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Revision as of 19:43, 27 July 2009 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (Updated minutes)



Proposed meeting agenda

Previous meeting follow-up

  1. [Viking-Ice] - updating meeting channel page w/ new QA time
  2. [jlaska] - discuss ideas with fedora-infrastructure for getting test candidates out to testers
  3. [Viking-Ice] - update on Dracut testing considerations (see agenda item below)

Dracut rawhide testing update

Update from viking-ice on Dracut rawhide test considerations raised in previous meeting.

In the news

Alpha test compose

An F12 Alpha test compose is scheduled for delivery this Wednesday, 2009-07-29 (see schedule). Liam Li has invited install testers to contribute results against the upcoming Alpha Candidate.

Alpha blocker bug day#3

In preparation for this Friday's blocker bug day#3, jlaska asked the group for volunteers to help announce and summarize the event (in accordance with the draft SOP [1]).

Whose got the ball(s)?

AutoQA update

Open discussion

Mass rebuild

Test Day Live image script

QA blogs

<Your topic here>

Upcoming QA events

Action items

  • <FIXME>
  • [jlaska] - file bug against distribution for rawhide pungi problems

IRC transcript

jlaska | #startmeeting Jul 27 12:00
zodbot | Meeting started Mon Jul 27 16:00:03 2009 UTC. The chair is jlaska. Information about MeetBot at Jul 27 12:00
zodbot | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | #meetingtopic Fedora QA Meeting Jul 27 12:00
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | #topic locating bodies Jul 27 12:00
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: locating bodies (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:00
adamw | mine's here Jul 27 12:00
* | poelcat here Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | Greetings folks! Jul 27 12:00
-- | Netsplit <- quits: mbonnet, buggbot, muep` Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | this is our hot new meeting time Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | I suspect we'll have some confusion this week Jul 27 12:00
adamw | heh :) Jul 27 12:00
jlaska | I'm always confused ... so that's nothing new Jul 27 12:01
--> | Netsplit Over - Joins: buggbot Jul 27 12:01
* | kparal here Jul 27 12:01
jlaska | Howdy kparal Jul 27 12:01
adamw | this isn't the AA meeting? Jul 27 12:01
jlaska | adamw: oh oops, wrong agenda :) Jul 27 12:02
jeff_hann | howdy guys :) Jul 27 12:02
jlaska | jeff_hann: greetings! Jul 27 12:02
* | Viking-Ice clocks in.. Jul 27 12:02
* | dpravec is here too Jul 27 12:02
jlaska | Viking-Ice: dpravec greetings gents Jul 27 12:02
* | f13 Jul 27 12:03
jlaska | f13: welcome Jul 27 12:03
jlaska | do we have a wwoods lurking? Jul 27 12:03
--- | mbonnet is now known as mbonnet_ Jul 27 12:04
* | skvidal is lurking Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | skvidal: welcome you lurker! Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | ;) Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | okay ... let's get started Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | #topic Follow-up from last week Jul 27 12:04
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Follow-up from last week (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:04
jlaska | for folks using the play-at-home version, the proposed agenda was sent to the list ... Jul 27 12:05
--- | mbonnet_ is now known as mbonnet Jul 27 12:05
--- | mbonnet is now known as mbonnet_ Jul 27 12:05
jlaska | Viking-Ice: thanks for knocking off the first time Jul 27 12:05
jlaska | # [Viking-Ice] - updating meeting channel page w/ new QA time Jul 27 12:05
jlaska | kparal: thanks for the assist with updating the QA/Meetings links too Jul 27 12:05
kparal | no problem Jul 27 12:05
--- | mbonnet_ is now known as mbonnet__ Jul 27 12:05
jlaska | okay, flying through the list ... Jul 27 12:06
jlaska | # [jlaska] - discuss ideas with fedora-infrastructure for getting test candidates out to testers Jul 27 12:06
--- | mbonnet__ is now known as mbonnet_ Jul 27 12:06
--- | mbonnet_ is now known as mbonnet Jul 27 12:06
jlaska | spoke to mmcgrath last week about some of the problems experienced in the past on the system Jul 27 12:06
jlaska | he isn't aware of any new problems since a recent system upgrade Jul 27 12:07
jlaska | and has set things up to monitor for bottlenecks once the test compose #1 has been posted Jul 27 12:07
jlaska | More information is posted in the fedora-infrastructure ticket - Jul 27 12:07
jlaska | hopefully if there are problems, we'll hit them this week and we can then work with the infrastructure team on solutions Jul 27 12:09
jlaska | okay next up .. Viking-Ice ... I've moved this into an agenda item to give you some time to discuss any concerns Jul 27 12:09
adamw | so what's happening exactly? Jul 27 12:09
adamw | we're pushing test compose #1 to a publicly accessible site? Jul 27 12:09
jlaska | adamw: they've got phazers on stun and are monitoring Jul 27 12:09
jlaska | you betcha ... they want to feel the burn before we make any corrective actions Jul 27 12:09
adamw | ok. have we decided to what extent we will announce it? Jul 27 12:10
Viking-Ice | I thought we were facing bandwith/storage issues not performance? Jul 27 12:10
jlaska | adamw: yeah, QA is going forward on plan with allowing testers to contribute Jul 27 12:10
