From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 13:07, 6 February 2013 by Robyduck (talk | contribs)


When merging from one release version to the next one, we need to check that links, redirects, variables ecc. are still working.
This list should help during the merging process. All the major steps, such as pullpos and translation procedures, merging from alpha, beta or GA branch to the next or updating the SyncStatic file are described in our SOP document.


The slider in fp.o includes a screenshot of the last final release and, if on alpha or beta, a "try it" button to the pre-release download page. Ask the design team in time for updated screenshots.

32 bit architecture

Unfortunately there is actually no unique identification of the 32 bit images or directories (ticket #129). Check every single ISO and directory (including the spins) with th Releng team, and update it to i386 or i686.


This is one of the most important changes to do, because these variables are present in most of our pages. Update every single row of it, including the size of the ISO images. There are 2 files to check:


For the ISO images you can take a look on

Insert the correct CHECKSUM files

These filkes has to be inserted in the CHECKSUM directory, but we need also to update (or better, verify) the verify.html page.
Please check the keys twice! Ask Releng if you have any doubt.

Documentation links

As we have two variables in our file when linking to a specific documentation page, it's important to verify the new link created when merging from one release version to the next (i.e. from 18 to 19) is still working.
The following links actually are present in our pages (please add if I forgot one):

Please replace the $releasever variable with the version of Fedora we are merging to.