From Fedora Project Wiki
m (Added missing category)
(drop direct test day category membership (should be via release))
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[[Category:Test Days]] [[Category:Fedora 15 Test Days]]
[[Category:Fedora 15 Test Days]]

Latest revision as of 22:02, 26 June 2015

Дата Время Место
14 апреля 2011, четверг С 12:00 до 21:00 UTC (c 16:00 до 01:00 по МСК) #fedora-test-day (webirc)

🔗 Что тестируем?[edit]

Today's installment of Fedora Test Day will focus on Virtualization improvements in Fedora 15. There is a large list of virtualization improvements coming in Fedora. To simplify things, testing will be divided up into a number of sections.

If you come to this page after the test day is completed, your testing is still valuable, and you can use the information on this page to test and provide feedback.

🔗 С кем можно поговорить[edit]

Следующие участники будут доступны для помощи по тестированию, "костылям", исправлению ошибок и пр.:

Русскоязычная поддержка:

IRC: #fedora-russian на


🔗 Что потребуется[edit]

🔗 Как тестировать?[edit]

🔗 Подготовьте вашу систему[edit]

See the instructions on the Branched page on the various ways in which you can install or update to the Branched release. You should have at least the following packages installed.

🔗 Установите Fedora 15[edit]

Testing requires the latest virtualization software included in Fedora Rawhide. Update your system to the latest rawhide using one of the following techniques.

Note: if you are using the Live CD image, you will need to mount storage for guests either from the local disk or from NFS. If the latter, you will need to run setsebool virt_use_nfs=on in order for it to work with SELinux.

🔗 Тесты[edit]

When ready, select a category below and follow the instructions provided in each of the test cases:

🔗 General Virt[edit]

🔗 Spice[edit]

🔗 libvirt[edit]

None sumbitted

🔗 libguestfs, guestfish[edit]

Read more about this here: Features/libguestfs

🔗 As Xen Guest (DomU)[edit]

🔗 Report your Results[edit]

If you have problems with any of the tests, report a bug to bugzilla. If you are unsure about exactly how to file the report, just ask on IRC and we will help you. Once you have completed the tests, add your results to the Results table below, following the example results from FIXME as a template. The first column should be your name with a link to your User page in the Wiki if you have one. For each test case, if your system worked correctly, simply enter the word PASS. If you had trouble, enter the word FAIL, with a link to the bug report for the failure. If you could not perform one test (for example, you cannot perform the more advanced tests because the basic one fails, or you cannot perform the private LDAP test as you do not have access to an LDAP server), enter the word N/A. In the comments column, you can enter any short, additional information about your testing environment.

🔗 Test Results[edit]

Each column should be a test case or configuration, and each row should consist of test results. Include a link where to report bugs. For example:

Please report all bugs into Bugzilla against the component listed in the individual test area.

🔗 Things that Work Well[edit]

User Smolt Profile Description Status References

🔗 Issues that Were Identified[edit]

User Smolt Profile Description References