From Fedora Project Wiki

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|''' Marine & Aquatic Animals''' || The water is blue and so is Fedora. || humpback whale, manatee, leopard seal, orca, gray whale, polar bear, sea otter, walrus, sea lion, fur seal, dugongs, porpoise, river dolphin, pygmy whale, sperm whale, rorquals, bowhead whale, baleen whale, muskrat, beaver, vole, platypus, hippopotamus, giant otter shrew, russian desman, yapok / opossum, iguana, monitor, anaconda, cottonmouth snake, water snake, crocodile, penguin, turtle, slider, newt, frogs || Worried there aren't enough. ||  
|''' Marine & Aquatic Animals''' || The water is blue and so is Fedora. || humpback whale, manatee, leopard seal, orca, gray whale, polar bear, sea otter, walrus, sea lion, fur seal, dugongs, porpoise, river dolphin, pygmy whale, sperm whale, rorquals, bowhead whale, baleen whale, muskrat, beaver, vole, platypus, hippopotamus, giant otter shrew, russian desman, yapok / opossum, iguana, monitor, anaconda, cottonmouth snake, water snake, crocodile, penguin, turtle, slider, newt, frogs || Worried there aren't enough. ||  
| Fish || The water is blue and so is Fedora. || flounder, salmon, goldfish, lamprey, catshark, bullhead shark, perch, koi, anchovies, sardines, shrimp, krill, squid, menhaden, tuna, bass, herring, zooplankton, minnow, shiner, killifish, dace, shad, trout, catfish, crappie, lanternfish, eel, carp, ballyhoo, chimaeras, gar, lungfish, piranhas, pike, oarfish, cod, mullets, gobies, mackerel, whiting, wrasses, ... || ||
| '''Fish''' || The water is blue and so is Fedora. || flounder, salmon, goldfish, lamprey, catshark, bullhead shark, perch, koi, anchovies, sardines, shrimp, krill, squid, menhaden, tuna, bass, herring, zooplankton, minnow, shiner, killifish, dace, shad, trout, catfish, crappie, lanternfish, eel, carp, ballyhoo, chimaeras, gar, lungfish, piranhas, pike, oarfish, cod, mullets, gobies, mackerel, whiting, wrasses, ... || Are these offensive to people who don't eat fish? ||
| Sea birds || The sea is blue / Fedora is blue || sandpiper, tern, gull, cormorant, petrels, grebes, loons, albatross, penguin, razorbill, auk, pelican, boobies, gannets, skuas, frigatebirds, auklet, tubenose, sulid, guillemot, fulmar, prion, shearwater, gadfly, gannet, tropicbird, skimmer, puffin, ... || Worried there aren't enough. Could expand to any birds? ||
| '''Sea birds''' || The sea is blue / Fedora is blue || sandpiper, tern, gull, cormorant, petrels, grebes, loons, albatross, penguin, razorbill, auk, pelican, boobies, gannets, skuas, frigatebirds, auklet, tubenose, sulid, guillemot, fulmar, prion, shearwater, gadfly, gannet, tropicbird, skimmer, puffin, ... || Worried there aren't enough. Could expand to any birds? ||
| Blue flowers || Fedora is blue || periwinkle, cornflower, iris, flax, aster, hydrangea, indigo, morning glory, pimpernel, sweet pea, petunia, borage, campanula, salvia, laurentia, phlox, delphinium, scabiosa, lisianthus, delphinium, nemophilia, blueberry, wisteria, clematis, hyacinth, crocus, ... || ||
| '''Blue flowers''' || Fedora is blue || periwinkle, cornflower, iris, flax, aster, hydrangea, indigo, morning glory, pimpernel, sweet pea, petunia, borage, campanula, salvia, laurentia, phlox, delphinium, scabiosa, lisianthus, delphinium, nemophilia, blueberry, wisteria, clematis, hyacinth, crocus, ... || ||
| Blueberry cultivars || Blueberries are blue and delicious as is Fedora. || rabbiteye, southern highbush, northern highbush, ozark blue, reveille, beckyblue, alice blue, climax, premier, montgomery, bonita, bluegem, woodard, chaucer, bluebelle, briteblue, choice, tifblue, yadkin, delite, aldwin, centurion, o'neal, sharpblue, misty, bladen, pamlico, lenoir, craven, avon blue, gulf coast, georgiagem, cooper, sampson, biloxi, capefear, flordablue, jubilee, blue ridge, pearl river, summit, sunrise, spartan, collins, bluecrop, berkeley, jersey, darrow, coville, burgundy, blomidon, brunswick, .. || Watch out for patented cultivar names.||
