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Revision as of 20:31, 27 July 2009 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (minor wiki format)


  • Adam Williamson (adamw)
  • David Pravec (dpravec)
  • James Laska (jlaska)
  • (jeff_hann)
  • Jesse Keating (f13)
  • Jóhann Guðmundsson (viking-ice)
  • John Poelstra (poelcat)
  • Kamil Paral (kparal)
  • Seth Vidal (skvidal)
  • Will Woods (wwoods)


Proposed meeting agenda

Previous meeting follow-up

  1. [Viking-Ice] - updating meeting channel page w/ new QA time
  2. [jlaska] - discuss ideas with fedora-infrastructure for getting test candidates out to testers
    • Jlaska spoke to mmcgrath about potential bandwith/performance problems. Mmcgrath indicated the system has been newly updated and he was not aware of any previous performance bottlenecks. Recommended continuing as planned with announcing the test images to fedora-test-list, and the infrastructure team will monitor for any issues.
    • Issue summarized in the infrastructure ticket -
  3. [Viking-Ice] - update on Dracut testing considerations (see agenda item below)
    • See agenda below

Dracut rawhide testing update

With the new meeting time, there was less time since the last meeting for follow-up on this item. Viking_ice requested keeping this topic on the agenda for next meeting.

In the news

Alpha test compose

An F12 Alpha test compose is scheduled for delivery this Wednesday, 2009-07-29 (see schedule). Liam Li has invited install testers to contribute results against the upcoming Alpha Candidate.

f13 indicated we are in good shape, except several install test blockers on RHBZ #F12Alpha list, including:

  • RHBZ #510033 - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
  • RHBZ #511907 - parted.Disk.duplicate exception in storage scan
  • RHBZ #514062 - Rawhide missing images

Kparal informed the team that 2 bugs still needed testing. The team agreed these issues were Alpha blockers since virt is becoming a key part of test automation.

  • RHBZ #513175 - ImportError: No module named decorator
  • RHBZ #513383 - Detecting devices crashes

Alpha blocker bug day#3

In preparation for this Friday's blocker bug day#3, jlaska asked the group for volunteers to help announce and summarize the event (in accordance with the draft SOP [1]).

Whose got the ball(s)?

  • Poelcat agreed to send out a blocker bug meeting announcement
  • Adamw agreed to follow-up the meeting with a summary of actions
  • Jlaska challenged someone to bring some fun ascii art to the meeting, dpravec accepted the challenge

AutoQA update

Wwoods informed the team that 7 of 12 tests from the QA:Rawhide_Acceptance_Test_Plan are now automated. Will plans to announce recent changes through a combination of wiki documentation and blog posts. Wwoods was also debating enabling test results by email to increase visibility of test results until a production server is available.

Dpravec updated the group on testing status of the autotest package. The latest version appears to be missing a file which results in a failure. More infomation posted to F13 plans to investigate the packaging failure soon.

Open discussion

Mass rebuild

f13 informed the team about the upcoming rawhide rebuild to accomodate:

This change introduces a upgrade problem for testers already on rawhide -- see RHBZ #513937. The team discussed how to document upgrading for current rawhide testers and concluded posting a guide to the blog was the best avenue. The current recommended upgrade procedure for testers already on rawhide is:

  • Install rpm package from f11-updates repo

Jlaska took an action item to discuss with Warren.

Test Day Live image script

Kparal notified the team that the current Test Day creation script (see QA/Test_Days/Live_Image) incorrectly uses Fedora 11 as a base repo. Jlaska indicated he has been secretly using a slightly modified version of the script for building test day images. Kparal was investigating updates to the recommended procedure to cleanly recommend using the rawhide package repo.

QA blogs request?

Viking_ice informed the team that no progress has been made on his fedora-infrastructure request for a QA blog. Viking_ice asked the team how they plan to inform people of QA activities.

Adamw responded that currently, he, wwoods and jlaska have blogs that are aggregated on fedora planet and they blog about QA significant events. Viking_ice indicated a strong preference for an official QA blog. Some discussion followed as to whether a dedicated QA wordpress instance, or an aggregated fedora planet QA feed would be the best solution in the short term.

No conclusion was reached in the meeting.

