The Fonts Special Interest Group is an informal group of Fedora Linux contributors. It is dedicated to improving fonts availability and text rendering/layouting in the distribution and its other Linux derivatives.
The Fonts SIG adheres to the same standards as the rest of the Fedora Project, which means there is some amount of formal process. Don't let this put you off. However. You are more than welcome on the SIG list or in any of our other forums.
Ask the list If you have any problems with the following steps, post a question to the list. The members are happy to help you with any problems you might have, and you will likely get an answer in just a few minutes or hours.
the fonts packaging section will always list the most important font-related packaging informations.
Optionally, you can also:
join the ##fonts IRC channel on and discuss free/open fonts there:
the SIG is composed of people living in many different parts of the world; they won't be available every hour of the day. The list is slower but safer.
the channel is shared with other distributions, every user won't be Fedora-oriented.
follow the SIG activity on the bugs list:
there are many ways to do so, since the list is read-only consulting an archive periodically is fine.
this is a great way to get started in the project. It lets everyone know what you would like to work on, and they can advise you on the best way forward
Remember, you choose your form and level of commitment, and the list is here to help. The more people will appreciate your activities, the more likely they'll be to support you.
We do not have a dedicated IRC channel right now; the general low-traffic ##fonts channel on should be used instead. It is shared by all the FLOSS font groups and is distribution-agnostic.
The text layout working group regularly publishes materials on present and future state of text rendering on FLOSS desktops. They're all a must-read.
Ed Trager maintains the very complete unifont web site.
The Open Font Library is an effort to host open fonts, though all may not be free enough for Fedora.
Other distributions have fonts packaging projects, notably Debian and Ubuntu.
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.