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Revision as of 00:33, 5 June 2012 by Adamwill (talk | contribs) (update page with the results of the meeting)
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  • adamw (172)
  • tflink (125)
  • j_dulaney (45)
  • dgilmore (37)
  • kparal (32)
  • nirik (26)
  • brunowolff (20)
  • maxamillion (12)
  • drago01 (8)
  • spot (7)
  • jskladan (6)
  • zodbot (6)
  • cmurf (6)
  • pjones (5)
  • pschindl (5)
  • rbergeron (2)
  • fossjon (1)
  • satellit_ (1)


  • Previous meeting follow-up
  • Fedora 17 Final status / planning
  • Test Day report
  • Upcoming QA events
  • Pending RHBZ Upgrade
  • AutoQA update
  • Open floor

Previous meeting follow-up

  • adamw to check in on Boxes test day once more - test day has been moved out once more and looks like it may actually happen now

Fedora 17 Final status/planning

Blocker review

  • #820366 is rejected as a blocker - other testers have been unable to reproduce the issue described and with the information currently available, this is not severe enough to warrant blocker status
  • #813648 is accepted as a blocker - violates the 'must boot to working desktop' criterion
  • #820985 is accepted as a blocker - violates the F17 alpha release criterion "The installer must be able to report failures to Bugzilla and local disk, with appropriate information included" for detected duplicates once Bugzilla is upgraded
  • #821122 is accepted as a blocker - violates the Fedora 17 alpha criterion "There must be no file conflicts (cases where the files in some packages conflict but the packages have explicit Conflicts: tags are acceptable) or unresolved package dependencies during a media-based (DVD) install"

Upcoming QA events

Pending RHBZ Upgrade

  • Currently scheduled for 2012-05-19
  • Will break some stuff, waiting to find out how badly
    • libreport blocker filed for F17, will likely affect earlier releases
    • blocker wiki page will no longer work
    • Other scripts using python-bugzilla will likely not work after upgrade
    • Waiting on testing this week to find out how badly bodhi will be impacted
  • tflink will look into fixes for the broken tools after F17 is done

AutoQA update

  • No news, due to F17 testing

Open floor

  • nirik will be updating for F17, he welcomes input and testing
  • adamw and tflink will check status of #810104 with TC5
  • #820973 is no longer considered a blocker as the menu entry works as intended, but upstream has not yet written the online documentation to which it points

Action items

  • j_dulaney to actually do his job and promote the GNOME boxes test day
  • adamw and tflink to check status of #810104 with TC5
  • adamw to create some shared bugzilla searches for F17 final blocker/nth to replace the wiki page


