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2009-04-14 0500 UTC on #fedora-meeting at Freenode


  • f11 final freeze
    • blocker bugs
      • moved 2 ibus-hangul bugs to target, leaving just wqy-bitmaps fonts issue
    • target bugs reviewed
    • f11 relnotes
      • team to review and update final relnotes
  • ibus QA test event


juhp Apr 14 15:02
juhp welcome to the fedora-i18n team meeting Apr 14 15:02
dychen_ hi Apr 14 15:02
---dychen_ is now known as dychen Apr 14 15:02
jni_ hi Apr 14 15:02
-->phuang_ (n=phuang@ has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:02
-->sflanigan (n=sflaniga@nat/redhat/x-ebd6f51b9d4e5b00) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:02
tagoh3 hi Apr 14 15:02
-->rahul_b (n=rbhalera@ has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:03
juhp woohoo Apr 14 15:03
juhp anyone else? :) Apr 14 15:03
sflanigan g'day Apr 14 15:03
phuang_ hi Apr 14 15:03
warren hello Apr 14 15:04
pravins hi Apr 14 15:05
rahul_b hi Apr 14 15:06
juhp okay let's get started Apr 14 15:07
-->K410 (n=Kaio@fedora/Kaio) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:08
paragn hi Apr 14 15:08
K410 hi Apr 14 15:09
juhp cool Apr 14 15:10
-->themayor ( has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:10
juhp # f11 final freeze Apr 14 15:10
juhp let's have a quick look at the blockers and i18n target bugs Apr 14 15:11
juhp tomorrow is the final devel freeze for f11 Apr 14 15:11
juhp hmm should have put the url on the page Apr 14 15:13
juhp here they are: Apr 14 15:13
juhp,ASSIGNED,NEEDINFO&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=exact&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=exact& Apr 14 15:13
buggbot <> (at Apr 14 15:13
juhp (blockers) Apr 14 15:13
juhp bug 495431 Apr 14 15:15
buggbot Bug medium, low, ---, phuang, NEW, ibus Release modifier doesn't work with Alt Apr 14 15:15
juhp doesn't really look like a blocker to me Apr 14 15:15
warren juhp: as noted, it is a blocker if the dependent bug is a blocker as it currently is Apr 14 15:15
juhp I don't really feel comfortable turning Alt_R into a global ibus hotkey at this stage Apr 14 15:15
juhp yeah Apr 14 15:15
warren juhp: you're the one that suggested adding Alt_R as a global ibus hotkey Apr 14 15:16
juhp I was? :) Apr 14 15:16
juhp hmm Apr 14 15:16
warren juhp: we found yesterday that neither ibus-hangul or ibus global hotkey will work due to 495431 Apr 14 15:16
juhp hmm Apr 14 15:16
juhp phuang_: what do you say? Apr 14 15:17
warren phuang_: my question for you, why does SCIM not have this problem? Apr 14 15:17
-->asgeirf (n=asgeirf@nat/redhat/x-30ab48ec1d27b4b3) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:17
phuang_ warren, It does not have? Apr 14 15:17
juhp afraid I didn't get round to reviewing the list before the meeting Apr 14 15:17
warren phuang_: right-Alt works in scim-hangul Apr 14 15:17
juhp warren: globally? Apr 14 15:17
juhp hmm I don't think it is regression Apr 14 15:18
warren juhp: no, it doesn't need that ugly hack, because scim-hangul does it natively Apr 14 15:18
juhp warren: are you saying that Release does not work at all? Apr 14 15:18
warren juhp: for Alt keys Apr 14 15:18
juhp warren: ok for ko<->en right? Apr 14 15:18
warren juhp: which we need to support proper hangul behavior Apr 14 15:18
phuang_ I am testing scim-hangul Apr 14 15:18
juhp warren: Release not working sounds like a bug - I don't the ibus-hangul en mode will make f11-final Apr 14 15:19
juhp s/don't/doubt Apr 14 15:19
phuang_ warren, where to set the switcher key in scim hangul? Apr 14 15:19
warren juhp: right, that's why release not working is filed as a separate bug Apr 14 15:19
juhp warren: is the bug hangul specific? well I will test later too Apr 14 15:19
warren juhp: no Apr 14 15:20
