From Fedora Project Wiki

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Fedora 的軟體包是由整體社群一同維護的,包括 Red Hat 成員與全球志工。
Fedora 的軟體包事由整體社群一同維護的,包括 Red Hat 成員與全球志工。

== 貢獻角色 ==
== 貢獻角色 ==

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=== 參與其中 ===
=== 參與其中 ===

{{Link/Start||Want to become a member of the package collection maintainers? - Start your Membership here! }}
{{Link/Start||想要成為軟體包集合的維護者之一嗎? - 從這裡邁向你的成員之路吧! }}

* [[Package_Review_Process|Package Review Process]] - describes the formal review process (for both contributors and reviewers)  
* [[Package_Review_Process|軟體包檢閱程序]] - 詳述正式的檢閱程序 (包括貢獻者與校閱者)  
* [[:Category:Packaging_SIGs| Packaging SIGs]] - Informal groups of packagers working on specific areas of the distribution
* [[:Category:Packaging_SIGs| 我愛打包 SIG]] - 處理散布版中特定領域的打包者非正式群組
* [[EPEL|  EPEL]]  - Rebuild of Fedora packages for RHEL or compatible derivatives
* [[EPEL|  EPEL]]  - 為 RHEL 或相容衍生版重建 Fedora 軟體包

=== 打包規約 ===
=== 打包規約 ===

The [[Packaging:Committee| Packaging Committee]] handles the rules and [[:Category:Packaging guidelines|guidelines for packaging]] software in Fedora. The most important ones:
[[Packaging:Committee| 打包委員會]] 處理 Fedora 中軟體的相關規則與 [[:Category:Packaging guidelines|打包規約]]。其中最重要的有:

* [[Packaging:Guidelines| Packaging Guidelines]]
* [[Packaging:Guidelines| 打包規約]]
* [[Packaging:LicensingGuidelines |Licensing Guidelines]]
* [[Packaging:LicensingGuidelines | 授權條款規約]]
* [[Packaging:NamingGuidelines| Package Naming Guidelines]]
* [[Packaging:NamingGuidelines| 軟體包命名規約]]
* [[Packaging:DistTag| Dist Tag Guidelines]]
* [[Packaging:DistTag| Dist Tag Guidelines]]
* [[Packaging:ReviewGuidelines| Package Review Guidelines]]
* [[Packaging:ReviewGuidelines| 軟體包檢閱規約]]
* [[Packaging:ScriptletSnippets| Recipes for RPM post scripts]]
* [[Packaging:ScriptletSnippets| RPM 後設指令稿的參考書]]

=== 深入閱讀 ===
=== 深入閱讀 ===

* [[How to create a GNU Hello RPM package]] - for those of us with shorter attention spans, preferring ''less'' detail
* [[How to create a GNU Hello RPM package/zh-tw]] - 給那些和我們一樣專注期短、偏好「簡要」內容的人
* [[How to create an RPM package]] - start here if you don't know how to create an RPM package and want a detailed guide.
* [[How to create an RPM package/zh-tw]] - 若您還不知道怎麼製作 RPM 軟體包,且想要閱讀詳細指引的話就從這裡開始吧。
* [ Maximum RPM Book] - most detailed, but slightly obsolete
* [ 最強大的 RPM 之書] - 內容最詳盡,但有點過時。
* [ RPM Guide] - an in-depth guide to RPM
* [ RPM 指引] - 一份深入的 RPM 指引。
* [[Docs/Drafts/BuildingPackagesGuide | Building Packages Guide]] - Work through these examples, you'll learn a lot.
* [[Docs/Drafts/BuildingPackagesGuide | Building Packages Guide]] - 跟著範例動手做,你會學到很多。
* [[Updates Policy | Package Update Policy]] - Policy for when to push updates to packages and when not to.
* [[Updates Policy | Package Update Policy]] - 當你想要推送軟體包的更新時,應該要瞭解的相關處理政策。

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=== Fedora 軟體包集合的貢獻者可用資源 ===
=== Fedora 軟體包集合的貢獻者可用資源 ===

* [[SIGs|  SIGs]]  - Fedora Special Interest Groups
* [[SIGs|  SIGs]]  - Fedora 特別興趣群組
* [ Fedora package components in bugzilla]
* [ Bugzilla 中的 Fedora 軟體包部件]
* [ koji - Fedora Package Build System] / [ Secure connection with Fedora User Cert]
* [ koji - Fedora 軟體包建置系統] / [ Fedora 使用者憑證行安全連線]
* [ Fedora Package Database]
* [ Fedora 軟體包資料庫]
* [ bodhi - Fedora Package Update System]
* [ bodhi - Fedora 軟體包更新系統]
* [[ReleaseEngineering| RPM Repository Admin requests]] - Repository and CVS status pages for requesting manual copies and removals of packages
* [[ReleaseEngineering| RPM 軟體庫管理請求]] - 申請手冊副本、移除軟體包的相關軟體庫頁面及 CVS 狀態頁面
* [[Vacation|  Vacation Notice]]  - Add a vacation note if you are going to be unavailable for a few days.
* [[Vacation|  Vacation Notice]]  - 若你將要去渡假或旅遊而可能好幾天無法聯絡的話,請添寫上渡假備註
* [[Test Machine Resources For Package Maintainers | Test Machines]] - Contributed servers for test, mock build, compile or debug packages before submitting to koji
* [[Test Machine Resources For Package Maintainers | Test Machines]] - 在提交至 koji 之前,可供測試、mock 建置、編譯、除錯軟體包的專用伺服器
* [[Fedorapeople_Repos]] - A place to host various personal repos
* [[Fedorapeople_Repos]] - 主管多項個人軟體庫的地方