adamw #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:01
zodbot Meeting started Mon May 14 15:01:31 2012 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at 15:01
zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01
adamw #meetingname fedora-qa 15:01
zodbot The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:01
adamw #topic roll call 15:01
* pschindl is here 15:01
* satellit_ listening 15:02
* tflink is here 15:02
adamw oh goody, lots of people for blocker fun! 15:02
* kparal can't miss it 15:02
* jskladan tips his hat 15:02
* brunowolff is here 15:03
adamw how much do you generally tip your hat, anyway? 10%? 15:03
* nirik is lurking around 15:03
tflink adamw: depends on how quickly my hat brings me drinks and food 15:03
* maxamillion is here 15:04
adamw alrighty, let's get going 15:04
adamw #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:05
adamw just the eternal topic on the list, "adamw to check in on Boxes test day once more" 15:05
adamw it's now set for 2012-05-17 and, who knows, may even happen then., 15:05
kparal exciting 15:06
maxamillion exciting indeed 15:06
adamw now both Duke Nukem Forever and Chinese Democracy exist, I have no idea what to compare it to. =) 15:06
maxamillion is there a wiki page for that test day? 15:06
tflink adamw: halflife 2 episode 3 15:06
adamw ooh, good one. 15:06
maxamillion equality in america? 15:06
maxamillion >.> 15:06
adamw 15:06
kparal maxamillion: 15:06
adamw ooh, political! 15:06
* maxamillion is very bitter about the NC crap even though he doesn't live there 15:07
* adamw is bitter about many things but aims to keep them out of QA meetings 15:07
maxamillion adamw, kparal: thanks for the linkage 15:07
maxamillion adamw: fair point 15:07
adamw #info "adamw to check in on Boxes test day once more": test day has been moved out once more and looks like it may actually happen now 15:08
adamw #topic Fedora 17 Final status/planning 15:08
adamw welp, here's the big one 15:08
maxamillion so gnome boxes is a front end to kvm? ... like virt-manager? 15:08
adamw maxam: more or less, yeah. also, vnc. 15:09
maxamillion rgr 15:09
adamw because it seemed to logically go together, apparently. 15:09
tflink adamw: I have IRC stuff prepped we want to do a blocker-review here 15:09
adamw yeah, at least the proposed blockers, i think 15:09
adamw #topic Fedora 17 Final status/planning: mini-blocker review 15:10
adamw take it away, tflink 15:10
tflink adamw: chair? 15:10
adamw shoot 15:11
adamw #chair tflink 15:11
zodbot Current chairs: adamw tflink 15:11
adamw #chair kparal 15:11
zodbot Current chairs: adamw kparal tflink 15:11
tflink #topic (820366) Cannot boot 17 Beta installer: /dev/root does not exist 15:11
tflink #link 15:11
tflink #info Proposed Blocker, NEW 15:11
adamw #chair maxamillion 15:11
zodbot Current chairs: adamw kparal maxamillion tflink 15:11
* j_dulaney waves 15:11
* tflink remembers talking with the reporter about this over IRC 15:12
adamw bcl seems baffled 15:13
tflink I still think that we need more info 15:13
tflink it would be helpful if the reporter could try a public mirror 15:13
adamw have you verified you can still do PXE installs fine? 15:13
maxamillion o.O' 15:13
tflink not with TC5, no 15:13
tflink TC4 worked, though 15:13
j_dulaney If bcl is baffled, then, wow 15:13
kparal I booted TC5 anaconda over PXE today, all fine 15:14
* j_dulaney did pxe with TC5 15:14
kparal I did not finish the installation though, just booted installer 15:14
j_dulaney What kparal said 15:14
adamw still, it booted 15:14
kparal yes 15:14
kparal i386 15:14
adamw i just wanted to be sure we had enough 'it works' confidence 15:14
tflink when I was talking with the reporter, he was attempting PXE with a different initrd/vmlinuz than was on the mirror he was using 15:14
tflink he kept changing that up, though 15:15
adamw in general i'd be okay with punting, but we don't really have a whole lot of punting room at this point 15:15
adamw i'm inclined to go -1 on the info that PXE works for at least two others and probably three 15:15
* j_dulaney is -1 blocker at this point 15:15
tflink we don't have enough information, what else can we do other than reject it? 15:15
tflink reject or punt 15:15
pjones I think we've actually seen, very infrequently, reports along these lines for past distros as well, and never could figure it out 15:16
pjones tflink: if nobody else can reproduce it, it certainly isn't a blocker 15:16
adamw pjones: i just worry about the case where we finally realize 'oh yeah, he has (some trivial difference in config to our other testers) and that triggers a genuine bug' 15:17
tflink pjones: assuming that we're not doing something different enough to not hit whatever the reporter is hitting 15:17
