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Revision as of 04:26, 21 April 2011 by Adamwill (talk | contribs) (add a quick bit on sugar testing)


In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1]. For more information on the work of the QA team and how you can get involved, see the Joining page[2].

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

Test Days

Thursday 2011-04-14 was virtualization Test Day[1], hosted by our awesome virtualization team. A decent turnout of nine testers were able to run through all the test cases, and identify several bugs for the team to work on.

Thursday 2011-04-21 is the last of three GNOME 3 Test Days[2], where we will be testing out the final GNOME 3.0 release and making sure it is well integrated into Fedora 15, and identifying any remaining bugs that can be fixed up before Fedora 15's release. Live images are already available on the Test Day page to aid in testing, and it's very easy to join in and run through as many or as few test cases as you like. Please join us in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC[3] for this key Test Day!

Thursday 2011-04-28 is scheduled to be cloud Test Day, where the cloud SIG will be guiding testers in running Fedora 15 on Amazon's EC2 cloud, and testing out the Fedora 15 features BoxGrinder[4] (a tool designed to make it simple to rapidly create Fedora-based appliances and deploy them to various virtual platforms) and CloudFS[5] (a cloud-ready distributed filesystem). If you're interested in the cutting (bleeding?) edge of cloud development with Fedora, come and dive in!

Fedora 15 Beta preparation

Fedora 15 Beta RC2 arrived on 2011-04-09[1] and the group got down to testing it, filling out the installation[2] and desktop[3]test matrices and delving into various issues on the mailing list, particularly to do with GNOME 3. At the go/no-go meeting of 2011-04-13[4] the QA group was able to confidently declare RC2 had met all the release requirements, thanks to this diligent testing, and the RC2 images were declared gold. Rest is for the weak, though, so on 2011-04-15 the group followed up with the first blocker bug review meeting for Fedora 15 final[5], a mere four hour sprint at which 58 potential blocker bugs were reviewed.

Sugar testing

Thomas Gilliard provided a detailed test report on a roughly Beta-equivalent Sugar nightly live image[1], with much valuable information. Adam Williamson thanked him for his work[2] and Peter Robinson promised to look into the issues[3].