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Paul's agenda in RDU.

Arrival: Sunday, Feb 3 ~1800 EST

Monday Feb 4

  • Orientation, paperwork, etc.
  • bring your passport and all your forms

Tuesday Feb 5

  • Orientation for some of the day.
  • Find Max/Greg, get settled in, caught up on stuff, etc.

Wednesday Feb 6

  • Talk with Michael Tiemann about Fedora's role with enterprise customers
  • Set up:
  • accounts
  • corp intranet page
  • email access
  • Meet Red Hat Magazine staff, video staff
  • Board meeting @ 1200 - DONE
  • Max, Greg, Paul, Michael Chen meet with Jim Whitehurst @ 1500 - DONE
  • Start new hire peer checklist

Thursday Feb 7

  • Meet with Bill B. and Susie Rollheiser, Legal - DONE
  • Continue new hire peer checklist
  • Finish HC forms and turn in - DONE

Friday Feb 8

  • Submit expense card papers - DONE
  • Attend Engineering staff meeting - DONE
  • Lunch w/Tiemann, Spevack, Nottingham
  • Meet Andrius B., Larry Troan, and John Jarvis - DONE
  • Meet Brad Hinson, level-3 SEG and Fedora s/390x contact - DONE
  • Meet with Nottingham - DONE
  • Wrap-up with Spevack - DONE

Departure: Friday ~1700 EST

Folks we need to chat with and/or have real meetings with:

michael chen Y
leigh and kerrin
jonathan opp Y
Larry Troan, AndriusB, John Jarvis (partner managers - Dell, storage, IBM) Y
the video guys Y
bascha and ruth Y
bill baroniunas Y
susie rollheiser Y
eric williamson and the finance guys NA
randy russell NA
  • other fedora folks (per Paul's desire)
  • nick otto (depends on the latest report from mmcgrath)
  • anyone else Paul wants to see