| '''Blueberry cultivars''' || Blueberries are blue and delicious as is Fedora. || rabbiteye, southern highbush, northern highbush, ozark blue, reveille, beckyblue, alice blue, climax, premier, montgomery, bonita, bluegem, woodard, chaucer, bluebelle, briteblue, choice, tifblue, yadkin, delite, aldwin, centurion, o'neal, sharpblue, misty, bladen, pamlico, lenoir, craven, avon blue, gulf coast, georgiagem, cooper, sampson, biloxi, capefear, flordablue, jubilee, blue ridge, pearl river, summit, sunrise, spartan, collins, bluecrop, berkeley, jersey, darrow, coville, burgundy, blomidon, brunswick, .. || Watch out for patented cultivar names.||
| Types of Teas || ? || assam, nepal, darjeeling, nilgiri, turkish, ceylon, earl grey, masala chai, oolong, pu-erh, gunpowder, tibetan, bawarka, raspberry, chamomile, jasmine, chun mee, white, green, yellow, vietnamese, kahwah, dragonwell, lemon, anise, chrysanthemum, dandelion, echinacea, elderberry, ginger, hibiscus, rose hip, kava, labrador, lapacho, ginseng, goji, hawthorn, yerba mate, neem, nettle, pennyroyal, red clover, lemongrass, rosemary, verbena, woddruf, sobacha, yarrow, genmaicha, pepperment, sencha, bancha, kukicha, mecha, konacha, kamairicha, tamaryokucha, gyokuro, matcha, shincha, hojicha, aracha, cinnamon, elderflower, ... || could combine with coffees ||
| '''Types of Teas''' || ? || assam, nepal, darjeeling, nilgiri, turkish, ceylon, earl grey, masala chai, oolong, pu-erh, gunpowder, tibetan, bawarka, raspberry, chamomile, jasmine, chun mee, white, green, yellow, vietnamese, kahwah, dragonwell, lemon, anise, chrysanthemum, dandelion, echinacea, elderberry, ginger, hibiscus, rose hip, kava, labrador, lapacho, ginseng, goji, hawthorn, yerba mate, neem, nettle, pennyroyal, red clover, lemongrass, rosemary, verbena, woddruf, sobacha, yarrow, genmaicha, pepperment, sencha, bancha, kukicha, mecha, konacha, kamairicha, tamaryokucha, gyokuro, matcha, shincha, hojicha, aracha, cinnamon, elderflower, ... || could combine with coffees ||
| Herbs & Spices || ? || cinnamon, cloves, garam masala, harissa, chili, curry, zaatar, pepper, basil, anise, allspice, angelica, annato, asafoetida, cardamom, mustard, fenugreek, coriander, chives, chervil, chicory, cayenne, caraway, carob, calendula, dill, horseradish, jasmine, juniper, ginger, garlic, mace, oregano, peppermint, paprika, parsley, sassafras, savory, sorrel, sage, safflower, saffron, sumac, vanilla, wasabi, watercress, wintergreen, woodruff, nutmeg, ... || ||
| '''Herbs & Spices''' || ? || cinnamon, cloves, garam masala, harissa, chili, curry, zaatar, pepper, basil, anise, allspice, angelica, annato, asafoetida, cardamom, mustard, fenugreek, coriander, chives, chervil, chicory, cayenne, caraway, carob, calendula, dill, horseradish, jasmine, juniper, ginger, garlic, mace, oregano, peppermint, paprika, parsley, sassafras, savory, sorrel, sage, safflower, saffron, sumac, vanilla, wasabi, watercress, wintergreen, woodruff, nutmeg, ... || ||
| Condiments || Mustard and ketchup are important to Fedora and they are condiments. || mustard, ketchup, relish, pickles, wasabi, coconut chutney, mango chutney, garlic chutney, onion chutney, achar, raita, mirin, soy sauce / shoyu, rice vinegar, karashi, ponzu, furikake, mayo, wafu, horseradish, buffalo sauce, chopped onions, bacon bits, oyster sauce, hoisin, plum sauce, vinegar, basalmic, sweet and sour, bbq, butter, labne, cream cheese, curry, chaat, kimchi, hummus, sauerkraut, mesquite, salsa, chili, tomatoes,  pico de gallo, pepperocini, salt, pepper, baked beans, cole slaw, sriracha, vinaigrette, green sauce, teriyaki, ... || ||
| '''Condiments''' || Mustard and ketchup are important to Fedora and they are condiments. || mustard, ketchup, relish, pickles, wasabi, coconut chutney, mango chutney, garlic chutney, onion chutney, achar, raita, mirin, soy sauce / shoyu, rice vinegar, karashi, ponzu, furikake, mayo, wafu, horseradish, buffalo sauce, chopped onions, bacon bits, oyster sauce, hoisin, plum sauce, vinegar, basalmic, sweet and sour, bbq, butter, labne, cream cheese, curry, chaat, kimchi, hummus, sauerkraut, mesquite, salsa, chili, tomatoes,  pico de gallo, pepperocini, salt, pepper, baked beans, cole slaw, sriracha, vinaigrette, green sauce, teriyaki, ... || ||