<Your topic here>

Upcoming QA events

Action items

  • [jlaska] - file bug against distribution for rawhide pungi problems
  • [poelcat] - to send blocker bug meeting announce
  • [adamw] - to summarize blocker meeting
  • [dpravec] - posting some fun ascii art for blocker bug meeting
  • [jlaska] - talk to warren about a rawhidewatch post on rpm xz workaround for rawhide testers
  • [kparal] - investigate updates to Test Day livecd-creator instructions

IRC transcript

jlaska | #startmeeting Jul 27 12:00
zodbot | Meeting started Mon Jul 27 16:00:03 2009 UTC. The chair is jlaska. Information about MeetBot at Jul 27 12:00
zodbot | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | #meetingtopic Fedora QA Meeting Jul 27 12:00
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | #topic locating bodies Jul 27 12:00
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: locating bodies (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:00
adamw | mine's here Jul 27 12:00
* | poelcat here Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | Greetings folks! Jul 27 12:00
-- | Netsplit <- quits: mbonnet, buggbot, muep` Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | this is our hot new meeting time Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | I suspect we'll have some confusion this week Jul 27 12:00
adamw | heh :) Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | I'm always confused ... so that's nothing new Jul 27 12:01
--> | Netsplit Over - Joins: buggbot Jul 27 12:01
* | kparal here Jul 27 12:01
jlaska | Howdy kparal Jul 27 12:01
adamw | this isn't the AA meeting? Jul 27 12:01
jlaska | adamw: oh oops, wrong agenda :) Jul 27 12:02
jeff_hann | howdy guys :) Jul 27 12:02
jlaska | jeff_hann: greetings! Jul 27 12:02
* | Viking-Ice clocks in.. Jul 27 12:02
* | dpravec is here too Jul 27 12:02
jlaska | Viking-Ice: dpravec greetings gents Jul 27 12:02
* | f13 Jul 27 12:03
jlaska | f13: welcome Jul 27 12:03
jlaska | do we have a wwoods lurking? Jul 27 12:03
--- | mbonnet is now known as mbonnet_ Jul 27 12:04
* | skvidal is lurking Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | skvidal: welcome you lurker! Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | ;) Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | okay ... let's get started Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | #topic Follow-up from last week Jul 27 12:04
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Follow-up from last week (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | for folks using the play-at-home version, the proposed agenda was sent to the list ... Jul 27 12:05
--- | mbonnet_ is now known as mbonnet Jul 27 12:05
--- | mbonnet is now known as mbonnet_ Jul 27 12:05
jlaska | Viking-Ice: thanks for knocking off the first time Jul 27 12:05
jlaska | # [Viking-Ice] - updating meeting channel page w/ new QA time Jul 27 12:05
jlaska | kparal: thanks for the assist with updating the QA/Meetings links too Jul 27 12:05
kparal | no problem Jul 27 12:05
--- | mbonnet_ is now known as mbonnet__ Jul 27 12:05
jlaska | okay, flying through the list ... Jul 27 12:06
jlaska | # [jlaska] - discuss ideas with fedora-infrastructure for getting test candidates out to testers Jul 27 12:06
--- | mbonnet__ is now known as mbonnet_ Jul 27 12:06
--- | mbonnet_ is now known as mbonnet Jul 27 12:06
jlaska | spoke to mmcgrath last week about some of the problems experienced in the past on the system Jul 27 12:06
jlaska | he isn't aware of any new problems since a recent system upgrade Jul 27 12:07
jlaska | and has set things up to monitor for bottlenecks once the test compose #1 has been posted Jul 27 12:07
jlaska | More information is posted in the fedora-infrastructure ticket - Jul 27 12:07
jlaska | hopefully if there are problems, we'll hit them this week and we can then work with the infrastructure team on solutions Jul 27 12:09
jlaska | okay next up .. Viking-Ice ... I've moved this into an agenda item to give you some time to discuss any concerns Jul 27 12:09
adamw | so what's happening exactly? Jul 27 12:09
adamw | we're pushing test compose #1 to a publicly accessible site? Jul 27 12:09
jlaska | adamw: they've got phazers on stun and are monitoring Jul 27 12:09
jlaska | you betcha ... they want to feel the burn before we make any corrective actions Jul 27 12:09