adamw but it doesn't seem like a huge likelihood at this point, and we can always re-vote it. 15:17
tflink true 15:17
adamw so, -1 15:17
tflink -1 15:17
* nirik is -1 given what we know currently 15:17
pjones adamw: and if he does - how much configuration is there really in terms of booting the network install image? I'm inclined to say you're talking about /misconfiguring/ something. 15:17
brunowolff -1 blocker 15:17
* pjones obs -1 as well 15:18
kparal -1 15:18
adamw pjones: true. 15:18
tflink proposed #agreed - 820336 - RejectedBlocker - Other testers have been unable to reproduce the issue described and with the information currently available, this is not severe enough to warrant blocker status. 15:18
rbergeron ack 15:18
j_dulaney ack 15:19
kparal ack 15:19
pschindl ack 15:19
tflink #agreed - 820336 - RejectedBlocker - Other testers have been unable to reproduce the issue described and with the information currently available, this is not severe enough to warrant blocker status. 15:19
tflink #topic (813648) gnome-shell shows blank windows on hardware lacking NPOT textures 15:19
tflink #link 15:19
tflink #info Proposed Blocker, MODIFIED 15:19
tflink was this pulled in to TC5? 15:20
adamw yipe! 15:21
adamw ironically as this bug came up, my entire desktop suddenly started blacking out 15:21
adamw two windows disappeared, then rapidly, all the other interface elements... 15:21
adamw tflink: I believe i put it in, yeah 15:21
kparal we need someone to test it 15:22
tflink adamw: yes, it was in the TC5 request 15:22
drago01 kparal: easy to test on any hardware 15:22
adamw drago01: disable a GL extension? 15:22
kparal it needs to be old nvidia 15:22
drago01 kparal: just run gnome-shell --cogl-debug=disable-npot-textures --replace 15:22
j_dulaney adamw: Yeah, I've had my whole screen blanking out then coming back, but not just under Gnome 15:23
drago01 kparal: no 15:23
kparal ah 15:23
drago01 kparal: you can force it to use that code path 15:23
* j_dulaney hasn't quite figured the cause, so no bug report just yet 15:23
adamw can you put that info in the bug / update request, drago? thanks! 15:23
* kparal is testing it 15:23
tflink so, any thoughts on blockery-ness? 15:24
drago01 adamw: 1) ajax already did 2) don't seem to have enough powers to edit the update despite being provenpacker 15:24
kparal +1 blocker, we need to either fix or blacklist 15:24
adamw at the last meeting it looks like you kinda fudged this one 15:25
adamw took it as nth and left blocker status open 15:25
* j_dulaney is also +1 blocker 15:25
adamw fwiw i always figured that if we took the low VRAM bug as a blocker we should logically take this too: most hardware affected by low VRAM is also NPOT 15:25
tflink yeah, there wasn't a consensus on whether or not it was blocker material 15:25
drago01 yeah having black textures instead of windows is a clear blocker 15:25
drago01 +1 15:25
adamw so there's not much point fixing the low VRAM bug and not fixing this, because it'll help almost no-one 15:25
adamw just a few NV4x users like kparal 15:26
tflink if this was the last blocker bug left, would we slip for it? 15:26
adamw tflink: i would slip if for some reason we couldn't write a blacklist, yes. 15:26
adamw it'd take me 20 seconds to write a blacklist, of course. :) 15:26
* rbergeron grins 15:26
tflink don't we already have a blacklist, though? 15:26
adamw not for this hardware. 15:27
adamw er, possibly we do, actually. lemme check exactly what went into beta. 15:27
adamw yeah, we only blacklisted NV30 for beta. 15:27
adamw so I think we're actually trying to render Shell on NV10/NV20. 15:27
kparal I can confirm the fix using that reproducer 15:28
brunowolff I have an nv28 that I run in fallback mode that works fine. 15:28
tflink looks like we're mostly +1 blocker today 15:28
adamw brunowolff: but if you set it to Shell, it probably doesn't render it right? 15:29
brunowolff I think the actual effect is a blocker, but I don't know the number of people that will be affected. 15:29
adamw we could pull numbers from smolt. i'd ballpark it in the low single digits %age-wise. 15:29
adamw low single *whole* digits, though. :) 15:30
brunowolff I don't usually use the shell, because I don't like it. There was a point about a month ago where I used the shell by mistake and it broke things. 15:30
pjones adamw: .9 is plural. 15:30
brunowolff I haven't tried it again since. So I don't know the current status. 15:30
tflink proposed #agreed - 813648 - AcceptedBlocker - violates "Following on from the previous criterion, after firstboot is completed and on subsequent boots, a system installed according to any of the above criteria (or the appropriate Beta or Final criteria, when applying this criterion to those releases) must boot to a working graphical environment without unintended user intervention. This includes correctly accessing any encrypted partitions when the co 15:31