juhp warren: gotcha Apr 14 15:20
warren juhp: you can't use Alt + Release for anything in ibus currently Apr 14 15:20
warren phuang_: I don't know Apr 14 15:20
phuang_ warren, I think scim-hangul does not have Alt_r too. I did not find it Apr 14 15:21
juhp warren: can we move it to target? I still hope we can fix the release issue Apr 14 15:21
warren juhp: 495431 is a blocker only if 494445 is a blocker, which it has been up to now. Apr 14 15:21
warren juhp: your decision Apr 14 15:21
juhp or make it block 494445? seems more reasonable to me Apr 14 15:21
juhp ok Apr 14 15:21
warren juhp: already does Apr 14 15:21
juhp already does Apr 14 15:21
juhp yep thanks Apr 14 15:21
warren phuang_: can you write a simple test app that I can use tomorrow in talking to the gtk maintainer? Apr 14 15:22
juhp ok let's discuss bug 495431 Apr 14 15:22
buggbot Bug medium, low, ---, phuang, NEW, ibus Release modifier doesn't work with Alt Apr 14 15:22
juhp ugh Apr 14 15:22
juhp ok let's discuss bug 494445 Apr 14 15:22
buggbot Bug medium, low, ---, phuang, NEW, ibus-hangul missing right-Alt or Hangul Han/En mode Apr 14 15:22
warren right-Alt is necessary to support the most commonly used hangul button Apr 14 15:22
<--rahulb has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Apr 14 15:23
phuang_ juhp, I think scim-hangul does not have right-Alt hot key too. I did not find it Apr 14 15:23
warren phuang_: hmm, i need to retest, I could have sworn it works here though Apr 14 15:23
<--rdieter has quit (Nick collision from services.) Apr 14 15:23
juhp warren: I think I meant adding Hangul key (whatever it is called) not Alt_R - I remember now - perhaps I was ambiguous Apr 14 15:23
tagoh3 there should be something requires a release key event in hotkey. forgot which engine requires though Apr 14 15:23
-->rdieter_ ( has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:24
juhp tagoh3: right Apr 14 15:24
warren If the problem really is gtk+ filtering out Alt, then we need to talk to the GTK people? Apr 14 15:24
juhp hmm Apr 14 15:25
warren If so a simple test app that demonstrates the problem without ibus involved would really help. Apr 14 15:25
juhp okay Apr 14 15:25
tagoh3 warren: no, it really depend on immodule implementation Apr 14 15:25
-->nicubunu ( has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:25
warren tagoh3: oh Apr 14 15:25
tagoh3 no fault in gtk+ itself Apr 14 15:25
warren so our problem then? Apr 14 15:25
tagoh3 at least current design Apr 14 15:25
juhp I see yes Apr 14 15:26
-->che (n=che@redhat/che) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:26
juhp phuang_: do we have the hangul key added? Apr 14 15:27
warren juhp: as global trigger yes Apr 14 15:27
juhp yes Apr 14 15:27
juhp ok Apr 14 15:27
phuang_ warren, for trigger? yeah Apr 14 15:27
juhp see it Apr 14 15:28
warren juhp: your decision to move it to target, but this is a must fix for RHEL6. Apr 14 15:28
juhp warren: sure Apr 14 15:28
juhp I think we are mostly out of time for f11 for this - we did our best :) Apr 14 15:29
warren this isn't a regression for F-11 with defaults at least. Apr 14 15:29
juhp right Apr 14 15:29
warren ok, move both bugs to target Apr 14 15:29
warren discuss now? Apr 14 15:29
buggbot Bug 492510: medium, low, ---, fangqq, NEW, Regression: wqy-bitmap-fonts preferred font over truetype fonts Apr 14 15:30
juhp warren: there is also the ko compat layout - maybe we should mention it in the relnotes? Apr 14 15:30
juhp dunno how good it is? Apr 14 15:30
juhp yep let's move on Apr 14 15:30
warren juhp: i'm not sure what that is Apr 14 15:31
juhp ok Apr 14 15:31
juhp (maybe gdm does not support it) Apr 14 15:31
juhp the wqy bug looks a bit hard Apr 14 15:32
warren the font issue is complicated and I don't understand it Apr 14 15:32