| Types of Pasta || ? || spaghetti, spaghettoni, fedelini, vermicelli, capellini, barbina, bucatini, fusilli, perciatelli, pici, udon, soba, ziti, zitoni, fettuccine, fettucelle, lasagne, lsagnotte, linguettine, mafalde, mafaldine, pappardelle, tripoline, trenette, taglierini, biang biang, shahe fen, stringozzi, cannelloni, cavatappi, chifferi, fagioloni, garganelli, gemelli, manicotti, marziani, penne, rigatoni, pennoni, pennette, penne  zita, spirali, tuffoli, cencioni, cavatelli, capunti, campanelle, corzetti, farfalloni, gigli, fiori, lanterne, ... || ||
| '''Types of Pasta''' || ? || spaghetti, spaghettoni, fedelini, vermicelli, capellini, barbina, bucatini, fusilli, perciatelli, pici, udon, soba, ziti, zitoni, fettuccine, fettucelle, lasagne, lsagnotte, linguettine, mafalde, mafaldine, pappardelle, tripoline, trenette, taglierini, biang biang, shahe fen, stringozzi, cannelloni, cavatappi, chifferi, fagioloni, garganelli, gemelli, manicotti, marziani, penne, rigatoni, pennoni, pennette, penne  zita, spirali, tuffoli, cencioni, cavatelli, capunti, campanelle, corzetti, farfalloni, gigli, fiori, lanterne, ... || ||
| Constellations || ? || Andromeda · Antlia · Apus · Aquarius · Aquila · Ara · Aries · Auriga · Boötes · Caelum · Camelopardalis · Cancer · Canes Venatici · Canis Major · Canis Minor · Capricornus · Carina · Cassiopeia · Centaurus · Cepheus · Cetus · Chamaeleon · Circinus · Columba · Coma Berenices · Corona Australis · Corona Borealis · Corvus · Crater · Crux · Cygnus · Delphinus · Dorado · Draco · Equuleus · Eridanus · Fornax · Gemini · Grus · Hercules · Horologium · Hydra · Hydrus · Indus · Lacerta · Leo · Leo Minor · Lepus · Libra · Lupus · Lynx · Lyra · Mensa · Microscopium · Monoceros · Musca · Norma · Octans · Ophiuchus · Orion · Pavo · Pegasus · Perseus · Phoenix · Pictor · Pisces · Piscis Austrinus · Puppis · Pyxis · Reticulum · Sagitta · Sagittarius · Scorpius · Sculptor · Scutum · Serpens · Sextans · Taurus · Telescopium · Triangulum · Triangulum Australe · Tucana · Ursa Major · Ursa Minor · Vela · Virgo · Volans · Vulpecula || ||
| '''Constellations''' || ? || Andromeda · Antlia · Apus · Aquarius · Aquila · Ara · Aries · Auriga · Boötes · Caelum · Camelopardalis · Cancer · Canes Venatici · Canis Major · Canis Minor · Capricornus · Carina · Cassiopeia · Centaurus · Cepheus · Cetus · Chamaeleon · Circinus · Columba · Coma Berenices · Corona Australis · Corona Borealis · Corvus · Crater · Crux · Cygnus · Delphinus · Dorado · Draco · Equuleus · Eridanus · Fornax · Gemini · Grus · Hercules · Horologium · Hydra · Hydrus · Indus · Lacerta · Leo · Leo Minor · Lepus · Libra · Lupus · Lynx · Lyra · Mensa · Microscopium · Monoceros · Musca · Norma · Octans · Ophiuchus · Orion · Pavo · Pegasus · Perseus · Phoenix · Pictor · Pisces · Piscis Austrinus · Puppis · Pyxis · Reticulum · Sagitta · Sagittarius · Scorpius · Sculptor · Scutum · Serpens · Sextans · Taurus · Telescopium · Triangulum · Triangulum Australe · Tucana · Ursa Major · Ursa Minor · Vela · Virgo · Volans · Vulpecula || ||
| Cookies || ? || shortbread, tea cake, rosette, snickerdoodle, macaroon, chocolate chip, stroopwafel, sugar cookie, tareco, teiglach, gingerbread, sugar wafer, wibele, rainbow, berger, bath oliver, biscotti, amaretti, alfajor, cornish fairings, coyotas, custard cream, digestive, empire, faworki, jammie dodgers, garibaldi, ghorabiye, kifli, krumiri, krumkake, ladyfinger, mushkazone, nanaimo bar, panellets, paprenjak, peanut butter, oatmeal,  pfeffernusse, pignolo, ... || You can eat cookies at release parties... ||
| '''Cookies''' || ? || shortbread, tea cake, rosette, snickerdoodle, macaroon, chocolate chip, stroopwafel, sugar cookie, tareco, teiglach, gingerbread, sugar wafer, wibele, rainbow, berger, bath oliver, biscotti, amaretti, alfajor, cornish fairings, coyotas, custard cream, digestive, empire, faworki, jammie dodgers, garibaldi, ghorabiye, kifli, krumiri, krumkake, ladyfinger, mushkazone, nanaimo bar, panellets, paprenjak, peanut butter, oatmeal,  pfeffernusse, pignolo, ... || You can eat cookies at release parties... ||
