From Fedora Project Wiki

m (Use https over http)
(Add more details to meeting agenda)
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** #info Name; Timezone; Subprojects/Interest Areas
** #info Name; Timezone; Subprojects/Interest Areas
* '''#topic Announcements'''
* '''#topic Announcements'''
** #info === Ticket #xx - ===
** #info === Ticket #27 - ===
*** #info *  
*** #info * Make official Flock 2016 announcement
*** #info Flock 2016 was announced on the announce mailing list; all remaining tasks completed!
*** #link
** #info === Ticket #35 - ===
*** #info * [upstream] Meetbot meeting names need to be changed
*** #info cydrobolt corrected past meeting names for us and all of our first meetings and some recent meetings now are listed together in møte - cydrobolt++
* '''#topic Action items from last meeting'''
* '''#topic Action items from last meeting'''
** #info *
** #link
** #info * [Completed] commops add new stickers link to marketing materials wiki page
** #info * [Completed] jflory7 Create Etherpad with a trimmed version of the WiC article with tatica's interview, share with channel
** #info * [Completed] jflory7 Get Etherpad for drafting Flock 2016 announcement for announce list (priority: high!)
** #info * [Completed] jflory7 Follow up with stickster about the status of Magazine article for Fedora Stickers and if we can substitute stickers with screenshots
** #info * [Incomplete] commops put together a Grand Unified Fedora YiR article linking to all the YiR articles, much like election interview wrap-up (needs more YiR articles published first)
** #info * [Incomplete] commops Take original Design article and turn it into a YiR; repost as mizmo
** decause Once drafted, share tatica + Diversity Adviser introduction to mailing list
*** Recommend pushing discussing this one to Ticket #17 discussion
** decause post a link to GUFYiR to Announce list
** decause finish WiTNY draft for commblog due:2/19
** decause finish FOSDEM draft due:2/19
** decause propose commops workshops for Flock
* '''#topic Tickets'''
* '''#topic Tickets'''
** #link
** #link
** #info === Ticket #xx - ===
** #info === Ticket #17 - ===
*** #info *  
*** #info * Interview Fedora's Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, tatica
** #info === Ticket #33 - ===
*** #info * Finish Outreachy 2016 potential projects
** #info === Ticket #36 - ===
*** #info * Flock 2016: Schedule a Commops Workshop
** #info === Ticket #37 - ===
*** #info * Making a "Join" series on the wiki
* '''#topic Wiki Gardening'''
* '''#topic Wiki Gardening'''
** #action NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [ ]
** #action NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [ ]
* '''#topic Community Blog'''
* '''#topic Community Blog'''
** #info === This Week in CommBlog ===
** #info === This Week in CommBlog ===
*** #info *  
*** #info * Fedora Infrastructure – Year In Review
**** #link  
**** #link
**** #info Total Views ( - Feb. 09):  
**** #info Total Views (Feb. 09):  
**** #link  
**** #link <link_to_stats>
** #info === Coming Up in CommBlog ===
** #info === Coming Up in CommBlog ===
*** #info No other posts scheduled; currently in drafts: WiTNY 2016: Event Report; Campus Ambassadors Initiative; I contributed ! 2015 Fedora Contributions Video using Gource(fedmsg2gource?); Fedora Server Working Group discusses minimal installs
* '''#topic Open Floor'''
* '''#topic Open Floor'''

Revision as of 16:34, 8 February 2016

Fedora CommOps Team Meeting Minutes 2016-02-09

Meeting Time


This week's CommOps Meeting will be led by [[User:{{{CHAIR}}}|{{{CHAIR}}}]].

  • The participants will be posted after the meeting.

Meeting Protocol

  • To help improve the flow of the meeting, using the IRC Meeting Protocol is encouraged, as modeled by the EMEA Ambassadors.
  • Please follow the Meeting Protocol where possible.


CommOpsers, update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.

Meeting summary and action items

Full meeting log

Next Meeting