π Rahul Sundaram
- Email: sundaram AT fedoraproject DOT org
- IRC: mether. Hang out in #fedora-ask #fedora-qa #fedorabot #fedora-devel #fedora-admin
- GPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xB6AE45EEC6F5D18C
- Fedora Account: sundaram
- Blog Post: http://mether.wordpress.com/
- Identi.ca: http://identi.ca/rahulsundaram
- Twitter : http://twitter.com/rahulsundaram (reposted via identi.ca)
π Brief Profile
- Fedora contributor - packaging, documentation, events, marketing and community management.
- Maintainer/Co-maintainer of over 100 Fedora packages in the official repository
- Lead of Ask Fedora - http;//ask.fedoraproject.org community knowledge base and support forum
- Organizer of FUDCon Pune in 2011
- Frequent international public speaker on Free and open source softrware including a keynote in foss.in, several presentations in FUDCon Boston 2007, 2008 and Virginia in 2012 and several others.
- Founding member of the first public Fedora Board
- In the past, Red Hat OLPC team information and community wrangler.
- Fedora Ambassador for India and a member of the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee.
- Ex- Linux Documentation Project volunteer
- Mozilla Tamil translator in 2002.
π 71 Badges
π Spins
I originally created and maintained the Fedora Games spin , Fedora Xfce spin and some Indian Language spins of Fedora.
π Packages I Maintain/Co-maintain
π Articles
π Muktware
π Red Hat Magazine
- Fedora 9 and the road to KDE4
- AbiWord Team Inteview
- Introducing Fedora Core 6 - Part 2
- Inside Fedora Core 6 - Part 1
- Inside Fedora Core 5
π Linux For You
- Now, Package Management is Intelligent by Design January 01, 2009 Page: 38-41. Viewable at http://www.linuxforu.com/previews/now-package-management-is-intelligent-by-design/
- Freedom Software: How to Contribute : September 1, 2003 Page: 99
- Top 10 Freedom Software Myths : July 1, 2003 Page: 91-92
- Popular Linux Packages : April 1, 2003 Page: 25-26
- Linux@Home February 1, 2003 Page: 14-16
π Linux Identity Magazine
- Fedora 11 Reigns - July 2009 - http://www.linuxidentity.com/us/
π Media References
- http://blue-gnu.biz/content/importance_039_completely_libre_039_distributions
- http://lwn.net/Articles/242051/
- http://distrocenter.linux.com/distrocenter/07/05/03/1711201.shtml?tid=111
- http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/03/01/1646249
- http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20070212
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/PressArchive - Linux For You December 2006 Articles
- http://news.com.com/Open+source+casts+new+mold+for+type+design/2100-7344_3-6092398.html
π Events and Conference Reports
I love to attend conferences and any public technology gathering to meet and discuss with people on Linux and other Free software.
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F11_Pune_India
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon/FUDConDelhi2006/Report
π Fedora Documentation
I have contributed extensively to Fedora release notes and I am a editor and writer of the Overview beat in the release notes.
I also maintain the official Fedora FAQ and wrote and maintain the Overview , contributions Red Hat contributions , security features, Ext4 in Fedora 11, Fedora 11 FAQ, and Fedora 7 FAQ pages.
π Fedora Weekly News
I am a editor and lead writer of the "Ask Fedora" Column in Fedora Weekly News reports
π Fedora Notes
My Fedora related notes and TODO list are available here
π Projects
- PackageMaintainers
- Marketing
- Ambassadors Ex-Steering Committee member and Ambassador - India
- Bug Triaging
- Documentation - release notes and wiki
- Mentors - Docs, Bug triaging