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Revision as of 21:42, 13 August 2008 by Sundaram (talk | contribs)

Red Hat contributions to Free and Open Source software

This documented in maintained by Rahul Sundaram. Feel free to edit the wiki or contact the maintainer for any kind of feedback.

Red Hat has contributed extensively to Free and Open Source software. A partial list of software that Red Hat has contributed towards include the following.

Red Hat has a similar page with many more details on its involvement, and a list of projects that Red Hat is heavily involved with.

Fedora Project

Red Hat is the primary sponsor of Fedora Project and provides hosting, engineering and other resources. It has several hundred active developers participating and leading the project in different ways in coordination with the volunteer community members. It is a highly successful model pionoreed by Red Hat within the Fedora Project that has inspired several other distributions like OpenSUSE and free software projects like MySQL and OpenSolaris.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise is a open source product based on Fedora that is commercially supported by Red Hat.

Upstream Focus

Fedora Project has a strong focus on not deviating from upstream as much as possible in all the different software it includes in the repository. The following is a general set of best practice guidelines on why this is a good idea, tips for sending your patches upstream, and the potential exceptions Fedora might make. The primary goal is to share the benefits of a common codebase for end users and developers while simultaneously reducing unnecessary maintenance efforts.

Linux Kernel

Red Hat is the largest contributor and Red Hat developers are the leading contributors.


Red Hat is also the largest contributor to Xorg according to this report.

Proprietary Software Freed

  • Sistina GFS file system, LVM2 and associated clustering tools acquired for 31 million dollars and completely released as Free and open source software

Source for these information


Red Hat donated all the eCos copyrights to FSF

GNOME and the Free Desktop


  • Lohit Indic Fonts
  • Liberation fonts which provide Free and unrestricted metric equivalents to key Microsoft fonts

Desktop Software

  • Firefox: we added support for the GTK+ and GTK+2 toolkits. Pango support, GNOME Integration. Current upstream contributions include security patches, and co-ownership of various linux-specific pieces of the project.
  • infrastructure, hosting and bandwidth
  • pango: originally written and maintained
  • glib, gtk+: most primary maintainers and developer work
  • metacity: written and maintained
  • nautilus: co-maintained
  • gnome-panel: co-maintained
  • gnome-session: maintained
  • vte: written and maintained
  • cairo: written (employee) and maintained
  • gconf: written and maintained
  • dbus: written (employee) and maintained
  • DeviceKit: written and maintained
  • hal: written (employee) and maintained
  • Avahi: maintained
  • PulseAudio: maintained
  • gnome-keyring: written and maintained
  • gnome control-center: co-maintained
  • evince: written and maintained
  • NetworkManager: written and maintained
  • [""] : fontconfig font/glyph fallback, headless plugin, xdg-userdirs, email-mailmerge backend, MSWord 2.0 filter, gcj port of Java dependencies, ppc64 port, co-author on gnome dialogs, x86_64 port, ...
  • vino: written and maintained
  • gnome-menus: written and maintained
  • sabayon: written
  • dogtail - UI automation and testing framework
  • Xorg: major contributions and maintenance.
  • AIGLX : Compositing desktop framework.
  • virt-manager: written and maintained

The Core Operating System

  • LVM2, md
  • Autofs - maintained
  • SELinux - Maintains User space tools, Targeted policy, MCS
  • Kernel 2.6 Audit subsystem - written and maintained
  • ipsec
  • crypto
  • ext3 - Written and maintained
  • vfs- Written and maintained
  • usb - patches
  • Kernel 2.6 Virtual Memory manager - Written and maintained
  • kernel 2.6 CPU scheduler - Written and maintained
  • netdump and netconsole
  • NPTL - Written and maintained
  • Tux - Written and maintained
  • several SATA drivers
  • Several network drivers
  • Network stack
  • parted - co-maintained
  • grub

Key Open Source Development Tools

  • glibc - Major contributions. Maintained.
  • gcc and gcj - Major contributions
  • binutils -
  • elfutils - Written and maintained
  • libuser
  • gamin - FAM replacement library done within Fedora - Written and maintained
  • Gnulib - GNU Portability Library - Major contributions. Maintained.
  • Eclipse
  • Autotools plugin : written and maintained
  • RPM Specfile editor : written and co-maintained
  • On-going work to ensure upcoming 3.4 release works for Linux distributions
  • Continues long-standing work in same vein

Administration Frameworks

  • RPM - Written and maintained
  • up2date - Written and maintained
  • anaconda - Written and maintained
  • firstboot - Written and maintained
  • yum - Maintained
  • func - Written and maintained

System Clustering

  • gfs - Written (Sistina) and maintained
  • gfs2 - Written and maintained
  • dlm - Written and maintained
  • gulm - Written and maintained
  • cman - Written and maintained
  • rgmanager - Written and maintained
  • ccs - Written and maintained
  • fence - Written and maintained
  • system-config-cluster - Written and maintained
  • gnbd - Written and maintained
  • dmraid - Written and maintained
  • bddraid - Written and maintained
  • csnap - Written and maintained
  • JFFS2

Service Management

  • booty - Written and maintained
  • chkconfig
  • initscripts
  • kudzu - Written and maintained
  • mkbootdisk
  • mkinitrd - Written and maintained
  • ntsysv - Written and maintained
  • rhpl - Written and maintained
  • rootfiles
  • sysreport - Written and maintained
  • sos - Written and Maintained


  • Lohit Indic Fonts - Upstream.
  • AR PL Uni Chinese Fonts
  • SCIM Input Framework
  • gettext
  • Anthy Japanese Engine
  • Chewing Chinese Engine
  • SCIM PinYin Chinese Engine
  • SCIM Hangul Korean Engine
  • M17N Indic Engine
  • PAPS text printing filter

Emerging Technologies

  • Supporting Xen virtualization
  • SELinux MCS
  • libvirt interface for virtualization - Written and maintained


  • cdparanoia - maintained
