From Fedora Project Wiki
Line 226: Line 226:
* SElinux, Auditing, control groups, name spaces... systemd is not happy when modern Linux features are disabled, as they are in the ChromeOS kernels.
* SElinux, Auditing, control groups, name spaces... systemd is not happy when modern Linux features are disabled, as they are in the ChromeOS kernels.

===Mainline Kernel===
===Rebuilding ChromeOS vendor Kernel===
Start by cloning git
$ git clone
$ cd kernel
Chromebooks run different kernel versions depending on make/model. So you probably want to switch into the kernel version branch of corresponding to the ChromeOS kernel that is supported for your device. For this example we will choose the kernel that corosponds to what was supported at the time of this writing on the Samsung Chromebook2 featuring Exynos 5800 SoC.
$ git checkout chromeos-3.8
Actually if you want to be more precise, there are -release branches that you can checkout based on information you find from inside ChromeOS. Head into settings, and click "About ChromeOS". You will see information about Version, Platform, and Firmware that you can correlate to a git branch.
Prepare your kernel configuration file using scripts. It really depends on your hardware, so in this example we will use Exynos as the example.
$ ./chromeos/scripts/prepareconfig chromeos-exynos5
For the tegra use "chromeos-tegra124" instead.
At this point you should disable the ChromeOS security built-in their kernels.
You will probably want to configure your kernel to be more Fedora friendly.
* Enable SElinux
* Enable Control Groups
* Enable Namespaces
* Enable Auditing
* Enable NFS client/server
* Enable EXT3/4 features such as ACL, quota, etc...
* Anything else you want
$ make menuconfig
Then start building the kernel
$ make -j8
$ make modules_install
$ make firmware_install
Next you need to setup your Flattened Image Tree (aka FIT) format file. This is a modern variant of the traditional uImage format, it can contain many kernels, initrd, device-tree, and organize them into configuration groups. The boot-loader will scan the device-trees and look for a platform string that matches the device, and select the correct device-tree.
at <<-EOF > exynos.its
/ {
    description = "Exynos";
    #address-cells = <1>;
    images {
            description = "chromeos-3.8";
            data = /incbin/("arch/arm/boot/zImage");
            type = "kernel_noload";
            arch = "arm";
            os = "linux";
            compression = "none";
            load = <0>;
            entry = <0>;
            description = "exynos5250-snow.dtb";
            data = /incbin/("arch/arm/boot/dtbs/exynos5250-snow.dtb");
            type = "flat_dt";
            arch = "arm";
            compression = "none";
    configurations {
        default = "conf@1";
            description = "Fedora Remix Kernel";
            kernel = "kernel@1";
            ramdisk = "ramdisk@1";
            fdt = "fdt@1";
===Building Mainline Kernel===
(insert steps to build & install mainline on the chromebook)

(to be continued)
(to be continued)

Revision as of 02:22, 24 October 2015

There's currently a number of ARM (currently all are ARMv7) based Chromebooks base on a few specific SoCs.

They are:

Samsung Exynos:

  • Snow (Exynos 5240)
  • CB2 (Exynos 5800, 1080p, microSD)

NVIDIA Tegra K1:

  • Acer nyan-big (1080p HD version, and non-HD variant)
  • HP nyan-blaze (discontinued)


  • Asus flip

🔗 Preparing Fedora

Start by downloading your Fedora, here we use the XFCE variant, but you can choose another at the download site:

$ cd /tmp

$ wget

$ unxz -v Fedora-Xfce-armhfp-22-3-sda.raw.xz

Next you mount the raw disk image, and extract the rootfs. (Note the loop devices in the output)

$ sudo kpartx -av /tmp/Fedora-Xfce-armhfp-22-3-sda.raw

$ sudo dd if=/dev/mapper/loop0p3 of=/tmp/Fedora-22-Xfce-rootfs.ext4 conv=fsync

$ sudo kpartx -d /tmp/Fedora-Xfce-armhfp-22-3-sda.raw

At this point you may optionally shrink ext4 rootfs. (It will be expanded in a later step)

$ sudo e2fsck -f /tmp/Fedora-22-Xfce-rootfs.ext4

$ sudo resize2fs -fM /tmp/Fedora-22-Xfce-rootfs.ext4

Label the rootfs, and apply a new UUID

$ UUID=$(uuidgen)