| Gemstones || Many of thes are blue or come in blue but not all. || ammolite, spectrolite, boulder opal, agate, lapis lazuli, sapphire, rainbow hematite, tanzanite, titanium drusy, topaz, chalcedony, Iolite, zircon, sodalite, blue moonstone, aquamarine, azurite-malachite, spinel, blue indicolite tourmaline, azurite, larimar, mazonite, turquoise, spectrolite, drusy chrysocolla, hemimorphite, variscite, tourmaline, turquoise,  hematite, chrysocolla, tigers eye, quartz, tourmaline, pyrite, sugilite, obsidian, ruby, quartz, jasper, amethyst, agate, lazuli, agate, malachite, amber, ametheyst, diamond, sapphire, spinel, topaz, .. || Some are repeats ||
| '''Gemstones''' || Many of thes are blue or come in blue but not all. || ammolite, spectrolite, boulder opal, agate, lapis lazuli, sapphire, rainbow hematite, tanzanite, titanium drusy, topaz, chalcedony, Iolite, zircon, sodalite, blue moonstone, aquamarine, azurite-malachite, spinel, blue indicolite tourmaline, azurite, larimar, mazonite, turquoise, spectrolite, drusy chrysocolla, hemimorphite, variscite, tourmaline, turquoise,  hematite, chrysocolla, tigers eye, quartz, tourmaline, pyrite, sugilite, obsidian, ruby, quartz, jasper, amethyst, agate, lazuli, agate, malachite, amber, ametheyst, diamond, sapphire, spinel, topaz, .. || Some are repeats ||
| Blue Cheeses || These are blue and so is Fedora. || bath blue, barkham blue, blue monday, buxton blue, chesire blue, devon blue, dorset blue, dovedale, exmoor, harbourne, lanark, lymeswold, oxford, shropshire, stichelton, stilton, wensleydale, yorkshire, ...|| Probably not enough. But we could expand to types of cheese and maybe get enough. ||
| '''Blue Cheeses''' || These are blue and so is Fedora. || bath blue, barkham blue, blue monday, buxton blue, chesire blue, devon blue, dorset blue, dovedale, exmoor, harbourne, lanark, lymeswold, oxford, shropshire, stichelton, stilton, wensleydale, yorkshire, ...|| Probably not enough. But we could expand to types of cheese and maybe get enough. ||
| Project Gutenberg book titles || Fedora is free and so are these books (hopefully??) || sherlock holmes, huckleberry finn, pridge and prejudice, grimm's fairy tales, alice's adventures in wonderland, ulysses, tom sawyer, leaves of grass, frankenstein, dracula, great expectations, a tale of two cities, importance of being earnest, the prince, moby dick, jane eyre, count of monte cristo, war and peace, dubliners, picture of dorian grey, art of war, divine comedy, gulliver's travels, beowulf, les miserables, don quijote, peter rabbit, emma, wuthering heights, war of the worlds, heart of darkness, oliver twist, a christmas carol, the jungle book, the ownderful wizard of oz, the iliad, saddhartha, walden, david copperfield, the three musketeers, candide, peter pan, anna karenina, as you like it, anthony and cleopatra, love's labour lost, macbeth, the merchant of venice, the man in the iron mask, the time machine, aesops fables, hamlet, anne of green gables, the call of the wild, the hound of the baskervilles, robin crusoe, ... || Not sure about legal here. ||
| '''Project Gutenberg book titles'' || Fedora is free and so are these books (hopefully??) || sherlock holmes, huckleberry finn, pridge and prejudice, grimm's fairy tales, alice's adventures in wonderland, ulysses, tom sawyer, leaves of grass, frankenstein, dracula, great expectations, a tale of two cities, importance of being earnest, the prince, moby dick, jane eyre, count of monte cristo, war and peace, dubliners, picture of dorian grey, art of war, divine comedy, gulliver's travels, beowulf, les miserables, don quijote, peter rabbit, emma, wuthering heights, war of the worlds, heart of darkness, oliver twist, a christmas carol, the jungle book, the ownderful wizard of oz, the iliad, saddhartha, walden, david copperfield, the three musketeers, candide, peter pan, anna karenina, as you like it, anthony and cleopatra, love's labour lost, macbeth, the merchant of venice, the man in the iron mask, the time machine, aesops fables, hamlet, anne of green gables, the call of the wild, the hound of the baskervilles, robin crusoe, ... || Not sure about legal here. ||
