From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Carlos Santos

I'm from Portugal and at the moment I work at the IT Department of Radiomóvel, a portuguese telco company, also known as Zapp. In the last year i've graduated at IADE a Portuguese Advertising, Marketing and Design University.

I've been in the linux world since RedHat 4.2, that I got from a Linux Magazine that was available in Algarve when I was on vacations. Since then, i'm addicted to OpenSource and Linux.

In all this time this is the first open source project that I want to participate and help grow.

🔗 Personal Data

  • Birthday: 24th May 1984
  • Country: Portugal
  • Region: Moita
  • WorkPlace: Radiomóvel
  • Work Position: IT Production / Service Platforms Engineer
  • Previous Position: IT Production / Portal Support Engineer

🔗 Future Plans

In the future i plan going to university again an get a degree on Computer Science. At the time, i'm choosing the best university to go, considering the work and the free time that i have

Greetz, Carlos Santos