From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 15:37, 9 June 2010 by Bhuztez (talk | contribs)

About Me

  1. Name: Yao Zheng
  2. Email:
  3. Wiki username: bhuztez
  4. IRC nickname: bhuztez
  5. Primary language: Chinese/English
  6. Location: HangZhou (GMT+8)
  7. Working Hours: 1:00-10:00 UTC, but flexible.
  8. I haven't participated in any open-source projects. I would like to get involved.

About my project

Project name: DGC GTK GUI

Idea comes from:

Short description

DGC compiles circuit descriptions into netlist. The GUI is outdated, it still uses old GTK+ API. I'd like to port DGC GUI to GTK+ 2.0 API.


weak 1-2:

  • work out a preview of GUI with glade, in python, or directly start coding in C.
  • putting up my English blog in the process

weak 3-4:

  • implement GUI in detail.

weak 5-:

  • testing, bug-fixing, documenting


June 25th - June 27th

  • a GUI preview - get those XML files done
  • get my English blog ready

July 9th - July 11th

  • a C version should be working

July 23th - July 25th

  • a brief document


I am familiar with libglade/gtk-builder. I have done a few python scripts using libglade or gtk-builder. One of them is at I have done a few mini GUI programs in C, but under Windows and are 2 or more years before.

I didn't have any experience with open-source projects yet. But I really want to get involved, and see how projects move.

Me and the community


My Answer

Using GTK 2.0 API, especially GTK Builder, it would be easier to maintain, and have a modern looking. Later on, if DGC GUI could have a menu in electronics menus, it will be easier to find DGC, for people who is new to Fedora.