| Types of Coffee|| It takes a lot of coffee to make a Fedora. || Americano, Hammerhead, Black, Cafe au Lait, Cafe Breva, Cafe Latte, Macchiato, Cappucino, Double Shot, Triple Shot, Dry Cappucino, Espresso, con Panna, Mocha, Chai, Frappe, Turkish, Iced, Madras, Vietnamese, Instant, Melya, Lungo, Kopi Tubruk, Irish, Ristretto, Oliang, Affogato, Baltimore, Black Eye, Black Tie, Cafe Bombon, Cafe Medici, Cafe melange, Cafe miel, Mochaccino, Chat Latte, Chocolate Dalmatian, Cortado, Decaf, Doppio, Eggnog Latte, Cafe Zorro, Frappucino, Galao, Guillermo, Gingerbread Latte, Green Eye, Half-caf, Kopi susu, Mary Turner, Libbylou, Mazagran, Pumpkin Spice, Vanilla Bean, French Roast, Sumatran, Ethiopian, Skinny Latte, Vienna coffee, Zebra Mocha, Red Tie, Red Tux, Red Eye, Raspberry Mocha, Soy Latte, Kona, Robusta, Arabica, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Jamaican, Colombian, ... || could combine with teas (and smoothies?) ||
| '''Types of Coffee''' || It takes a lot of coffee to make a Fedora. || Americano, Hammerhead, Black, Cafe au Lait, Cafe Breva, Cafe Latte, Macchiato, Cappucino, Double Shot, Triple Shot, Dry Cappucino, Espresso, con Panna, Mocha, Chai, Frappe, Turkish, Iced, Madras, Vietnamese, Instant, Melya, Lungo, Kopi Tubruk, Irish, Ristretto, Oliang, Affogato, Baltimore, Black Eye, Black Tie, Cafe Bombon, Cafe Medici, Cafe melange, Cafe miel, Mochaccino, Chat Latte, Chocolate Dalmatian, Cortado, Decaf, Doppio, Eggnog Latte, Cafe Zorro, Frappucino, Galao, Guillermo, Gingerbread Latte, Green Eye, Half-caf, Kopi susu, Mary Turner, Libbylou, Mazagran, Pumpkin Spice, Vanilla Bean, French Roast, Sumatran, Ethiopian, Skinny Latte, Vienna coffee, Zebra Mocha, Red Tie, Red Tux, Red Eye, Raspberry Mocha, Soy Latte, Kona, Robusta, Arabica, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Jamaican, Colombian, ... || could combine with teas (and smoothies?) ||

Revision as of 15:51, 27 March 2012

  • Android: Desserts, in alpha order. Donut, Eclair, Frozen Yogurt, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice cream sandwich
  • Sugar on a Stick: Fruits, in no particular order. Strawberry, Blueberry, Mirabelle, Coconut, Pineapple, Mango Lassi
  • Firefox: Parks, in no particular order. Namoroka, Shiretoko, Gran Paradiso, Bon Echo, Deer Park
  • Microsoft: All over the place. Mostly random place names, but some other odds and ends as well.
  • Ubuntu:' Adjective + animal, in alpha order. Warty Warthog, Hoary Hedgehog, Breezy Badger, Dapper Drake, Edgy Eft, Feisty Fawn, Gutsy Gibbon, Hardy Heron, Intrepid Ibex, Jaunty Jackalope, Karmic Koala, Lucid Lynx, Maverick Meerkat, Natty Narwhal, Oneiric Ocelot, Precise Pangolin
  • Apple OSX: Cats, in no particular order, sometimes with adjectives added. Kodiak, Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion
  • Apple iOS: Ski resorts, mostly. Alpine, Little Bear, Big Bear, Sugarbowl, Timberline, Kirkwood, Northstar, Wildcat, Apex, Baker, Jasper, Durango, Telluride, Hoodoo

🔗 Suggestion Table

Theme Relationship to Fedora Sampling of names along theme Comments
Dinosaur Breeds Dinosaurs are cool and so is Fedora. triceratops, stegosaurus, spinosaurus, brachiosaurus, supersaurus, tyrannosaurus rex, microceratus, wannanosaurus, iguanodon, bernissartensis, protoceratops, edmontonsaurus, majungasaurus, velociraptor, microraptoer, oryctodromeus, scansoriopterygids, lambeosaurus, aerosteon riocoloradensis ... Worried there aren't enough.
Marine & Aquatic Animals The water is blue and so is Fedora. humpback whale, manatee, leopard seal, orca, gray whale, polar bear, sea otter, walrus, sea lion, fur seal, dugongs, porpoise, river dolphin, pygmy whale, sperm whale, rorquals, bowhead whale, baleen whale, muskrat, beaver, vole, platypus, hippopotamus, giant otter shrew, russian desman, yapok / opossum, iguana, monitor, anaconda, cottonmouth snake, water snake, crocodile, penguin, turtle, slider, newt, frogs Worried there aren't enough.