$ sudo tune2fs -U "$UUID" -L "$LABEL" /tmp/Fedora-22-Xfce-rootfs.ext4

Create the partitions

$ truncate --size=7GiB /tmp/chromebook-xfce.raw

$ sgdisk -a 8192 -n 1:0:+30M -t 1:7F00 -c 1:"KERN-A" -A 1:=:0x011F000000000000 \
                 -n 2:0:+30M -t 2:7F00 -c 2:"KERN-B" -A 2:=:0x011A000000000000 \
                 -n 3:0:+30M -t 3:7F00 -c 3:"KERN-C" -A 3:=:0x0115000000000000 \
                 -n 4:0:+1G  -t 4:8300 -c 4:"BOOT"   \
                 -n 5:0:+1G  -t 5:8200 -c 5:"SWAP"   \
                 -n 6:0:0    -t 6:8300 -c 6:"ROOTFS" /tmp/chromebook-xfce.raw

Write the Xfce rootfs to the partition.

$ sudo kpartx -avg /tmp/chromebook-xfce.raw

$ dd if=/tmp/Fedora-22-Xfce-rootfs.ext4 of=/dev/mapper/loop0p6 bs=2M conv=fsync

$ sudo resize2fs -f /dev/mapper/loop0p6

Setup the swap device

$ UUID_SWAP=$(uuidgen)
$ sudo swapon -v -U "$UUID_SWAP" -L 'SWAP' /dev/mapper/loop0p5

Setup the Fedora boot partition

$ UUID_BOOT=$(uuidgen)
$ sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 -U "$UUID_BOOT" -L 'BOOT' /dev/mapper/loop0p4

Mount the filesystems

$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p6 /mnt

$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p4 /mnt/boot

Configure the filesystem table

cat <<-EOF > /mnt/etc/fstab
UUID=$UUID / ext4 defaults 1 1
UUID=$UUID_SWAP swap swap defaults 0 0
UUID=$UUID_BOOT /boot ext4 defaults 0 2

Optionally chroot into the mounted rootfs. You may want to make configuration changes, or install packages. (Note: this requires you be operating from an ARMv7 system already)

$ sudo chroot /mnt bash

# dnf download vboot-utils

# exit

Dis-mount the filesystems and teardown the loop device

$ sudo umount --recursive /mnt

$ sudo kpartx -dvg /tmp/chromebook-xfce.raw

Write the Fedora image to your SDcard (Note: for example purpose the fictional sdcard device is "/dev/sdz", and it will most certainly be different for you)

$ sudo dd if=/tmp/chromebook-xfce.raw of=/dev/sdz bs=2M conv=fsync

$ sudo partprobe /dev/sdz

Move the GPT backup header to the end of storage, expand the ROOTFS partition, and grow the rootfs within.

$ sgdisk -a8192 -e -d6 -n6:0:0 -t6:8300 -c6:'ROOTFS' -p /dev/sdz

$ resize2fs /dev/sdz6

🔗 From within ChromeOS

  • Enable developer mode by simultaneously pressing 'POWER + REFRESH + ESC'
  • In the boot recovery screen press 'CTRL + D'
  • After an arbitrary amount of time passes you will reboot into developer mode
  • To boot into ChromeOS, Press 'CTRL + D'
  • [Optionally, wait for ChromeOS to update it's kernel before proceeding.]
  • Once you have login to ChromeOS, open the terminal by pressing 'CTRL + ALT + T'
  • From the terminal, get root by typing 'shell' and then 'sudo -i'
  • Insert the prepared Fedora sdcard into the chromebook.

Re-pack the ChromeOS kernel

# cd /media/removable/boot/

# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p2 of=/tmp/kern-a.blob conv=fsync

# eval $(blkid -o export /dev/mmcblk1p6)

# cat <<-EOF > /media/removable/boot/kcmdline
console=tty1 debug verbose root=PARTUUID=${PARTUUID} rootwait rw lsm.module_locking=0

# dev_make_keypair fedora

# vbutil_kernel --oldblob     /tmp/kern-a.blob \
                --repack      /media/removable/boot/chromeos-kernel.img \
                --config      /media/removable/boot/kcmdline \
                --keyblock    /media/removable/boot/fedora.keyblock \
                --signprivate /media/removable/boot/fedora.vbprivk \
                --arch arm --version 1

