From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora Events: Fedora 3D Printing Work - Samos, Greece

We are organizing a 3D printing workshop at the University of the Aegean in Samos island, Greece.

The event will be organized in the dedicated space that the FOSS community of the university has ( The community has a 3D printer, which was recently fixed, and we are now ready to organize workshops around it. This would be the first workshop on 3D printing for this academic year, and we expect many of students to attend, especially freshmen, judging from last year. We are also focusing on the software that can also be run in Fedora, as when the first 3D printers became available, Fedora was the go-to for 3D printing in Linux. For the workshop, we will also demonstrate the 3D printer, and we will print a Fedora badge that we will give away to one of the participants. This event is co-organized with the FOSS community of the University of the Aegean (

When and Where

Event Owner


  • Pizza & Beverages


Name Type (talk/workshop) Owner
Quick intro to the Fedora Project Talk Zacharias Mitzelos
3D Printing & Fedora = <3 Talk Zacharias Mitzelos
How a 3D printer works Workshop Christos Christou
Printing our very own first object! Workshop Panos Panagopoulos
