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Revision as of 16:39, 8 July 2010 by Jraber (talk | contribs)
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EOL versions

All NEW bugs filed against EOL versions should be closed promptly.

Blocker and Target Bugs

All blocker and target bugs for the upcoming Fedora release should be triaged (indicated by adding the keyword 'Triaged'). See BugZappers/HouseKeeping/Trackers for a complete list.

Key components

Fedora has thousands of bugzilla components. With the limited resources of the triage team we focus on the following important components. This list is re-examined at the start of each release cycle.

A major current goal of the BugZappers project is to stabilize the number of NEW bugs for each component (specifically the number of outstanding NEW bugs filed against Rawhide). For tracking purposes, the number of bugs on a particular date is recorded here in the wiki. Bugzilla reports can be used to get the current counts for key components or all components. Follow one of those links and click on the count for any given component, to see a list of all the NEW bugs for that component.

Progress is currently being tracked at BugZappers/Components and Triagers but more sophisticated measurement tools are under development; see BugZappers/Metrics.