From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora For Kids

Fedora For Kids is a Remix as of now (might be a spin in future) which consists of tools and applications suitable for children of age group 8-15{class 2 to class 9}. We vision for a more suitable environment to encourage kids to understand Linux and Fedora in a better and easy way and to also aid teachers while doing the same.

Packages To Be Included

Please only add "Fedora For Kids" packages here!
List of already packaged apps suitable for kids.
Package Name Brief Description Status
tuxpaint A simple drawing and colouring program for kids
GCompris got everything you’d want, from reading practice, to science, algebra, drawing, geography quiz and even chess
TuxMath game requiring quick thinking and a bit of math skill.
Child's Play Sound Association and several other activities

Applications To Be Packaged

Please only add "Fedora For Kids" applications here!
List of unpackaged application suitable for kids.
Application Name Brief Description Status Maintainer Spec File
laby laby is a small program to learn how to program with ants and spider webs. In progress : post to ocaml ML AnkurSinha incomplete spec
OpenEuclide A program for drawing out 2D figures. In progress Arun SAG Review request APPROVED
TuxWordSmith A multi-lingual scrabble program. In progress Aditya Patawari


No. Name Comments
1 Aditya Patawari Packaging, reviews and general coordination
2 Hiemanshu Sharma
3 Arun SAG Packaging new apps and creation service packs
4 Ankur Sinha Packaging new apps and helping new packagers
5 Narendra Sisodiya

Useful Links


  • Plan out meetings to be held at regular internals
  • Choose a nice name for the spin
  • Create a second disc with service packs with anything extra (cant be put into spins)
  • Docs on how to use the second disc