From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 19:10, 13 June 2012 by Toshio (talk | contribs) (Strike clause about reporting what the Board has accomplished in the past election cycle)

According to its succession planning document, the Fedora Board currently appoints 4 of its 9 seats, and elects 5 of the 9, on a rotating basis.

During the next election (June 2011), the Board will elect 3 seats for a full two-release term.

This page should help to explain when different seats are filled, etc.


Learn about getting your account at Infrastructure/AccountSystem.


See the main Elections page for the official schedule.


Candidates may be anyone who is in the Fedora Account System, has completed the Fedora Project Contributor Agreement, and is not a citizen of an export-restricted country (see Legal/Export#Embargoed_Destinations for the list of export restricted countries). To be nominated, you must have a page within the nominations section of the Fedora wiki, and it should include a brief (500 words or less) statement of purpose, vision, goals, etc.


Voters may be anyone who is in the Fedora Accounts System and has completed the Fedora Project Contributor Agreement.

Range Voting

The voting system being used for this election is known as range voting. Voters cast a number of votes for each candidate, from zero up to the number of candidates. If there are seven candidates, voters may cast from zero to seven votes for each candidate.

The Wikipedia article on range voting has more information on how range voting works, and tactical methods to use your vote if you care more deeply for a certain set of candidates.

Voting System