From Fedora Project Wiki
Future migration plan
This page is a work-in-progress content about L10N Move to Weblate


The Fedora Localization Project contributors translate using a web user interface and can periodically use: command line interfaces, or file exports/imports.

Current processes

  • User will connect Zanata and search for a project or group, select his language, select the document to translate and translate
  • User can use search and replace (even single chars)
  • User can use a translation memory and a glossary
  • User can translate a group of messages without changing page


  1. User interface is really efficient
  2. Search and replace is efficient
  3. Translation memory is efficient


  1. Multiple steps required to reach actual translation
  2. No overview of activities


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User stories

Translation memory:

Description Reasons, if required Priority
As a translator, I want to be able to query a translation memory containing a wide range of content so that knowledge beyond Fedora community is accessible.

This means: include in our translation memory translation from project out of the scope of the fedora translation community.

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As a localization coordinator, I can automatically complete existing translation using a translation memory using manual threshold so that useless operation for translators are limited. . .
As a localization coordinator, I have a tool to handle non-fedora translation content so that translation memory is continuously update. . .
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Automated translation:

Description Reasons, if required Priority
As a translator, I get suggestion from an automation translation engine based on a wide range of content to translate faster so that translation time is reduced.

This means we have a tool we fed with our translation memory and train it to have better result.

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As a localization coordinator, I can automatically complete existing translation using an automation translation engine manual threshold so that useless operation for translators are limited. . .
As a translator, I can ask for an automated translation of a file and review suggestion so that starting a new translation is faster. . .

Asynchronous translation:

Description Reasons, if required Priority
As a translator, I'm able to upload my translation files, so that contributing with limited internet access is possible. . .
As a translator, I'm able to interact with comments made inside the translation platform with an email client, so that contributing with limited internet access is possible.

That means like a github or pagure issue, when you get a notification, you can answer directly with email.

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As a translator, I'm able to interact with a mailing-list from the translation platform so that interaction issues with limited internet access contributors are limited. . .

System requirements

A clear and ergonomic interface

A limited number of steps to find your project and start working

A simple ability to read the flow between translation and distribution

Access to a translation memory

The enrichment of a glossary

See translations in other languages

Machine Translation (Google, Yandex, etc)

Detection, easy insertion and validation of existence of variables from source string to translation