adamw | ok. have we decided to what extent we will announce it? Jul 27 12:10
Viking-Ice | I thought we were facing bandwith/storage issues not performance? Jul 27 12:10
jlaska | adamw: yeah, QA is going forward on plan with allowing testers to contribute Jul 27 12:10
f13 | bandwidth issues lead to performance Jul 27 12:10
jlaska | Viking-Ice: storage wasn't a concern as I'm told Jul 27 12:10
adamw | jlaska: right, but do we announce to test-list only, or wider than that Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | and any performance issues were surprises to them Jul 27 12:11
adamw | f13: i think viking means how is a 'system upgrade' going to help if the bottleneck was bandwidth Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | adamw: ah, let's stick with what we've done before for now ... keeping things equal (fedora-test-list) Jul 27 12:11
adamw | OK. Jul 27 12:11
Viking-Ice | adamw: nailed it. . Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | yeah Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | hopefully if it's going to fail ... let's fail now Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | and then we can work the problems Jul 27 12:12
adamw | OK, just wanted to be clear on the plan. Jul 27 12:12
jlaska | adamw: no worries, thanks for asking Jul 27 12:12
jlaska | #topic Testing dracut in rawhide Jul 27 12:13
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Testing dracut in rawhide (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:13
jlaska | Viking-Ice: it hasn't been a full week since our last meeting, but I wanted to give you some time to talk about any updates you had with Harald Jul 27 12:13
jlaska | give you a chance to walk through any topics that need QA attention Jul 27 12:13
Viking-Ice | Well no changes in the front here I have not had time to note down and contact harald ( was out in the country the whole weekend which kinda screwed things up ) Jul 27 12:14
jlaska | Viking-Ice: ooh, I wish I had the same experience! Jul 27 12:14
jlaska | Viking-Ice: no worries, are there any related issues you wanted to talk about today ... or should we revisit offline (or next meeting)? Jul 27 12:15
Viking-Ice | In the meantime dracut reach it's 0.7 version with additional several fixes added cmd options etc Jul 27 12:15
Viking-Ice | Next meeting I would say.. Jul 27 12:16
jlaska | Viking-Ice: okay, I'll keep it on the list Jul 27 12:16
jlaska | okay, just a quick note on upcoming events ... Jul 27 12:17
jlaska | #topic Alpha test compose Jul 27 12:17
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Alpha test compose (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:17
jlaska | assuming the F12Alpha list is cleared, we can expect a test compose built this Wednesday Jul 27 12:18
f13 | I thought we were in good shape for this Jul 27 12:18
f13 | except that apparently we haven't been having images for the last couple days Jul 27 12:18
f13 | jlaska: we don't need the list clear for a test compose Jul 27 12:18
f13 | we just need it clear of any super debilitating issues, like no images (: Jul 27 12:18
jlaska | f13: ah my mistake ... we do need those anaconda showstoppers cleared Jul 27 12:18
* | poelcat was under the (possibly mistaken impression) that we haven't been able to install rawhide for a week or more Jul 27 12:19
jlaska | poelcat: you are correct Jul 27 12:19
adamw | no images being generated sounds different from the anaconda showstoppers Jul 27 12:19
adamw | although the _fact_ that there's no images being generated recently means we can't be sure if the showstoppers are fixed, i guess Jul 27 12:19
jlaska | Jul 27 12:19
f13 | there was a short period of time where there were images Jul 27 12:20
f13 | perhaps even working images Jul 27 12:20
jlaska | and during that time we logged a few installation blocker bugs Jul 27 12:20
f13 | when the dbus issue got fixed. Jul 27 12:20
jlaska | looks like an error in the pungify-i386.log Jul 27 12:20
jlaska | f13: should this be bz'd or sent out for investigate to the you and the release engineering team as a trac ticket? Jul 27 12:21
f13 | should be a bug on the blocker list Jul 27 12:21
f13 | against component, um... distribution for now Jul 27 12:21
jlaska | alrighty ... if someone doesn't beat me to it, I'll get it logged after the meeting Jul 27 12:21
jlaska | so images and the 2 anaconda blockers are the install test blockers I'm aware of Jul 27 12:22