Fish The water is blue and so is Fedora. flounder, salmon, goldfish, lamprey, catshark, bullhead shark, perch, koi, anchovies, sardines, shrimp, krill, squid, menhaden, tuna, bass, herring, zooplankton, minnow, shiner, killifish, dace, shad, trout, catfish, crappie, lanternfish, eel, carp, ballyhoo, chimaeras, gar, lungfish, piranhas, pike, oarfish, cod, mullets, gobies, mackerel, whiting, wrasses, ... Are these offensive to people who don't eat fish?
Sea birds The sea is blue / Fedora is blue sandpiper, tern, gull, cormorant, petrels, grebes, loons, albatross, penguin, razorbill, auk, pelican, boobies, gannets, skuas, frigatebirds, auklet, tubenose, sulid, guillemot, fulmar, prion, shearwater, gadfly, gannet, tropicbird, skimmer, puffin, ... Worried there aren't enough. Could expand to any birds?
Blue flowers Fedora is blue periwinkle, cornflower, iris, flax, aster, hydrangea, indigo, morning glory, pimpernel, sweet pea, petunia, borage, campanula, salvia, laurentia, phlox, delphinium, scabiosa, lisianthus, delphinium, nemophilia, blueberry, wisteria, clematis, hyacinth, crocus, ...
Blueberry cultivars Blueberries are blue and delicious as is Fedora. rabbiteye, southern highbush, northern highbush, ozark blue, reveille, beckyblue, alice blue, climax, premier, montgomery, bonita, bluegem, woodard, chaucer, bluebelle, briteblue, choice, tifblue, yadkin, delite, aldwin, centurion, o'neal, sharpblue, misty, bladen, pamlico, lenoir, craven, avon blue, gulf coast, georgiagem, cooper, sampson, biloxi, capefear, flordablue, jubilee, blue ridge, pearl river, summit, sunrise, spartan, collins, bluecrop, berkeley, jersey, darrow, coville, burgundy, blomidon, brunswick, .. Watch out for patented cultivar names.
Types of Teas ? assam, nepal, darjeeling, nilgiri, turkish, ceylon, earl grey, masala chai, oolong, pu-erh, gunpowder, tibetan, bawarka, raspberry, chamomile, jasmine, chun mee, white, green, yellow, vietnamese, kahwah, dragonwell, lemon, anise, chrysanthemum, dandelion, echinacea, elderberry, ginger, hibiscus, rose hip, kava, labrador, lapacho, ginseng, goji, hawthorn, yerba mate, neem, nettle, pennyroyal, red clover, lemongrass, rosemary, verbena, woddruf, sobacha, yarrow, genmaicha, pepperment, sencha, bancha, kukicha, mecha, konacha, kamairicha, tamaryokucha, gyokuro, matcha, shincha, hojicha, aracha, cinnamon, elderflower, ... could combine with coffees
Herbs & Spices ? cinnamon, cloves, garam masala, harissa, chili, curry, zaatar, pepper, basil, anise, allspice, angelica, annato, asafoetida, cardamom, mustard, fenugreek, coriander, chives, chervil, chicory, cayenne, caraway, carob, calendula, dill, horseradish, jasmine, juniper, ginger, garlic, mace, oregano, peppermint, paprika, parsley, sassafras, savory, sorrel, sage, safflower, saffron, sumac, vanilla, wasabi, watercress, wintergreen, woodruff, nutmeg, ...
Condiments Mustard and ketchup are important to Fedora and they are condiments. mustard, ketchup, relish, pickles, wasabi, coconut chutney, mango chutney, garlic chutney, onion chutney, achar, raita, mirin, soy sauce / shoyu, rice vinegar, karashi, ponzu, furikake, mayo, wafu, horseradish, buffalo sauce, chopped onions, bacon bits, oyster sauce, hoisin, plum sauce, vinegar, basalmic, sweet and sour, bbq, butter, labne, cream cheese, curry, chaat, kimchi, hummus, sauerkraut, mesquite, salsa, chili, tomatoes, pico de gallo, pepperocini, salt, pepper, baked beans, cole slaw, sriracha, vinaigrette, green sauce, teriyaki, ...
Types of Pasta ? spaghetti, spaghettoni, fedelini, vermicelli, capellini, barbina, bucatini, fusilli, perciatelli, pici, udon, soba, ziti, zitoni, fettuccine, fettucelle, lasagne, lsagnotte, linguettine, mafalde, mafaldine, pappardelle, tripoline, trenette, taglierini, biang biang, shahe fen, stringozzi, cannelloni, cavatappi, chifferi, fagioloni, garganelli, gemelli, manicotti, marziani, penne, rigatoni, pennoni, pennette, penne zita, spirali, tuffoli, cencioni, cavatelli, capunti, campanelle, corzetti, farfalloni, gigli, fiori, lanterne, ...