brunowolff I think a few percent would be significant and worth blocking for. 15:31
tflink that criterion is too long :( 15:31
adamw tflink: yeah, i keep loading it up. 15:31
adamw ack 15:31
brunowolff ack 15:31
kparal ack 15:31
drago01 tflink: just assign them numbers so that you can say violates cirterion #X 15:31
j_dulaney ack 15:32
kparal numbers change in time 15:32
tflink #agreed - 813648 - AcceptedBlocker - violates "Following on from the previous criterion, after firstboot is completed and on subsequent boots, a system installed according to any of the above criteria (or the appropriate Beta or Final criteria, when applying this criterion to those releases) must boot to a working graphical environment without unintended user intervention. This includes correctly accessing any encrypted partitions when the correct pas 15:32
tflink #topic (820985) Searching for duplicate anaconda bugs while reporting exception against partner-bugzilla during install fails 15:32
tflink #link 15:32
tflink #info Proposed Blocker, MODIFIED 15:32
tflink this is a pretty clear cut blocker to me 15:33
adamw well...what data do we lose? 15:33
tflink proposed #agreed - 820985 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the F17 alpha release criterion "The installer must be able to report failures to Bugzilla and local disk, with appropriate information included" once is upgraded 15:33
adamw the info that multiple people are hitting the bug, i guess 15:34
tflink adamw: duplicate reporting and it looks bad 15:34
adamw all the bugs would still get reported 15:34
* adamw just trying to be careful :) 15:34
tflink "hey, we hit this problem but we won't let you report it" 15:34
kparal sometimes the duplicate detection is totally wrong 15:34
tflink the failure mode doesn't say anything about why, just failes with issue (null) 15:34
j_dulaney Goes against the bug reporting criterion, I think 15:35
adamw tflink: where's that commit from? 15:35
* j_dulaney is +1 blocker 15:35
tflink adamw: libreport, I think 15:35
adamw j_dulaney: yeah, it's a conditional breakage of that criterion in the case of 'reporting a dupe bug' 15:35
tflink I don't think we have a new build yet, though 15:35
kparal ack 15:35
adamw tflink: note you'll want the next patch in the series too 15:36
adamw as the first one just unconditionally changes to 'id' 15:36
adamw so it'd break existing bugzilla instead =) the next one queries version and DTRT 15:36
adamw okay, ack. 15:36
tflink proposed #agreed - 820985 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the F17 alpha release criterion "The installer must be able to report failures to Bugzilla and local disk, with appropriate information included" for detected duplicates once is upgraded 15:36
kparal ack 15:37
brunowolff ack 15:37
tflink #agreed - 820985 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the F17 alpha release criterion "The installer must be able to report failures to Bugzilla and local disk, with appropriate information included" for detected duplicates once is upgraded 15:37
tflink #topic (821122) repoclosure failure on 17.TC5 DVDs (zif) 15:37
tflink #link 15:37
tflink #info Proposed Blocker, NEW 15:37
adamw well, ack, repoclosure. but how did this happen? 15:37
adamw dgilmore: ? 15:37
adamw hum. i see two versions of PackageKit in the file list. 15:38
dgilmore adamw: it failed because we exclude every javadoc package 15:38
tflink proposed #agreed - 821122 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the Fedora 17 alpha criterion "There must be no file conflicts (cases where the files in some packages conflict but the packages have explicit Conflicts: tags are acceptable) or unresolved package dependencies during a media-based (DVD) install" 15:39
j_dulaney +1 blocker 15:39
adamw this is PackageKit-zif. 15:39
dgilmore i tried a few things to pull in just the one requested 15:39
j_dulaney ack 15:39
kparal acl 15:39
adamw dgilmore: wrong bug. 15:39
dgilmore adamw: im going to have to remove the removal of javadoc packages 15:39
brunowolff Pungi will pull in all matches, so if two versions are available, I think you get both. 15:39
tflink #agreed - 821122 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the Fedora 17 alpha criterion "There must be no file conflicts (cases where the files in some packages conflict but the packages have explicit Conflicts: tags are acceptable) or unresolved package dependencies during a media-based (DVD) install" 15:39
brunowolff ack 15:39