kparal | i have reported 2 bugs in anaconda and still waiting for fresh images to verify the fix Jul 27 12:22
jlaska | kparal: are these issues you feel should be Alpha blockers? Jul 27 12:23
jlaska | bug#513175 and bug#513383 ? Jul 27 12:23
buggbot | Bug medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, MODIFIED, ImportError: No module named decorator Jul 27 12:23
buggbot | Bug medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, CLOSED RAWHIDE, Detecting devices crashes Jul 27 12:23
kparal | thats it Jul 27 12:23
kparal | youre fast Jul 27 12:23
* | jlaska has some handy links Jul 27 12:23
kparal | both should be fixed, just waiting for new images to confirm it Jul 27 12:25
jlaska | okay Jul 27 12:25
kparal | and probably it happens only on certain machines Jul 27 12:25
jlaska | that's all I had for the test compose ... Liam is driving this initiative, so stay tuned to the list for further details ( Jul 27 12:25
adamw | well, you said you were using virt-manager, right? Jul 27 12:25
adamw | that's a common 'machine' :) Jul 27 12:26
kparal | yes, virt-manager Jul 27 12:26
adamw | i'd consider installs in virt-manager being broken being close to an alpha blocker at least...but we can discuss it at the next review meeting Jul 27 12:26
jlaska | heck, I've been treating virt-manager as a reference platform Jul 27 12:26
* | jlaska agrees Jul 27 12:26
wwoods | yeah, our testing is going to focus on KVM guests Jul 27 12:26
wwoods | err, our automated testing is going to ... Jul 27 12:27
wwoods | so if that's broken we're back in the dark Jul 27 12:27
jlaska | right on Jul 27 12:27
kparal | in that case it sounds reasonable to treat them with high priority Jul 27 12:27
adamw | should we throw them on the f12alpha list now so we don't forget to talk about them at the meeting? Jul 27 12:27
dpravec | i had problems with virt-manager -> so now i am using only kvm :) Jul 27 12:27
jlaska | adamw: kparal: yeah definitely ... kparal won't be around for this friday's meeting too, so that's a good dbl check Jul 27 12:28
adamw | ok Jul 27 12:28
kparal | let's add them then Jul 27 12:28
adamw | i'll do it Jul 27 12:28
kparal | ok Jul 27 12:28
jlaska | thx Jul 27 12:28
adamw | done Jul 27 12:28
jlaska | any other questions/concerns/thoughts/hicu on Liam's install testing plans coming up this week? Jul 27 12:28
jlaska | alrighty ... stay tuned to the list Jul 27 12:29
jlaska | now on to a related topic ... Jul 27 12:29
jlaska | #topic Alpha blocker bug day#3 Jul 27 12:29
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Alpha blocker bug day#3 (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:29
jlaska | nothing earth shattering here ... just a reminder about bug day #3 this friday Jul 27 12:30
jlaska | adamw: wanted to give you a chance to share and things that worked well, or not so well, about the last 2 events? Jul 27 12:30
jlaska | s/and/any/ Jul 27 12:30
adamw | i think they went fine really Jul 27 12:30
adamw | just the usual exhortation for anyone who sees a bug they think might be a blocker: put it on the list :) Jul 27 12:31
* | poelcat really appreciates the email recaps Jul 27 12:31
adamw | that way you can be sure it'll be evaluated Jul 27 12:31
jlaska | I like meetbot :) Jul 27 12:31
adamw | or else, come out to the meeting and mention it there Jul 27 12:31
jlaska | in keeping with last week, should we identify who has (or wants) the ball(s) for this weeks bug day? Jul 27 12:32
jlaska | * send announcements Jul 27 12:32
jlaska | * send meeting summary Jul 27 12:32
jlaska | Jul 27 12:32
jlaska | anyone new interested in trying it out this week? Jul 27 12:32
* | poelcat will send announcement Jul 27 12:33
dpravec | :) Jul 27 12:33
jlaska | poelcat: danke Jul 27 12:33
jlaska | points to whomever can come up with some good ascii art to kick off the meeting Jul 27 12:33
adamw | i can do the recap Jul 27 12:34
jlaska | adamw: thx! Jul 27 12:34
* | dpravec will try ascii art Jul 27 12:34
jlaska | nice, just keep it clean ;) Jul 27 12:34
jlaska | #action poelcat to send blocker bug meeting announce Jul 27 12:34
jlaska | #action adamw to summarize blocker meeting Jul 27 12:35
jlaska | #action dpravec to try his hand at ascii art for blocker meeting Jul 27 12:35
* | jlaska still playing w/ meetbot Jul 27 12:35
dpravec | is it for irc, right? Jul 27 12:35