Constellations ? Andromeda · Antlia · Apus · Aquarius · Aquila · Ara · Aries · Auriga · Boötes · Caelum · Camelopardalis · Cancer · Canes Venatici · Canis Major · Canis Minor · Capricornus · Carina · Cassiopeia · Centaurus · Cepheus · Cetus · Chamaeleon · Circinus · Columba · Coma Berenices · Corona Australis · Corona Borealis · Corvus · Crater · Crux · Cygnus · Delphinus · Dorado · Draco · Equuleus · Eridanus · Fornax · Gemini · Grus · Hercules · Horologium · Hydra · Hydrus · Indus · Lacerta · Leo · Leo Minor · Lepus · Libra · Lupus · Lynx · Lyra · Mensa · Microscopium · Monoceros · Musca · Norma · Octans · Ophiuchus · Orion · Pavo · Pegasus · Perseus · Phoenix · Pictor · Pisces · Piscis Austrinus · Puppis · Pyxis · Reticulum · Sagitta · Sagittarius · Scorpius · Sculptor · Scutum · Serpens · Sextans · Taurus · Telescopium · Triangulum · Triangulum Australe · Tucana · Ursa Major · Ursa Minor · Vela · Virgo · Volans · Vulpecula
Cookies ? shortbread, tea cake, rosette, snickerdoodle, macaroon, chocolate chip, stroopwafel, sugar cookie, tareco, teiglach, gingerbread, sugar wafer, wibele, rainbow, berger, bath oliver, biscotti, amaretti, alfajor, cornish fairings, coyotas, custard cream, digestive, empire, faworki, jammie dodgers, garibaldi, ghorabiye, kifli, krumiri, krumkake, ladyfinger, mushkazone, nanaimo bar, panellets, paprenjak, peanut butter, oatmeal, pfeffernusse, pignolo, ... You can eat cookies at release parties...
Gemstones Many of thes are blue or come in blue but not all. ammolite, spectrolite, boulder opal, agate, lapis lazuli, sapphire, rainbow hematite, tanzanite, titanium drusy, topaz, chalcedony, Iolite, zircon, sodalite, blue moonstone, aquamarine, azurite-malachite, spinel, blue indicolite tourmaline, azurite, larimar, mazonite, turquoise, spectrolite, drusy chrysocolla, hemimorphite, variscite, tourmaline, turquoise, hematite, chrysocolla, tigers eye, quartz, tourmaline, pyrite, sugilite, obsidian, ruby, quartz, jasper, amethyst, agate, lazuli, agate, malachite, amber, ametheyst, diamond, sapphire, spinel, topaz, .. Some are repeats
Blue Cheeses These are blue and so is Fedora. bath blue, barkham blue, blue monday, buxton blue, chesire blue, devon blue, dorset blue, dovedale, exmoor, harbourne, lanark, lymeswold, oxford, shropshire, stichelton, stilton, wensleydale, yorkshire, ... Probably not enough. But we could expand to types of cheese and maybe get enough.
'Project Gutenberg book titles Fedora is free and so are these books (hopefully??) sherlock holmes, huckleberry finn, pridge and prejudice, grimm's fairy tales, alice's adventures in wonderland, ulysses, tom sawyer, leaves of grass, frankenstein, dracula, great expectations, a tale of two cities, importance of being earnest, the prince, moby dick, jane eyre, count of monte cristo, war and peace, dubliners, picture of dorian grey, art of war, divine comedy, gulliver's travels, beowulf, les miserables, don quijote, peter rabbit, emma, wuthering heights, war of the worlds, heart of darkness, oliver twist, a christmas carol, the jungle book, the ownderful wizard of oz, the iliad, saddhartha, walden, david copperfield, the three musketeers, candide, peter pan, anna karenina, as you like it, anthony and cleopatra, love's labour lost, macbeth, the merchant of venice, the man in the iron mask, the time machine, aesops fables, hamlet, anne of green gables, the call of the wild, the hound of the baskervilles, robin crusoe, ... Not sure about legal here.
Types of Coffee It takes a lot of coffee to make a Fedora. Americano, Hammerhead, Black, Cafe au Lait, Cafe Breva, Cafe Latte, Macchiato, Cappucino, Double Shot, Triple Shot, Dry Cappucino, Espresso, con Panna, Mocha, Chai, Frappe, Turkish, Iced, Madras, Vietnamese, Instant, Melya, Lungo, Kopi Tubruk, Irish, Ristretto, Oliang, Affogato, Baltimore, Black Eye, Black Tie, Cafe Bombon, Cafe Medici, Cafe melange, Cafe miel, Mochaccino, Chat Latte, Chocolate Dalmatian, Cortado, Decaf, Doppio, Eggnog Latte, Cafe Zorro, Frappucino, Galao, Guillermo, Gingerbread Latte, Green Eye, Half-caf, Kopi susu, Mary Turner, Libbylou, Mazagran, Pumpkin Spice, Vanilla Bean, French Roast, Sumatran, Ethiopian, Skinny Latte, Vienna coffee, Zebra Mocha, Red Tie, Red Tux, Red Eye, Raspberry Mocha, Soy Latte, Kona, Robusta, Arabica, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Jamaican, Colombian, ... could combine with teas (and smoothies?)