# dd if=/media/removable/boot/chromeos-kernel.img of=/dev/mmcblk1p1 

Copy the firmware and kernel modules to the sdcard

# cp -r /lib/modules/*  /media/removable/rootfs/lib/modules/.

# cp -r /lib/firmware/* /media/removable/rootfs/lib/firmware/.

Enable USB boot

# crossystem dev_boot_usb=1

🔗 Booting Fedora

  • At the boot screen press 'CTRL + U'
  • The kernel partition with the highest priority will boot.
  • Using the ChromeOS kernel with Fedora user-space can sometimes be challenging, you may encounter problems.
  • If you're lucky you will boot into Xfce, and have wifi

🔗 Known issues

  • The output of lsmod is empty, no kernel modules loaded. Usually indicates the ChromeOS kernel booted without 'lsm.module_locking=0' You can verify the kernel cmdline, or rebuild the kernel without CONFIG_CHROMEOS_SECUIRTY.
  • systemd emergency mode, and /boot not mounted. A byproduct of some weird kernel security in the ChromeOS kernel. Simply 'mount /dev/mmcblk1p4 /boot' and exit the emergency shell.
  • wifi not working. Did you copy over the ChromeOS modules and firmware correctly? The Marvel mwifiex driver is a loadable module and it also loads a firmware blob.
  • Graphics not working. The ChromeOS kernel usually have a working frame buffer, verify your X11 configs in /etc/X11/. But if you have more serious problems or if you simply prefer console mode, you can repack your kernel with cmdline option '' or from inside Fedora by 'systemctl set-default
  • SElinux, Auditing, control groups, name spaces... systemd is not happy when modern Linux features are disabled, as they are in the ChromeOS kernels.

🔗 Rebuilding ChromeOS vendor Kernel

Start by cloning git

$ git clone
$ cd kernel

Chromebooks run different kernel versions depending on make/model. So you probably want to switch into the kernel version branch of corresponding to the ChromeOS kernel that is supported for your device. For this example we will choose the kernel that corosponds to what was supported at the time of this writing on the Samsung Chromebook2 featuring Exynos 5800 SoC.

$ git checkout chromeos-3.8

Actually if you want to be more precise, there are -release branches that you can checkout based on information you find from inside ChromeOS. Head into settings, and click "About ChromeOS". You will see information about Version, Platform, and Firmware that you can correlate to a git branch.

Prepare your kernel configuration file using scripts. It really depends on your hardware, so in this example we will use Exynos as the example.

$ ./chromeos/scripts/prepareconfig chromeos-exynos5

For the tegra use "chromeos-tegra124" instead.

At this point you should disable the ChromeOS security built-in their kernels.


You will probably want to configure your kernel to be more Fedora friendly.

  • Enable SElinux
  • Enable Control Groups
  • Enable Namespaces
  • Enable Auditing
  • Enable NFS client/server
  • Enable EXT3/4 features such as ACL, quota, etc...
  • Anything else you want
$ make menuconfig

Then start building the kernel

$ make -j8

$ make modules_install

$ make firmware_install

Next you need to setup your Flattened Image Tree (aka FIT) format file. This is a modern variant of the traditional uImage format, it can contain many kernels, initrd, device-tree, and organize them into configuration groups. The boot-loader will scan the device-trees and look for a platform string that matches the device, and select the correct device-tree.

at <<-EOF > exynos.its

/ {
    description = "Exynos";
    #address-cells = <1>;
    images {
            description = "chromeos-3.8";
            data = /incbin/("arch/arm/boot/zImage");
            type = "kernel_noload";
            arch = "arm";
            os = "linux";
            compression = "none";
            load = <0>;
            entry = <0>;
            description = "exynos5250-snow.dtb";
            data = /incbin/("arch/arm/boot/dtbs/exynos5250-snow.dtb");
            type = "flat_dt";
            arch = "arm";
            compression = "none";
    configurations {
        default = "conf@1";
            description = "Fedora Remix Kernel";
            kernel = "kernel@1";
            ramdisk = "ramdisk@1";
            fdt = "fdt@1";

🔗 Building Mainline Kernel

(insert steps to build & install mainline on the chromebook)

(to be continued)