dgilmore adamw: what bug is it? 15:39
j_dulaney kparal: Atlantic Coast Line 15:39
adamw . wrong version of PackageKit-zif on the DVD. 15:39
dgilmore adamw: the mysql one the package wasnt pushed to stable so we have bothe versions 15:39
tflink j_dulaney: access control list :) 15:39
dgilmore adamw: we exclude PackageKit-zif from being on the dvd 15:40
adamw well, that doesn't appear to be working 15:40
adamw i think i can see part of the answer 15:40
adamw PackageKit has an open-ended "Requires: PackageKit-backend" 15:40
adamw still, no, that doesn't explain why it'd pull an old 15:40
adamw oh hey, i linked the wrong bug. heh. 15:41
brunowolff dgilmore: I add some more info to bug 819138 that might allow us to exclude javadoc stuff without adding two many lines to the ks file. 15:41
adamw dgilmore: sorry, it's . still can't see why it'd happen, though. i'm guessing it's somehow related to both PK builds being on the DVD, but that's as far as I can getr. 15:41
brunowolff I haven't properly tested it thow. 15:41
* jskladan is back after interwebz failure 15:41
dgilmore adamw: there is a packagekit update in the bleed repo 15:42
adamw dgilmore: yes. 15:42
dgilmore adamw: some subpackage must have changed arch or something to cause both to be pulled in 15:42
j_dulaney So, why exactly are we bringing in two PK builds? 15:42
adamw j_dulaney: it sometimes happens when we want to pull in a new build from the side repo 15:43
adamw since the older build is still in the main repo 15:43
j_dulaney Ah 15:43
adamw depending on dependencies (hah), that can result in both winding up on the media 15:43
dgilmore adamw: and my run of repoclosure on the tc5 tree did not show any PackageKit issues 15:43
adamw dgilmore: i guess we can just see what happens with TC6/RC1 if we do a stable push first 15:44
* j_dulaney doesn't quite see how that makes sense 15:44
dgilmore Repos looked at: 1 15:44
dgilmore f17-TC5 15:44
dgilmore Num Packages in Repos: 3346 15:44
dgilmore package: 1:eclipse-jdt-4.2.0-0.20.I201205031800.fc17.x86_64 from f17-TC5 15:44
dgilmore unresolved deps: 15:44
dgilmore java-javadoc >= 1:1.7.0 15:44
dgilmore package: 1:mysql-connector-java-5.1.17-4.fc17.x86_64 from f17-TC5 15:44
dgilmore unresolved deps: 15:44
dgilmore 15:44
dgilmore java-gcj-compat >= 0:1.0.31 15:44
dgilmore java-gcj-compat >= 0:1.0.31 15:44
dgilmore thats what i got and what i expected 15:44
adamw j_dulaney: see for one example of a case where it happens 15:44
adamw dgilmore: what do you think of the 'push it stable and try again' plan? 15:45
dgilmore adamw: i pushed stable what i could on friday 15:45
adamw we'd need more karma on , everyone. 15:45
adamw yeah, we can get some karma in and do another. 15:45
j_dulaney Testing 15:46
tflink is FESCo right after us or is there an hour gap? 15:46
kparal FESCo is from 17 UTC 15:46
fossjon y wud a bug fix need karma lol just apply it man 15:47
maxamillion adamw: firing up a VM, should have karma in shortly 15:47
tflink ok, just making sure 15:47
tflink fossjon: assuming that your question was more serious than your phrasing - because it could cause regressions that are worse than the current situation 15:48
j_dulaney Dang it, getting mirror wonkiness 15:48
dgilmore adamw: the issue with PackageKit is the update dropped 5 subpackages 15:48
j_dulaney There we go 15:48
adamw dgilmore: i checked that zif was in there, though? 15:48
dgilmore well maybe not 15:48
dgilmore adamw: yeah seems we dropped the excluding of zif somewhere 15:49
dgilmore adamw: need to add that back 15:49
adamw okay 15:49
tflink that's all of the proposed blockers 15:49
j_dulaney packagekit updating, will test when complete 15:49
adamw can people vote on proposed NTH in the bug reports, please? 15:50
adamw i'll go through and gather up votes later 15:50
* nirik sees 820750 is bouncing back and forth between anaconda and desktop. Fun times. ;( 15:50
* tflink will put together a requested blocker karma/testing/voting email after this meeting 15:51
dgilmore adamw: but when i ran repoclosure on the TC5 tree i did not see 15:51
dgilmore adamw: so i dont know how robitno did 15:51
* j_dulaney added PK karma 15:52
adamw dgilmore: ran it on the media not the tree? 15:53
nirik if it was excluded from the dvd, and they installed, repoclosure would see it as missing because only the old one is in the repos... 15:53
* adamw will brb, call of nature 15:53
adamw if someone wants to move on through the agenda, please do 15:53
dgilmore adamw: the tree is the media 15:53
dgilmore ls /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-* 15:53
dgilmore /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-0.7.4-1.fc17.x86_64.rpm /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin-0.7. 15:53