=== 重要郵遞清單 ===
=== 重要郵遞清單 ===

* {{fplist|devel-announce}} is a low traffic, announcements only, list, where important development information is posted.
* {{fplist|devel-announce}} 是個低流量、僅供發布消息用的清單,重要的開發資訊會張貼在這裡。
* {{fplist|devel}} is a high traffic mailing list, where discussions about the development of Fedora are held.
* {{fplist|devel}} 是個高流量的郵遞清單,Fedora 的開發討論多在這裡。
* {{fplist|package-announce}} is a very high traffic mailing list, where notifications are given for all the commits in any package in the Fedora repository. Note that the Fedora package database sends commit mails for packages you (co-)maintain.
* {{fplist|package-announce}} 是個超高流量郵遞清單,主要提供 Fedora 軟體庫中任何軟體包相關的所有提交通知。請注意,Fedora 軟體包資料庫在你是軟體包的維護者 (或共同維護者) 時,若有提交動作便會寄送郵件給你。
* {{fplist|packaging}} is the mailing list of the [[Packaging:Committee |Fedora Packaging Committee]], who determine the official packaging guidelines for Fedora projects.
* {{fplist|packaging}} [[Packaging:Committee |Fedora 打包委員會]] 的郵遞清單。該委員會決定 Fedora 專案的官方打包規約。

=== Fedora 工程執導委員會 (FESCo) ===
=== Fedora 工程執導委員會 (FESCo) ===

Fedora technical management is organized by the [[Fedora_Engineering_Steering_Committee |Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo)]].
Fedora 技術管理領域是由 [[Fedora_Engineering_Steering_Committee |Fedora 工程執導委員會 (FESCo)]] 負責。

* [[Development/SteeringCommittee| FESCo Members]] | [[Development/Schedule| FESCo's current schedule]] | [[Development/SteeringCommittee/Meetings| Summaries from the past FESCo meetings]]
* [[Development/SteeringCommittee| FESCo 成員]] | [[Development/Schedule| FESCo 目前的行事曆]] | [[Development/SteeringCommittee/Meetings| FESCo 過往會議的摘要]]
* [[Development/Schedule/IdeasContainer| Ideas Container to collect long term ideas]]  (feel free to add things here!)
* [[Development/Schedule/IdeasContainer| 儲集長期計畫點子的理想容器 (儲思盆)]]  (請放心自在地在這個園地裡增添新東西!)

[[Category:Fedora sub-projects]]
[[Category:Fedora sub-projects]]

Latest revision as of 06:43, 29 July 2015

Fedora 的軟體包是由整體社群一同維護的,包括 Red Hat 成員與全球志工。

🔗 貢獻角色


OS 開發者

🔗 軟體包維護者的其他有用連結

🔗 參與其中

  • 軟體包檢閱程序 - 詳述正式的檢閱程序 (包括貢獻者與校閱者)
  • 我愛打包 SIG - 處理散布版中特定領域的打包者非正式群組
  • EPEL - 為 RHEL 或相容衍生版重建 Fedora 軟體包

🔗 打包規約

打包委員會 處理 Fedora 中軟體的相關規則與 打包規約。其中最重要的有:

🔗 深入閱讀

🔗 Fedora 軟體包集合的貢獻者可用資源

🔗 重要郵遞清單

  • devel-announce 是個低流量、僅供發布消息用的清單,重要的開發資訊會張貼在這裡。
  • devel 是個高流量的郵遞清單,Fedora 的開發討論多在這裡。
  • package-announce 是個超高流量郵遞清單,主要提供 Fedora 軟體庫中任何軟體包相關的所有提交通知。請注意,Fedora 軟體包資料庫在你是軟體包的維護者 (或共同維護者) 時,若有提交動作便會寄送郵件給你。
  • packagingFedora 打包委員會 的郵遞清單。該委員會決定 Fedora 專案的官方打包規約。

🔗 Fedora 工程執導委員會 (FESCo)

Fedora 技術管理領域是由 Fedora 工程執導委員會 (FESCo) 負責。

This category currently contains no pages or media.