From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 03:09, 9 January 2014 by Toshio (talk | contribs) (Fix up the Category and procedure for getting this to the FPC)

Comments and Explanations
The page source contains comments providing guidance to fill out each section. They are invisible when viewing this page. To read it, choose the "edit" link.
Copy the source to a new page before making changes! DO NOT EDIT THIS TEMPLATE FOR YOUR SCL REQUEST.

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page. This is a draft SCL Definition. It needs to be approved by the FPC before an SCL following this draft can be created. The FPC uses the criteria on to evaluate whether the SCL is okay for Fedora.

SCL Name



Detailed Description

Packages in the Platform

Compatibility Guarantees

Security trumps compatibility
If a security issue needs to be fixed but that breaks backwards compatibility, the security issue will be fixed despite violating the guarantee. This page will be updated to mention the Fedora versions and the version of the relevant packages from the SCL which needed a backwards incompatible change to fix the issue).

(Bug for bug compat?) ()