adamw note the go/no-go has been moved to thursday 15:53
dgilmore /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-0.7.4-2.fc17.x86_64.rpm /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-gtk3-module-0.7.4-2.f 15:53
dgilmore /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-command-not-found-0.7.4-2.fc17.x86_64.rpm /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-qt-0.7.4-2.fc17.x86_6 15:53
dgilmore /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-device-rebind-0.7.4-2.fc17.x86_64.rpm /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-yum-0.7.4-2.fc17.x86_ 15:54
dgilmore /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-glib-0.7.4-1.fc17.x86_64.rpm /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-yum-plugin-0.7.4-2.fc 15:54
dgilmore /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-glib-0.7.4-2.fc17.x86_64.rpm /srv/pungi/17.TC5/17-TC5/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/p/PackageKit-zif-0.7.4-1.fc17.x86_ 15:54
* kparal notes PackageKit-0.7.4-2.fc17 now has enough karma for stable repo 15:54
dgilmore thats pretty clearly not right though 15:54
nirik yeah. ;( 15:54
tflink anything else on this or are we good to move on? 15:55
tflink moving on, then :) 15:56
tflink #topic Upcoming QA Events 15:56
tflink looking a the agenda, there are 2 events coming up 15:56
tflink #info GNOME Boxes test day scheduled for 2012-05-17 15:56
* nirik has an item for open floor when that arrives. 15:56
* tflink hasn't looked into it himself but hears that it might actually happen this time 15:57
* jskladan sacrifices a pig... 15:57
j_dulaney Can I have the bacon? 15:57
tflink nirik: ok, will ping you @ open floor when we get there 15:57
* j_dulaney will actually do his job and promote it 15:58
tflink how confidant are we that it'll actually happen this time? 15:58
tflink they should probably update those media links :) 15:58
tflink I see test cases, though 15:58
jskladan pschindl might know, if he's still into that 15:59
tflink the matrix needs to be updated but that should be pretty easy 15:59
pschindl I wasn't working on it this week 15:59
adamw back 15:59
tflink but I'm not sure there is much we can do from our end right now 15:59
pschindl but I think it's on good way 15:59
tflink #action j_dulaney to actually do his job and promote the GNOME boxes test day 16:00
* j_dulaney is writing the blog post even now 16:00
tflink adamw: ok, I think we're pretty much done with discussing the GNOME boxes test day 16:00
tflink the only other thing is the go/no-go meeting on thursday 2012-05-17 16:02
tflink not much to say there, either 16:02
tflink need an RC, need testing :) 16:02
tflink I think that's it for upcoming events, though 16:02
cmurf when is RC expected? 16:02
j_dulaney Never 16:03
tflink cmurf: soon :) 16:03
cmurf I suspected this answer. 16:03
adamw #info go/no-go has been rescheduled to 2012-05-17 16:03
adamw cmurf: you can pick either. :P 16:03
cmurf Wait what are my choices again? 16:04
tflink "real soon now" and "never" 16:04
j_dulaney I was first with a reply, so my answer takes precedence 16:04
j_dulaney ! 16:04
cmurf These are binary options? 16:04
adamw oh, for the love of... 16:05
spot as thrilling as this is... 16:06
adamw now my desktop has hit another damn bug. sigh. 16:06
adamw #topic AutoQA update 16:06
adamw #info no news due to Final testing 16:06
adamw #topic open floor 16:06
adamw floor is open for an extremely limited engagement 16:06
spot 820973 16:06
spot can we revisit that quickly? 16:06
cmurf Bug 810104 needs to be reopened I think 16:06
tflink adamw: you missed a topic 16:06
adamw yes 16:06
adamw tflink: what did I miss? 16:06
j_dulaney tflink: He closed it 16:06
tflink adamw: pending RHBZ awesomeness 16:07
adamw tflink: oh. well, i thought you said we were done with upcoming events. 16:07
tflink I wasn't thinking of it as an upcoming event, I guess 16:07
tflink more of a question of how much we care about our current tools 16:07
adamw tflink: oh, you made it a sub-topic of upcoming events in the agenda. 16:07
* kparal is confused 16:08
tflink yeah, I screwed up the formatting 16:08
adamw #topic Open floor: 16:08
adamw so, see comment #2, i'm okay with considering it not a blocker on the basis the menu item actually works as intende 16:08
adamw s 16:08
adamw intended. grr. 16:08
kparal no changes needed in software -> no bug 16:08
j_dulaney +1 16:08
* spot isn't even sure it merits a NTH, since no package update would be needed 16:08
* j_dulaney will go for that 16:09
kparal we can't force transmission upstream to create those pages 16:09
adamw yeah, i don't see what we can change as nth 16:09
kparal just close NOTABUG or CANTFIX 16:09
j_dulaney CANTFIX better 16:09
