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Instruction to run application


This is a translation testing for pulseaudio.

How to test

  • Go to settings -> Sound
  • Check translations in all tabs

How to file bug

To file a bug against any Fedora package, please follow the instructions here.


Language Result [language code] Bug Comment
Example: abcd (ab_cd)
Fail fail ab_cd
Pass pass ab_cd
RHBZ #12345 This is the comment
Tamil (ta_IN)
Fail fail ta_IN
Few strings unlocalized ex: 'output'; Hotkeys are not properly localized.
Assamese (as_IN)
Fail fail as_IN
Few strings eg: "Output", "Line Out" and "Sonar" are unlocalized.
Bengali (bn_IN)
Fail fail bn_IN
Input volume, Output volume, Alert volume etc are untranslated.
Punjabi (pa_IN)
Fail fail pa_IN
"Line Out", "Built in Audio", "Line in", "Built in Audio", "Analog Stereo Output" are untranslated. Quality of alert sounds' translation is not good also 'front left' in check speakers

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