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In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1].

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

Test Days

There was no Test Day last week, and no Test Day is currently planned for this week. If you would like to propose a main track Test Day for the Fedora 13 cycle, please contact the QA team via email or IRC, or file a ticket in QA Trac[1].

Weekly meetings

The QA group weekly meeting[1] was held on 2009-11-16. The full log is available[2]. Adam Williamson reported that Milos Jakubicek had still not yet followed up on his idea regarding an event to work on FTBFS problems, and the group agreed to table the proposal until he came back with further ideas.

James Laska reported that he had asked Rui He to improve the existing preupgrade test cases to make sure they more accurately reflected real-world use and would hence catch the disk space issues experienced with Fedora 12.

Adam Williamson started a discussion of preparation for the release of Fedora 12, which was to happen the day after the meeting. He highlighted the common bugs page[3], and James Laska provided a link to a list[4] of issues which were awaiting addition to that page. James and Adam agreed to work on updating the page. Adam also noted that the Fedora 12 blocker bug should be cleaned up. After some discussion, James and Adam noticed that blocker bugs fell under the remit of the BugZappers group, and agreed to let the following day's BugZappers meeting handle the issue.

James Laska gave a heads-up on his planning for a post-Fedora 12 release retrospective. He was planning to send an email to the mailing list asking for people to identify potential areas for improvement from the Fedora 12 QA cycle, and then sum up the resulting feedback in a wiki page.

Will Woods and Kamil Paral reported on the progress of the AutoQA project. Will had been trying to complete the post-koji-build hook which would allow tests to be triggered by the completion of a build in Koji. He had also talked with the release engineering group about how to create AutoQA tests to help prevent broken dependencies in update repositories, and this had identified the need for a post-bodhi-update hook which would allow tests to be run when Bodhi is used to request a package be added to updates-testing or updates repositories. Will asked Luke Macken what resources Bodhi currently provides that would allow AutoQA to notice when an update is requested, and Luke said at present only RSS feeds are available. Will said he would write a hook that monitored the RSS feeds. Will and Kamil also outlined the current plan for rpmguard integration. Kamil had posted a proposal[5] on making test development easier, and James Laska had derived an AutoQA use cases page[6] from it. James also noted that the updated autotest packages had been tested and seemed to be working well.

The Bugzappers group weekly meeting[7] was held on 2009-11-17. The full log is available[8]. Edward Kirk announced that the long-planned semantics change would now be going into effect, as Rawhide had separated from Fedora 12 and was driving towards Fedora 13 development. As previously agreed, all bugs filed for Rawhide should be marked as having been triaged by the addition of the Triaged keyword, rather than setting the ASSIGNED status. Steven Parrish volunteered to send an email to the development list announcing the change. Steven also pointed out that the GreaseMonkey script used by most triagers would need updating for the change. Chris Campbell volunteered to follow up with Matej Cepl about updating the script. Adam Williamson volunteered to update the text in the bug workflow page[9] to reflect the change, and Edward volunteered to change the image.

Edward Kirk introduced the topic of housekeeping updates. He noted that the first release day tasks[10] - including creating the Fedora 14 blocker bugs, and closing off the Fedora 12 blockers - needed to be done, and said he would take care of that.

The group helped Joerg Stephan with choosing some components to begin his triage work.

Matej Cepl asked for some input on the design of the Greasemonkey script with regards to the new triaging procedure. The group agreed that a single 'smart' button which made the appropriate changes depending on the distribution version for which the bug in question was reported would be better than separate buttons for pre-Fedora 13 and Fedora 13-and-later bugs would be a better design.

The next QA weekly meeting will be held on 2009-11-23 at 1600 UTC in #fedora-meeting, and the next Bugzappers weekly meeting on 2009-11-24 at 1500 UTC in #fedora-meeting.

Improving the release criteria

John Poelstra submitted a proposal[1] for improving the release criteria[2] for future releases. The new proposed criteria [3] splits the old single page into an introductory / outline page and separate pages for each public release in the upcoming cycle. Adam Williamson[4] and James Laska[5] both replied to welcome to idea and post some suggestions for refinement. John plans to further refine the proposal and then have a session to discuss it at the upcoming FUDCon Toronto.