using Python type annotations
  • fully ORM-integrated approach to bulk INSERT that is typically an order of magnitude faster on most backends

See the upstream release announcement for details.


  • The proposal owners …
    • … have to upgrade python-sqlalchemy to the new major version and add the compatibility package to the distribution.
    • … need to find out which of the existing packages in Fedora Linux use SQLAlchemy and determine if they are compatible with version 2 or not.
    • … will document how incompatible packages need to be packaged differently to actually use the compatibility package.
    • … will inform maintainers of these packages about this and assist them with applying the necessary changes.
  • Maintainers of packages using SQLAlchemy …
    • … should independently verify if their packages work with the new version of SQLAlchemy (to avoid surprises).
    • … if incompatible, either update them to be compatible with the new API, or …
    • … let their package depend on the compatibility package.
  • This change isn’t expected to require involvement of release engineering, it just involves a number of dependent packages high enough to make it impractical to get all their maintainers on-board as proposal owners.
  • Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
  • Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
  • Alignment with Community Initiatives: M/A

Upgrade/compatibility impact

Upgrades would be subject to the potentially changed dependencies between packages, but this should be straightforward and have no compatibility issues.

How To Test

  1. No special hardware or data is needed for testing.
  2. Testers would need to install packages using SQLAlchemy and use them.
  3. Installing the packages should pull in the “right” version, i.e. the default one with the new major version, or the compatibility package.
  4. Using the packages should show no problems, neither on the command line nor in logs or similar.

User Experience

Users using packages already adapted to the new APIs should benefit from the new features, including performance enhancements.


A quick scan(*) on Rawhide (Fedora 40) for packages requiring the provides of python3-sqlalchemy yields this list of potentially affected dependent RPM source packages:

  • OpenLP
  • bodhi-server
  • buildbot
  • copr-frontend
  • dionaea
  • eralchemy
  • fedmsg
  • ipsilon
  • keylime
  • limnoria
  • mailman3
  • mirrormanager2
  • module-build-service
  • odcs
  • oraculum
  • pagure
  • pgadmin4
  • pychess
  • python-agate-sql
  • python-alembic
  • python-anykeystore
  • python-authlib
  • python-aws-xray-sdk
  • python-beaker
  • python-dask
  • python-databases
  • python-factory-boy
  • python-fastapi
  • python-flask-migrate
  • python-flask-security-too
  • python-flask-sqlalchemy
  • python-flask-whooshee
  • python-geopandas
  • python-gertty
  • python-hass-data-detective
  • python-jsonpickle
  • python-kombu
  • python-libpysal
  • python-logbook
  • python-migrate
  • python-odata-query
  • python-opentelemetry-contrib
  • python-oslo-db
  • python-pybids
  • python-pykmip
  • python-pymssql
  • python-pynetdicom
  • python-repoze-who-plugins-sa
  • python-sentry-sdk
  • python-slackclient
  • python-sphinxcontrib-websupport
  • python-sqlacodegen
  • python-sqlalchemy
  • python-sqlalchemy-collectd
  • python-sqlalchemy-filters
  • python-sqlalchemy-utils
  • python-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay
  • python-taskflow
  • python-testing.postgresql
  • python-wtforms-sqlalchemy
  • python-zope-sqlalchemy
  • resalloc
  • sigul

(*) using this command:

fedrq whatrequires-src -F source python-sqlalchemy python-flask-sqlalchemy

Contingency Plan

  • Contingency mechanism: (What to do? Who will do it?) Proposal owners would have to revert to version 1.4 of SQLAlchemy, dependent packages aren’t expected to have to revert applied changes.
  • Contingency deadline: Beta Freeze
  • Blocks release? No


Release Notes

SQLAlchemy was upgraded to version 2 in this release of Fedora Linux with many new features and a revamped API. A compatibility package was put in place to ensure software that depends on the old API stays functional.