🔗 Most Potentially Problematic

Let's avoid these as they pose the most risk thus far. (As reviewed Mar 27)

Theme Relationship to Fedora Sampling of names along theme Comments
Subatomic Particles Quantum physics is cool and so is Fedora. Boson, photon, graviton, magneton, electron, proton, neutron, neutrino, fermion, quark, antiproton, gluon, hadron, nucleon, nucleus, antineutron, positron, antineutrino, positronium, lepton, hadron, phonon, dyon, soliton, anyon, gravitino, photino, axion, baryon, meson, antiquark, pentaquark, sphalerons, strange, charm, bottom, top, up, down, plekton, muon, lambda, signma, xi, omega, delta, pion, kaon, tau, neutralino, slepton, sneutrino, squark, gluino, higgsino, zino, photino, chargino, graviscalar, graviphoton, axino, majoron, majorana fermion, dilatino, dilaton, branon, saxion, exciton, plasmon, polaron, magnon, pomeron, skyrmion, goldstino, instanton, geon, iflaton, spurion, muonium, ... New ones seem to be theoreticized / discovered at a reugular pace.
Stars ? sirius, canopus, vega, rigel, procyon,betelgeuse, altair, capella, spica, pollux, deneb, acrux, adara, bellatrix, polaris, algol, gruid, naos, scheat, grafias, gacrux, hamal, haldus, enif, electra, diadem, decrux, cursa, coxa, becrux, betelgeuse, atria, atlas, ashlesha, asellus tertius, azmidiske, phact, nunki, navi, okul, peacock, rukbat, sadr, sargas, sabik, toliman, unuk, wezen, zaniah, vega, vindemiatrix, ... Some are repeats.
Nebulae ? ant, banard's loop, boomerang, cat's eye, crab, eagle, eskimo, helix, hourglass, horsehead, lagoon, orion, pelican, red square, ring, rosette, tarantula, ... There might not be enough to choose from.
Moons ? phobos, deimos, io, europa, ganymede, callisto, amalthea, himalia, elara, sinope, anake, carme, lysithea, leda, thebe, adrastea, metis, callirrhoe, themisto, megaclite, taygete, chaldene, harpalyke, kalyke, iocaste, erinome, isonome, praxidike, autnoe, hermippe, eurydome, aitne, euanthe, euporie, orthosie, sponde, kale, pasithee, hegemone, ... We've had a moon theme before and it was pretty popular (Fedora 10)
Innovators Fedora is innovative and so are innovators. Edison, Newton, Arkwright, Wright Brotherss, Ritchie, Ford, Benz, Tesla, Goddard, ... Goddard was already used as a name.
Notable names in computer history Fedora is computer related as are these smart folks. Jacquard, Babbage, Lovelace, Luigi, Menabrea, Scheutz, Ludgate, Hollerith, Comrie, Eckert, Watson, Feynman, Bush, Engelbart, Terman, Pollen, Dijkstra, Turing, Haibt, Hopper, Borg, Zuse, Shannon, Salton, Ritchie, von Neumann, Ginsburg, Flowers, Eckert, Mauchly, Backus, ...
Shakespeare Character names ? Hamlet, Ophelia, Macbeth, Juliet, Romeo, Caesar, Caius, Cassandra, Othello, Katherina, Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, Titania, Oberon, Cicero, Macduff, Margaret, Claudius, Clown, Countess of Rousillon, Demetrius, Dion, Edmund, Edward, Ephesus, Fabian, Fenton, Flavius, Florizel, Falstaff, Fortinbras, Francisco, Gallus, George, Ghost, Glansdale, Aeneas, Agamemmnon, Alexander, Aaron, King Richard, Lord Abergavenny, Angelo, Alonso, Ariel, King John, Balthasar, Beatrice, Bianca, Belarius, Blunt, Bolingbroke, Brackenbury, Capulet, King Lear, Lady Anne, Lady Grey, Leonardo, Mercutio, Montague, Octavius, Percy, Pompey, Polonius, Roderigo, Rosaline, Paris, Talbot, Isidore, Somerville, Ursula, Ulysses, Valentine, Valeria, Willoughby, York, ... There's a ton of these! Legal issues?
Famous Composers ? bach, beethoven, brahms, chopin, grainger, handel, haydn, mozart, saint-saens, schubert, schumann, boccherini, gluck, ...