🔗 Athos Coimbra Ribeiro
- Location: Brasília, Brazil
- Software Engineer at Canonical
🔗 Interests
- Packaging
- QA
- Static analysis
🔗 Fedora involvement
🔗 Packaging
I am an official packager for the Fedora project
While packaging hugo for Fedora, I used to keep a tracking wiki here
🔗 Packager Sponsor
I am a packager sponsor for the project: if you need help with packaging or want to package software for the Fedora project, you can contact me.
Here is a list of packagers I have sposored:
- Olivier Lemasle - pkgdb: olem
🔗 Packages I reviewed
🔗 Useful links
We maintain several wiki pages on packaging. Here is a list of useful links I often recommend for new packagers
- RPM Package Management
- Packaging for Fedora
- How Fedora package source control works
🔗 Contact
- email: athoscr@fedoraproject.org
- IRC: athos on #fedora-devel