jlaska | dpravec: you got it ... take a look at the SOP poelcat wrote ... Jul 27 12:35
dpravec | hmm thats hard to do right :) some people have wrong fonts Jul 27 12:35
* | poelcat notes sop is in draft status and needs to be finalized at some point Jul 27 12:36
jlaska | okay ... any other points to discuss on the blocker meeting coming up? Jul 27 12:36
poelcat | so feel free to use experiences learned thus far to make it better Jul 27 12:36
* | jlaska isn't exactly sure of a clean consistent way to track the test blockers Jul 27 12:36
jlaska | poelcat: it's 1000x better than the SOP I didn't write :D Jul 27 12:37
jlaska | unless any other questions, changing gears shortly ... Jul 27 12:38
jlaska | alright, wwoods + dpravec ... I know it hasn't been a long time since our meeting, but if there are any AutoQA topics you'd like to discuss with the team ... we've got some time Jul 27 12:39
jlaska | #topic AutoQA update Jul 27 12:39
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: AutoQA update (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:39
wwoods | I'm writing a couple of longer things about this (a blog post and maybe some wiki docs) Jul 27 12:39
jlaska | wwoods: awesome! Jul 27 12:39
wwoods | but I've got 7/12 tests from the rawhide acceptance plan automated Jul 27 12:39
dpravec | last autotest packages have some problems, I posted something at Jul 27 12:40
wwoods | I'm gonna try to rig something up to send out status emails / logs Jul 27 12:40
Viking-Ice | Hum cant we automate this Jul 27 12:41
jlaska | wwoods: I think there support for sending mails built into autotest Jul 27 12:41
Viking-Ice | as in the test Jul 27 12:41
wwoods | Viking-Ice: probably, yes, but that's outside the scope of Jul 27 12:41
dpravec | wwoods: please ping me when your docs will be online Jul 27 12:41
Viking-Ice | yup Jul 27 12:41
wwoods | hopefully the wiki docs will give a good idea about how to write a test though Jul 27 12:41
wwoods | dpravec: will do Jul 27 12:41
wwoods | jlaska: oh excellent. I'd like to have some useful public test results between now and when we get a nice web frontend for this stuff Jul 27 12:42
wwoods | I'll give that a look Jul 27 12:42
jlaska | wwoods: I could be wrong, there is some email support in the global_config.ini packaged by autotest, we might just be able to update that Jul 27 12:43
wwoods | yeah, but if all it does is (e.g.) send out links to internal URLs for logs Jul 27 12:43
wwoods | then that's not gonna be real useful Jul 27 12:43
wwoods | so I'm not yet sure it'll be that simple Jul 27 12:43
jlaska | yeah, probably not in the short term Jul 27 12:43
dpravec | xmmp reporting might be sweet Jul 27 12:44
dpravec | i mean notifications about finished tasks Jul 27 12:44
dpravec | xmpp* Jul 27 12:44
jlaska | dpravec: thanks for the update on the packaging ... looks like a file went missing from the previous autotest package Jul 27 12:44
wwoods | dpravec: yeah, eventually we want to do a big Fedora Infrastructure Message Bus thing, so we get a signal about the completion of a new compose/build/whatever Jul 27 12:44
wwoods | and tests get kicked off Jul 27 12:44
wwoods | and then signals get sent about the test results Jul 27 12:44
wwoods | and so on. we'll get there eventually. Jul 27 12:44
jlaska | f13: do you have any cycles left for an autotest packaging update, or is that something dpravec and I should look into? Jul 27 12:45
f13 | I'll look at it today Jul 27 12:46
jlaska | f13: sweet, thanks for the turn around Jul 27 12:46
dpravec | i will test them... Jul 27 12:46
dpravec | i mean if you do new packages Jul 27 12:46
f13 | nod Jul 27 12:47
jlaska | cool, so I think that's it for AutoQA ... are there any other comments/concerns before moving to 'open mic night' ? Jul 27 12:48
jlaska | #topic <your topic here> Jul 27 12:50
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: <your topic here> (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:50
f13 | I have a topic, mass rebuild Jul 27 12:50
jlaska | #topic open mic - <f13> mass rebuild Jul 27 12:50
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: open mic - <f13> mass rebuild (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:50
jlaska | f13: you've got the mic Jul 27 12:50
f13 | At some point this week, some 8K new builds will be tagged into rawhide Jul 27 12:50
f13 | this is new arch (i686), new compression (XZ), new glibc, and new gcc. Jul 27 12:51
