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In this section, we cover the Fedora Design Team[1].

Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei

Final Wallpaper for Fedora 12

After a final sprint of wallpaper polishing, Máirín Duffy declared[1] the Fedora 12 wallpaper 'done': "At 82+ (there were more before this) iterations, I'm spent. The wallpapers need to get in today" and the packages were pushed into Rawhide. She also wrote a couple of insightful blog posts: one about the evolution of the wallpaper during this release cycle[2] and another presenting the final results[3].

Extra Wallpapers In

Martin Sourada called[1] for a final decision before packaging a pack of extra wallpapers and after a round of "votes" from Máirín Duffy[2][3], Michael Beckwith[4] and Jayme Ayres[5] the images were packaged and pushed.

Fedora 12 Countdown Banner

Nicu Buculei pointed[1] few days are left until the release so the countdown banner must start running "When we consider the design 'done', it should be taken to the websites list so we can run it officially (that means any time now [yesterday?], we are less 30 days from release)", Paul W. Frields agreed "Let's get a countdown banner finalized and out the door as soon as possible, so people can start using it on their websites", so Alexander Smirnov took it to the websites list[2], along with a number of translations "I've uploaded English, Italian, German, Icelandic, Hungarian, Portuguese (Brazilian) and Russian version this banner (translate based on previous ( Fedora 11 countdown banner) to my space" and the countdown is already up and running, ready to be propagated on blogs and websites all around the world[3]

Looking Forward to a New Cycle

With the process done, Martin Sourada opened an analysis[1] about the process "I think the F12 schedule worked rather well, we slipped a few times a few days or a week and skipped most of the wallpaper refreshes -- I think it's unnecessary to have that many wallpaper refreshes.", looking for ways to improve the next cycle "I believe these six points need to be in bold face in our schedule as they are somehow important milestones." Nicu Buculei complained[2] about disruptive delayed feedback "For the last few releases we have a recurrent motif: some key decision makers stay silent for most of the development cycle and very late in the process complain and require a complete (or at least major) redesign. This is a serious bug in our process", a sentiment shared[3] by Máirín Duffy "It's really frustrating that folks wait until the very very last minute to voice their opinion", while Jaroslav Reznik asked[4] for more feedback *from* the team "So we need more feedback - probably through more refreshes for alpha, more communication out of design team."

Inkscape Course and Jealousy

Máirín Duffy told[1] the Design Team about an Inkscape course she will teach "My Red Hat office, the Boston office, is going to be doing a program with a local middle school / jr. high (students are 11-14 I think) and I'm going to be teaching a 9 session (45 minutes a piece) course in Inkscape to the students" while asking the other members for ideas and experience sharing "I know many of you, I am sure, have given Inkscape tutorials to other folks, and I am wondering if any of you would have time to give me advice or even help me develop the lesson plan." Nicu Buculei[2], María Leandro[3], Patrick ConnellyCite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag gave their input, while showing their jealousy for the opportunity to work on such a project: "But overall I'm jealous and wish I could be doing it!"