juhp nod Apr 14 15:32
K410 need more triage on that Apr 14 15:32
juhp I think it really needs cleanup upstream.. I put some comments in the upstream bug earlier Apr 14 15:32
warren who would actually do it upstream? Apr 14 15:32
warren I think only WE are the people who care about it and understand it. Apr 14 15:33
juhp tagoh3 proposed a new .conf file to help which led to more discussion Apr 14 15:33
juhp warren: behdad? Apr 14 15:33
tagoh3 IMHO all of fonts that is likely to conflict should works in specific langs. Apr 14 15:33
-->ramkrsna (n=ramkrsna@unaffiliated/ramkrsna) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:33
juhp tagoh3: yeah - I think it is ok to fallback to zh say if we don't know the lang Apr 14 15:33
juhp tagoh3: perhaps you want to comment on the upstream bug too? Apr 14 15:34
juhp (fallback relunctantly) Apr 14 15:34
tagoh3 juhp: not read yet carefully but what upstream was saying about a kind of this issue was, to use lang tag for text IIRC. Apr 14 15:34
tagoh3 this was introduced by preparing conf file without lang check though, I'm not sure if there are any way to avoid it in fontconfig Apr 14 15:36
<--themayor has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Apr 14 15:37
juhp tagoh3: yeah I am not sure either - I think fqq is proposed a default fallback list - starting with zh bitmap... Apr 14 15:38
juhp anyway main question is what if anything we can do for f11 Apr 14 15:39
juhp warren: why did you install wqy-bitmap-fonts? Apr 14 15:39
juhp (added comment I was drafting) Apr 14 15:40
juhp anyway we will try to do a little testing and see if we can find a gentle workaround - but I don't want to break more stuff at this point :) Apr 14 15:40
juhp any more comments before we move on? Apr 14 15:42
juhp ## Target bugs Apr 14 15:43
juhp,ASSIGNED,NEEDINFO,MODIFIED&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=exact&email1=&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emailcc2=1&emailtype2=exact& Apr 14 15:43
buggbot <> (at Apr 14 15:43
warren juhp: I install all CJK on my system so I cna test it Apr 14 15:43
warren juhp: yum groupinstall chinese-support pulled in wqy-bitmap-fonts Apr 14 15:43
juhp fair enough Apr 14 15:45
juhp right Apr 14 15:45
*juhp wonders if it is a bad idea to rebuild fonts now Apr 14 15:45
warren why bad? Apr 14 15:46
-->sharkcz ( has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:46
warren juhp: we can still tag things into final for weeks Apr 14 15:46
juhp well more late than bad Apr 14 15:46
juhp ok Apr 14 15:46
juhp rahul_b: did you have a chance to rebuild culmus and ISO8889-2 fonts? Apr 14 15:47
juhp tagoh3 fixed bug 488899 Apr 14 15:47
buggbot Bug medium, low, ---, tagoh, MODIFIED, maybe xim related crash when restarting ibus Apr 14 15:47
juhp paragn: I guess the mr iso-codes won't make f11? Apr 14 15:48
juhp paragn: what about the .engine files? Apr 14 15:49
tagoh3 juhp: as we've talked, I've disabled xim again by default in the last push. Apr 14 15:49
juhp aha Apr 14 15:49
-->cassmodiah (n=cass@fedora/cassmodiah) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:49
pravins juhp: paragn can we build iso-codes with patch? Apr 14 15:49
juhp tagoh3: globally? Apr 14 15:49
tagoh3 juhp: yes Apr 14 15:50
paragn juhp, yes mr iso-codes need some more time Apr 14 15:50
paragn juhp, rebuilt m17n-db and m17n-contrib with removal of .engine files Apr 14 15:50
juhp pravins: paragn said caillon only wanted upstream source apparently Apr 14 15:50
pravins since its distorting all lang list of ibus Apr 14 15:50
paragn juhp, need to test this new m17n packages with ibus yet Apr 14 15:50
pravins hmm Apr 14 15:50
juhp paragn: on then please move the bug :) Apr 14 15:50
juhp s/on/ok Apr 14 15:50
paragn juhp, sure will do that Apr 14 15:51