f13 | should be exciting Jul 27 12:51
f13 | we're going to need to look out for issues like this. Jul 27 12:51
jlaska | the perfect storm Jul 27 12:51
wwoods | there's a bit of a problem right now AFAIK - the rawhide RPM has been rebuilt twice Jul 27 12:52
wwoods | so if you don't already have the RPM with xz support Jul 27 12:52
wwoods | you can't upgrade Jul 27 12:52
wwoods | because all the packages are xz payload now Jul 27 12:52
f13 | oh geez Jul 27 12:52
f13 | didn't we go through this with the checksums too? Jul 27 12:52
jlaska | so this will require some manual jiggery to upgrade to rawhide? Jul 27 12:52
f13 | and decided that having rpm itself need new rpm was a bad idea? Jul 27 12:52
* | f13 would strongly push for rpm itself to be built with the old compression Jul 27 12:53
adamw | at least it's happening before the alpha Jul 27 12:53
wwoods | jlaska: well, no - the rpm package in F11 updates-testing is gzip payload with xz support Jul 27 12:53
wwoods | and using anaconda to upgrade is no problem, since anaconda will have xz support Jul 27 12:54
wwoods | the only place it's a problem is pre-rebuild rawhide -> post-rebuild rawhide Jul 27 12:54
jlaska | gotcha Jul 27 12:55
wwoods | a simple but ugly hack is to force the f11 package into the rawhide repo Jul 27 12:55
jlaska | #link Jul 27 12:55
jlaska | wwoods: f13: this may have already been done ... but is this a worthwhile candidate for the rawhide blog? Jul 27 12:56
f13 | yes Jul 27 12:56
wwoods | yeah. if you force it with --nodeps you'll hose your system (unfortunately krh seems to have found this out the hard way) Jul 27 12:57
jlaska | doh! Jul 27 12:57
jlaska | okay so ... perhaps we can add that to the Feature page "how to test"? Not sure ... how else can we warn testers Jul 27 12:57
wwoods | right now AFAICT (I have no Rawhide systems so I'm guessing) the situation will look like this: you can't upgrade anything because of depsolving problems Jul 27 12:57
wwoods | the fix is, I guess, to install the RPM package from F11 updates-testing Jul 27 12:58
jlaska | anyone interested in taking that discussion to warren? Jul 27 12:58
skvidal | that would more or less be this bug Jul 27 12:59
skvidal | Jul 27 12:59
buggbot | Bug 5139372: was not found. Jul 27 12:59
jlaska | if no takers, I'll be happy to talk with warren after the meeting and see about testing wwoods idea Jul 27 12:59
adamw | i don't see why we can't just do f13's solution and have rpm in rawhide built with gzip compression and xz support, just like the one in f11 Jul 27 12:59
adamw | it'd only cost a few kilobytes, surely Jul 27 12:59
jlaska | skvidal: is there an extra number in that bz? Jul 27 12:59
warren | ? Jul 27 13:00
f13 | rpm and any of it's deps I guess Jul 27 13:00
adamw | hmm, true Jul 27 13:00
skvidal | Jul 27 13:00
buggbot | Bug 513937: medium, low, ---, skvidal, NEW, missing dependencies Jul 27 13:00
skvidal | yes the 2 Jul 27 13:00
adamw | that's bigger =) Jul 27 13:00
jlaska | skvidal: thx Jul 27 13:00
skvidal | sorry Jul 27 13:00
wwoods | I'm not sure how hard it is to disable xz payloads on a package-by-package basis Jul 27 13:00
adamw | well, 'all dependencies' makes it rather tricky anyway Jul 27 13:00
adamw | rpm has lots of deps :\ Jul 27 13:00
jlaska | so stick with the f11-update 'workaround' for now? Jul 27 13:01
f13 | adamw: enough deps that you can do a yum update rpm, yum update Jul 27 13:01
jlaska | can someone help with the summary for this? Jul 27 13:02
adamw | everybody's screwed? Jul 27 13:03
jlaska | heh Jul 27 13:03
adamw | that's my standard summary for everything, it's usually quite accurate =) Jul 27 13:03
wwoods | people using pre-alpha rawhide might notice that they can't upgrade due to dependency problems with rpm/glibc Jul 27 13:03
wwoods | (I don't have example messages, sorry) Jul 27 13:04
jlaska | wwoods: no worries ... and we'll recommend installing the f11-updates rpm to work around the issue for now? Jul 27 13:04
wwoods | it's because of the xz feature (link, brief explanation) - install f11 updates-testing rpm thusly as a workaround: [commandline] Jul 27 13:04
wwoods | yeah, that seems to be the recommended fix Jul 27 13:04
jlaska | okay, Ican take that Jul 27 13:05
jlaska | #action jlaska - talk to warren about a rawhidewatch post on rpm xz workaround for rawhide testers Jul 27 13:05