tflink CANTFIX seems closer in this case 16:09
adamw propose #agreed #820973 is no longer considered a blocker as the menu entry works as intended, but upstream has not yet written the online documentation to which it points 16:10
jskladan ack 16:10
tflink ack 16:10
spot ackity ack 16:10
pschindl ack 16:10
kparal ack 16:10
j_dulaney ack 16:10
adamw #agreed #820973 is no longer considered a blocker as the menu entry works as intended, but upstream has not yet written the online documentation to which it points 16:11
adamw someone suggested... 16:11
adamw #topic Open floor: 16:11
adamw cmurf: oh, you. in general, please don't assume Macs ever behave like anything else. 16:11
cmurf I don't ever assume such craziness. 16:12
adamw has anyone yet tested writing TC4/TC5 to actual silver disc and booting it EFI on a non-mac? 16:12
* j_dulaney has no EFI h/w 16:12
* nirik neither. 16:13
spot adamw: there isn't too much non-mac EFI around, matthew might have some 16:13
adamw if not, let's leave it open to testing. the test is in the matrix anyway. 16:13
adamw spot: i have one. i think satellit does. 16:13
* tflink does as well 16:13
spot i stand corrected. 16:13
adamw #action adamw and tflink to check status of #810104 with TC5 16:14
adamw okay, back to... 16:14
adamw #topic Pending RHBZ upgrade 16:14
adamw you have the floor, tflink 16:14
tflink there is an upgrade to RHBZ scheduled for 2012-05-19 16:14
tflink I probably should have done this earlier, but I started testing stuff against the staging instance to make sure that stuff doesn't explode 16:15
adamw because, y'know, it's a great time to do that. 16:15
tflink at least it's not 2012-05-21 any more 16:15
adamw Reasons We Need A Fedora Bugzilla, #546633 16:15
tflink adamw: I hear a volunteer to setup and admin :) 16:16
j_dulaney LOL 16:16
tflink anyways, there is breakage 16:16
tflink there are going to be issues with libreport in released installers 16:16
tflink but I'm not so worried about that 16:16
tflink the script that makes the blocker bug wiki page will not work with the new RHBZ 16:16
tflink neither will the script I use to help with blocker review meetings 16:17
tflink there are other issues, but those are outside the scope of QA 16:17
nirik so, we just need to have f17 ready to go before then, right? ;) 16:17
* nirik runs 16:17
kparal is it hard to update those scripts? 16:17
tflink my question is - how useful is the blocker wiki page? 16:17
kparal I use it exclusively 16:18
adamw pretty useful. though sometimes problematic 16:18
adamw i found out recently it doesn't cover indirect blockers 16:18
tflink kparal: jlaska and I poked at it on friday, it won't be a trivial fix 16:18
adamw i.e. it doesn't list , because it doesn't block f17blocker directly 16:18
tflink there has been some talk about re-thinking that to be a little more sophisticated 16:18
adamw you can use custom bugzilla searches to do everything the page does functionally, but it's nowhere near as nice a layout. 16:18
tflink the wiki page or some replacement, I mean 16:18
brunowolff I once looked at doing something similar for verified bugs. 16:18
tflink so my question is - is making sure the wiki page works post RHBZ-upgrade important enough to do instead of some testing? 16:19
tflink or do we leave it alone for F17 and work on some sort of replacement for F18+ 16:19
adamw the other annoyance with the custom search approach is you have to keep making new searches for alpha, beta, final, next release alpha, beta, final, ad infinitum 16:19
brunowolff It looked possible to add recursive searching with a postgres backend, but I ended up doing other stuff instead of working on that. 16:19
adamw tflink: no. 16:20
adamw tflink: leave it alone until we sign off on f17. 16:20
tflink adamw: no? to what? 16:20
j_dulaney tflink: Leave it for f18 16:20
adamw it's not more important than testing. 16:20
adamw i can throw up some shared bugzilla searches for f17 final. 16:20
* jskladan is afk for a while 16:20
j_dulaney tflink: But, yeah, the wiki page is way useful 16:20
kparal I think it's enough to replace the wiki contents with links to bz queries once rhbz is updated 16:20
tflink adamw: I know that you think that way - AFAIK, you don't even like the current wiki page 16:20
kparal and fix it for f18 16:20
adamw tflink: er, that's not what i said? 16:20
adamw "<adamw> pretty useful. though sometimes problematic" 16:21
tflink adamw: ok, I'm mistaken 16:21
brunowolff Is there going to be an outage during the cut over for a significant amount of time? 16:21
* nirik nods. Shouldn't spend energy on this now, work on f17, _then_ work on fixing it or redoing it. 16:21
tflink brunowolff: 3 hours are planned 16:21
