From Fedora Project Wiki
This is a draft document!
This document is a work-in-progress draft and has not been agreed upon yet.



  • ‘application developer’ could be one right? someone who wants to build server applications
  • ‘home/small business’ where they are constrained to one server/limited resources?
  • ‘enterprise datacenter’ where they want to roll out many server instances and automate.
  • A mid-level Microsoft administrator who does not have time for a steep learning curve.

Sandra: Small Business System Administrator

Demographics Geekiness Factors Personal Background
  • 21-58 years old
  • Earns a living income
  • May have children
  • Owns her own laptop
  • Owns a cell phone; may or may not have data plan
  • Types 40+ wpm
  • 5+ years of computer usage
  • Has a LinkedIn account
  • Daily email & chat user
  • Likes to watch TV on Hulu
  • Can install apps with some assistance
Teresa works as a writer for a print magazine.

She is a regular inhabitant of a local coffee shop where she goes to get out of the house and to focus on writing articles. When she travels to meet interviewees, she also likes to interview them at coffee shops. Internet connectivity is key for her -she researches and submits her articles online.

Motivation Scenarios
Focus and get work done away from home.
  • Easily and safely connect to internet, sometimes corporate VPN, while out and about.
  • Research, write, and submit an article before the deadline.
  • Arrange an interview (travel & scheduling) for an upcoming feature article.
  • Meet with a co-worker (in-person) to brainstorm together on a project.
  • Meet with a co-worker (remotely) to brainstorm together on a project.
  • Keep deadlines and to-dos under control.
  • "I don't want to run up a large bill with wifi subscription or mobile broadband."
  • "I cannot run out of power and lose work when there aren't enough outlets available at the cafe."
  • "I am worried about getting hacked or having people I don't know connecting to my computer in the cafe."
  • "It's important to me to organize my work, separating work from play on my computer."
  • "I want to feel connected to my co-workers, even though we are geographically dispersed."
Cost-sensitivity ■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□
Software freedom ■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
Stylishness ■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□
Technology ■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□
Social Justice ■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□
Grassroots ■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□

Questions / Discussion Points

Who are our users?

  • "I think the idea of focusing on target users is important here. Will having a GUI for servers help us grow Fedora Server use? Is it where we should put effort over other things that would grow it *more*? Who are the users, and, short of market research, do we have the collective expertise to make a reasonable case?" --mattdm