From Fedora Project Wiki
I think we should collect these and create a pdf/html using publican or whatever. That will make the presentation better.



Completed Events
Name Link Report & Picture Comments & Observations
Cerea Fair "Fiera dell'elettronica" Huge event, 25000 people attended
Fedora Cafe - Fedora Activity Day Hungary 9 People

Upcoming Events
Name Link Fedora's Involvement Comments & Suggestions

Accomplished tasks other than events

Accomplished tasks
Details Link Fedora's Involvement Comments & Suggestions
FOSDEM 2010 FOSDEM_2010 will be the main Event in EMEA Q1 and Q2
Linux-Informationstag Linux-Informationstag cwickert:Christoph Wickert präsentiert 500 People


To be filed in by Max

Ambassador Mentoring Status

Applied Under Mentoring Sponsored Rejected
Should we also list by name? It is unnecessary in my view

Regional Decisions

List new regional policies here, if any.

  1. a
  2. b
  3. c

Regional News

List the new work that ambassadors are doing.

  1. News 1
  2. News 2

Works being done with other sub-groups

List important works that ambassadors are doing besides evangelism.

Suggestions that you may have

Anything more that you want to include