nirik brunowolff: it's 3 hours I think 16:21
tflink ok, works for me. just figured that I would bring it up so it isn't a surprise 16:21
brunowolff That's not too bad unless it hits a blocker meeting. 16:21
tflink brunowolff: it won't if we don't slip :) 16:22
tflink nvm, I misread 16:22
* j_dulaney sees that as unlikely 16:22
tflink the upgrade is on saturday 16:22
adamw oh good, i'm scheduled to drink myself into a coma on friday, so no conflicts! 16:23
tflink so it won't hit the blocker meeting on friday unless it is beyond epic :) 16:23
nirik yeah, but if we slip we will have no webpage or blockerscript tools... but I hope we can muddle along. 16:23
tflink nirik: if it's only a week, I can do it by hand 16:23
nirik yeah. 16:23
adamw that's how i always used to do it anyway. 16:23
tflink I/we/whomever 16:23
nirik and hopefully numbers of bugs would be small. 16:23
j_dulaney tflink: You've doomed us to an uber blocker meeting 16:23
adamw right 16:23
* j_dulaney notes that he may not be available for said meeting 16:24
* tflink will ask jlaska to stop running the script after the meeting on friday 16:24
adamw okay 16:25
adamw i'll put together some saved searches and send out a mail or something 16:25
tflink we'll figure out what we want to do post F17 16:25
tflink hopefully bodhi will work with the new RHBZ :) 16:26
nirik yeah, lmacken is going to be doing testing with it this week. 16:27
nirik hopefully no big issues. 16:27
tflink yeah, I'm hoping that isn't going to be a problem 16:27
tflink but considering what we were hitting on friday, I'm not sure how likely it is :'( 16:27
j_dulaney Why, oh why, are they doing it at this point in the release cycle? 16:28
tflink ok, that's all I wanted to bring up 16:28
adamw okay. 16:29
adamw j_dulaney: note that it's . 16:29
tflink j_dulaney: the original F17 release was supposed to have happened already :) 16:29
adamw oh, and that. 16:29
adamw okay 16:29
adamw we did open floor already 16:29
adamw but let's just re-check 16:30
tflink adamw: nirik had something for open floor 16:30
adamw oh, and log that section 16:30
nirik oh yeah... 16:30
adamw #info Bugzilla will be upgraded to 4.2 on 2012-05-19 16:30
adamw #info this may cause problems for bug reporting from anaconda in older releases, and will break our 'current release blockers' wiki page and blocker meeting helper scripts 16:30
adamw #action adamw to create some shared bugzilla searches for F17 final blocker/nth to replace the wiki page 16:31
adamw #info tflink will look into options for the broken tools once f17 is signed off 16:31
adamw #topic Open floor 16:31
brunowolff I notice that bugmail is now going to come in html by default. I'll be turning that off (html) right away. 16:31
adamw what's up, nirik? 16:31
nirik so, I thought I would mention to QA folks: I was looking at updating it's been on my list for a long time. we can back it out if it causes problems easily. I don't know how many people use b.fp.o. There is no release critera affected. 16:31
tflink brunowolff: wait, what? really? damnation, I'll have to change that option, too 16:32
nirik but perhaps down the road we should add it to critera, etc. 16:32
nirik brunowolff: ? yuck 16:32
adamw nirik: yeah, it's like EC2 at present, not covered but probably should be. 16:32
brunowolff 16:32
tflink adamw: isn't EC2 covered? 16:32
nirik anyhow, wanted to mention it, and get any feedback about it... and testing would of course be welcome after it's switched. 16:33
tflink as final - the Xen release criteria 16:33
adamw tflink: well, sorta indirectly, yeah. 16:33
j_dulaney nirik: Propose a test day 16:33
tflink adamw: EC2 was the reason we wrote that criterion, though 16:33
adamw that criterion probably wouldn't cover just some kind of error in our EC2 applicance image, though. well, burn that bridge when we get to it. 16:34
adamw not entirely. ec2 is one of the major reasons we accepted the principle of xen being a final blocker. 16:34
j_dulaney BURNING BRIDGES! 16:34
adamw but that was more 'use of fedora on ec2' than 'use of any specific image fedora project releases for ec2' 16:34
* j_dulaney is a pyro 16:34
nirik j_dulaney: sure... 16:34
adamw anyhow...we're way over time 16:34
brunowolff That's a good song. 16:34
adamw #info nirik will be updating for F17, he welcomes input and testing 16:35
nirik ipxe should add lots of more hardware support, FYI. 16:35
nirik and some wireless even 16:35
adamw oh yay. 16:36
adamw, anything else? last call! 16:36
* nirik has nothing 16:36
adamw well FINALLY you're satisfied 16:37
adamw :P 16:37
nirik :) 16:37
adamw thanks for coming, all 16:37
adamw time to go bash some blockers 16:37
adamw #endmeeting 16:37

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