jlaska | okay folks ... if not other topics, let's close things out for the day Jul 27 13:06
jlaska | s/not/no/ Jul 27 13:06
* | jlaska likes extra letters Jul 27 13:06
kparal | well maybe the livecd issue? Jul 27 13:06
Viking-Ice | So is rawhidewatch @ wordpress supposed to be our official blog Jul 27 13:06
Viking-Ice | ? Jul 27 13:06
jlaska | #topic open mic - livecd issue Jul 27 13:06
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: open mic - livecd issue (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 13:06
jlaska | Viking-Ice: official? Hrmm, I guess it's the first thing that came to mind that would get the work out Jul 27 13:07
adamw | Viking-Ice: it's a place to report important issues with rawhide that require user intervention Jul 27 13:07
adamw | much like this one :) Jul 27 13:07
warren | rawhidewatch isn't very active right now because I'm not using rawhide yet, it doesn't work on my laptop at all Jul 27 13:07
Viking-Ice | I see so we can close the ticked in infra for official QA blog Jul 27 13:07
adamw | no, because that's not what it is Jul 27 13:07
adamw | qa covers more than just issues in rawhide which require user intervention Jul 27 13:07
adamw | we wouldn't post about, oh, test days on rawhidewatch Jul 27 13:08
warren | yup Jul 27 13:08
warren | exactly Jul 27 13:08
Viking-Ice | no then let's get a move on getting a fedora-qa wp instance from infra Jul 27 13:08
kparal | livecd issue: the current guide on is I believe not correct, because it uses F11 repos instead of Rawhide repos. you can see that if you follow the includes in the kickstart file. Jul 27 13:08
Viking-Ice | were we can have rawhide status etc Jul 27 13:08
kparal | sorry, will wait Jul 27 13:09
jlaska | Viking-Ice: hmm, maybe something to consider in the future ... it's a neat idea. But someone would need to investigate further and come back with recommendation/plan Jul 27 13:10
adamw | kparal: i believe you have the floor Jul 27 13:10
kparal | it's just a short note. those people building live images according to that script are in fact building images based on F11. Therefore I'm working on a best way how to modify it so that it is based on Rawhide Jul 27 13:10
kparal | if that's what's wanted for a test day Jul 27 13:11
jlaska | kparal: indeed, thanks! You caught me cheating in that script ... I often point to a local spins-kickstart.git repo when building test images Jul 27 13:11
kparal | :) Jul 27 13:11
Viking-Ice | jlaska: investigate what further Jul 27 13:11
kparal | and there are jlaska and awilliam extra repositories which i don't know if they are still needed Jul 27 13:12
jlaska | Viking-Ice: let's wait until kparal's finished, and we'll move to your topic Jul 27 13:12
jlaska | kparal: I usually toss extra packages not yet in koji on the repo url posted Jul 27 13:13
jlaska | and adamw includes rendercheck there as well for the X testing events Jul 27 13:13
adamw | kparal: nothing in my repos is needed for anything in f12. Jul 27 13:13
adamw | well, except rendercheck. =) i should update that build. Jul 27 13:13
jlaska | kparal: if we need to gut that page to make things clearer, feel free to give it a once over :) Jul 27 13:13
kparal | ok. it was just a note. Jul 27 13:14
kparal | releasing the mic :) Jul 27 13:14
dpravec | i want to thank you all for moving the meeting time from wensday (in that day i need to take care of my kids, so it was hard to pay attention to the channel) Jul 27 13:14
jlaska | heh ... releasing Jul 27 13:14
--- | stickster is now known as stickster_mtg Jul 27 13:14
jlaska | dpravec: you're welcome, glad this works better! Jul 27 13:14
jlaska | #topic open mic - qa blogs Jul 27 13:14
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: open mic - qa blogs (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 13:14
jlaska | Viking-Ice: you mentioned a request to host qa blogs Jul 27 13:14
Viking-Ice | Yes trying to track down the ticket in infera Jul 27 13:15
Viking-Ice | in infra I mean Jul 27 13:15
Viking-Ice | it's been there since what f9 I think with no movement Jul 27 13:15
jlaska | is this something people see a need for now? Jul 27 13:15
Viking-Ice | Ok how are we delivering various need to know info to people? Jul 27 13:16
Viking-Ice | by mind power ? Jul 27 13:16
jlaska | basically through every channel possible right now Jul 27 13:16
jlaska | mailing list(s), fedora planet, fedora forums etc... Jul 27 13:16