juhp cool Apr 14 15:51
*pravins thinks submitting screenshot on bug will help bit more :) Apr 14 15:52
juhp tagoh3: so you mean f11 imsettings won't worry about xim, right? Apr 14 15:52
juhp pravins: could be good Apr 14 15:52
tagoh3 juhp: unless one explicitly run applet. Apr 14 15:52
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juhp tagoh3: applet allows changing xim backend? Apr 14 15:53
tagoh3 yes. that's one of features applet contains Apr 14 15:53
-->k0k (n=k0k@fedora/k0k) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:54
juhp tagoh3: but not im-chooser? Apr 14 15:54
juhp rahul_b: ping? Apr 14 15:55
-->mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-d70d74b73d48e1c0) has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 15:55
tagoh3 it's just a frontend application to send a signal to imsettings. gconf-im-settings-daemon takes an action for gtk immodule. applet or imsettings-xim is for xim. Apr 14 15:55
juhp ok just wondering if applet has more feature than im-chooser? Apr 14 15:56
juhp anyways Apr 14 15:56
juhp will try to poke rahul_b later about those rebuilds Apr 14 15:57
juhp ## f11 relnotes Apr 14 16:01
juhp hmm I think this was a headsup that we need to review our relnotes and make sure they are up to date for the final release Apr 14 16:01
juhp pity that ibus didn't get extra attention with the f11beta highlights Apr 14 16:02
juhp so please take some moments to review Apr 14 16:03
tagoh3 ah, moved to new one? Apr 14 16:03
juhp pravins: think we need to add your new ime's :) Apr 14 16:04
juhp tagoh3: part of the wiki namespace cleanup I believe Apr 14 16:04
pravins juhp: yeah, i was thinking same :) Apr 14 16:04
juhp :) Apr 14 16:04
tagoh3 so Docs/Beats/I18n will be removed shortly? Apr 14 16:04
juhp pravins: please go ahead - or I will got to it eventually I guess Apr 14 16:05
juhp tagoh3: it redirects there Apr 14 16:05
-->rbhalerao (n=rbhalera@ has joined #fedora-meeting Apr 14 16:05
tagoh3 aha Apr 14 16:05
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tagoh3 didn't realized that since url isn't changed. Apr 14 16:06
juhp hmm I would not mind to move the l10n stuff into a separate beat Apr 14 16:06
pravins juhp: will do if after meeting Apr 14 16:06
pravins s/if/it Apr 14 16:06
juhp tagoh3: yeah - maybe it is kind of a feature? aliases? Apr 14 16:06
pravins some more update from collation side also need to update Apr 14 16:07
juhp but yeah can be a little confused - there is a message near the top though Apr 14 16:07
juhp ok Apr 14 16:07
juhp s/confused/confusing Apr 14 16:07
juhp tagoh3: do you want to update anything there on imsettings? Apr 14 16:08
tagoh3 sure Apr 14 16:08
juhp ok Apr 14 16:08
juhp # ibus Apr 14 16:08
juhp * ibus QA test event Apr 14 16:08
juhp we planning a Fedora QA Test Day next month Apr 14 16:08
juhp I think the tentative date is 14 May Apr 14 16:09
juhp let me see if I can dig out the url Apr 14 16:09
juhp Apr 14 16:12
juhp ok Apr 14 16:12
juhp that is still a draft and we need some more test cases so would appreciate input on those Apr 14 16:12
juhp specially for imsettings and CIJK test cases Apr 14 16:13
juhp tagoh3, phuang_, paragn, dychen: so guess will need some help from you guys Apr 14 16:14
dychen juhp: Sure Apr 14 16:14
tagoh3 sure Apr 14 16:14
phuang_ ok Apr 14 16:15
juhp thanks Apr 14 16:15
juhp # Discussion Apr 14 16:15
juhp any other things to discuss today? Apr 14 16:15
juhp sorry bit long meeting because of f11 freeze tomorrow Apr 14 16:16
juhp ok if no others topics then let's closed today's fedora-i18n meeting Apr 14 16:18
juhp thanks everyone for joining in :) Apr 14 16:18
pravins thanks juhp Apr 14 16:19
juhp * meeting closed Apr 14 16:19

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