adamw | jlaska, wwoods and I have our personal blogs on planet fedora Jul 27 13:16
adamw | and we blog about significant qa events Jul 27 13:17
adamw | so they get out via that method Jul 27 13:17
jlaska | Viking-Ice: you don't even blog do you? Jul 27 13:17
jlaska | ;) Jul 27 13:17
adamw | i'm not sure whether a qa team blog would get significantly more might, but i'm not sure how to tell Jul 27 13:17
Viking-Ice | I dont blog Jul 27 13:17
Viking-Ice | well microblog perhaps Jul 27 13:17
adamw | btw, for anyone who doesn't know, anyone can get their blog on planet fedora Jul 27 13:17
jlaska | I know other open source projects have team blog aggregators Jul 27 13:17
adamw | there's a wiki page with instructions Jul 27 13:17
* | dpravec needs to go today, see you all later Jul 27 13:18
Viking-Ice | We should have official blog Jul 27 13:18
jlaska | dpravec: take care Jul 27 13:18
jlaska | Viking-Ice: I like the idea of organizing the blogs of testers, but I'm not ready to put lots of time+effort into a team blog just yet Jul 27 13:18
Viking-Ice | instead of spreading the need to know info on various ( private blogs ) places on the internet Jul 27 13:18
adamw | a qa 'planet' might be a better idea Jul 27 13:19
jlaska | is there a way to aggregate the blogs ... right Jul 27 13:19
jlaska | that are already being posted? Jul 27 13:19
adamw | in my experience, team blogs often get neglected because no-one really takes responsibility for it Jul 27 13:19
jlaska | yeah I agree Jul 27 13:19
jlaska | but if we can continue doing what we already do ... and it's aggregated somewhere ... that seems like an easy win Jul 27 13:19
adamw | so if we could set up an aggregator and aggregate posts from qa team members, that might work best Jul 27 13:20
Viking-Ice | adamw: that just reflect poor management of those team Jul 27 13:20
adamw | Viking-Ice: true, but it's hard to push water uphill - always best to look for the path of least resistance (sorry for the management cliches :>) Jul 27 13:20
jlaska | hrmm, I guess that's one way of looking at it :) Jul 27 13:20
f13 | I think aggregation is the best way to do "team blogs" Jul 27 13:20
adamw | the only downside of aggregation is we may get quite a lot of duplication Jul 27 13:20
adamw | five posts about the same event for e.g. Jul 27 13:20
jlaska | well, that at least agets the word out :) Jul 27 13:21
f13 | like we don't already get that on planet fedora? Jul 27 13:21
jlaska | Viking-Ice: does this help provide focus for your existing infrastructure ticket? Jul 27 13:21
adamw | f13: yes, we do - that doesn't mean it's not a drawback. :) Jul 27 13:21
Viking-Ice | team aggregation is not a solutions Jul 27 13:22
Viking-Ice | a solution from my perspective+ Jul 27 13:22
jlaska | Viking-Ice: it's a solution that has the support of the team Jul 27 13:22
* | kparal thinks blogs aggregation can't hurt Jul 27 13:23
jlaska | Viking-Ice: do you want to update the existing ticket ... or is someone else interested in driving this with the infrastructure team? Jul 27 13:24
Viking-Ice | then go ahead with it and close bug 489801 Jul 27 13:24
buggbot | Bug medium, low, ---, notting, NEW, [RFE] rss reader + notification bubble Jul 27 13:24
jlaska | hmm, I'm not planning to close any bugs Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | okay, it'll be an open action item for anyone interested Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | #action - fedora QA planet aggregated blogs? Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | okay gang ... let's close it out Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | #topic closing for business Jul 27 13:25
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: closing for business (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | thanks for your time everyone :) Jul 27 13:26
jlaska | #endmeeting Jul 27 13:26
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See for meeting schedule Jul 27 13:26
zodbot | Meeting ended Mon Jul 27 17:26:35 2009 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . Jul 27 13:26
zodbot | Minutes: Jul 27 13:26
zodbot | Minutes (text): Jul 27 13:26
zodbot | Log: Jul 27 13:26
jlaska | I'll follow-up to the list later this afternoon with some minutes Jul 27 13:26
f13 | cheers. Jul 27 13:28
* | kparal goes home, bye Jul 27 13:29

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