f13 | bandwidth issues lead to performance Jul 27 12:10
jlaska | Viking-Ice: storage wasn't a concern as I'm told Jul 27 12:10
adamw | jlaska: right, but do we announce to test-list only, or wider than that Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | and any performance issues were surprises to them Jul 27 12:11
adamw | f13: i think viking means how is a 'system upgrade' going to help if the bottleneck was bandwidth Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | adamw: ah, let's stick with what we've done before for now ... keeping things equal (fedora-test-list) Jul 27 12:11
adamw | OK. Jul 27 12:11
Viking-Ice | adamw: nailed it. . Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | yeah Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | hopefully if it's going to fail ... let's fail now Jul 27 12:11
jlaska | and then we can work the problems Jul 27 12:12
adamw | OK, just wanted to be clear on the plan. Jul 27 12:12
jlaska | adamw: no worries, thanks for asking Jul 27 12:12
jlaska | #topic Testing dracut in rawhide Jul 27 12:13
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Testing dracut in rawhide (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:13
jlaska | Viking-Ice: it hasn't been a full week since our last meeting, but I wanted to give you some time to talk about any updates you had with Harald Jul 27 12:13
jlaska | give you a chance to walk through any topics that need QA attention Jul 27 12:13
Viking-Ice | Well no changes in the front here I have not had time to note down and contact harald ( was out in the country the whole weekend which kinda screwed things up ) Jul 27 12:14
jlaska | Viking-Ice: ooh, I wish I had the same experience! Jul 27 12:14
jlaska | Viking-Ice: no worries, are there any related issues you wanted to talk about today ... or should we revisit offline (or next meeting)? Jul 27 12:15
Viking-Ice | In the meantime dracut reach it's 0.7 version with additional several fixes added cmd options etc Jul 27 12:15
Viking-Ice | Next meeting I would say.. Jul 27 12:16
jlaska | Viking-Ice: okay, I'll keep it on the list Jul 27 12:16
jlaska | okay, just a quick note on upcoming events ... Jul 27 12:17
jlaska | #topic Alpha test compose Jul 27 12:17
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Alpha test compose (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:17
jlaska | assuming the F12Alpha list is cleared, we can expect a test compose built this Wednesday Jul 27 12:18
f13 | I thought we were in good shape for this Jul 27 12:18
f13 | except that apparently we haven't been having images for the last couple days Jul 27 12:18
f13 | jlaska: we don't need the list clear for a test compose Jul 27 12:18
f13 | we just need it clear of any super debilitating issues, like no images (: Jul 27 12:18
jlaska | f13: ah my mistake ... we do need those anaconda showstoppers cleared Jul 27 12:18
* | poelcat was under the (possibly mistaken impression) that we haven't been able to install rawhide for a week or more Jul 27 12:19
jlaska | poelcat: you are correct Jul 27 12:19
adamw | no images being generated sounds different from the anaconda showstoppers Jul 27 12:19
adamw | although the _fact_ that there's no images being generated recently means we can't be sure if the showstoppers are fixed, i guess Jul 27 12:19
jlaska | Jul 27 12:19
f13 | there was a short period of time where there were images Jul 27 12:20
f13 | perhaps even working images Jul 27 12:20
jlaska | and during that time we logged a few installation blocker bugs Jul 27 12:20
f13 | when the dbus issue got fixed. Jul 27 12:20
jlaska | looks like an error in the pungify-i386.log Jul 27 12:20
jlaska | f13: should this be bz'd or sent out for investigate to the you and the release engineering team as a trac ticket? Jul 27 12:21
f13 | should be a bug on the blocker list Jul 27 12:21
f13 | against component, um... distribution for now Jul 27 12:21
jlaska | alrighty ... if someone doesn't beat me to it, I'll get it logged after the meeting Jul 27 12:21
jlaska | so images and the 2 anaconda blockers are the install test blockers I'm aware of Jul 27 12:22
kparal | i have reported 2 bugs in anaconda and still waiting for fresh images to verify the fix Jul 27 12:22
jlaska | kparal: are these issues you feel should be Alpha blockers? Jul 27 12:23
jlaska | bug#513175 and bug#513383 ? Jul 27 12:23
buggbot | Bug medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, MODIFIED, ImportError: No module named decorator Jul 27 12:23
buggbot | Bug medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, CLOSED RAWHIDE, Detecting devices crashes Jul 27 12:23
kparal | thats it Jul 27 12:23
kparal | youre fast Jul 27 12:23
* | jlaska has some handy links Jul 27 12:23
kparal | both should be fixed, just waiting for new images to confirm it Jul 27 12:25
jlaska | okay Jul 27 12:25
kparal | and probably it happens only on certain machines Jul 27 12:25
jlaska | that's all I had for the test compose ... Liam is driving this initiative, so stay tuned to the list for further details ( Jul 27 12:25
adamw | well, you said you were using virt-manager, right? Jul 27 12:25
adamw | that's a common 'machine' :) Jul 27 12:26
kparal | yes, virt-manager Jul 27 12:26
adamw | i'd consider installs in virt-manager being broken being close to an alpha blocker at least...but we can discuss it at the next review meeting Jul 27 12:26
jlaska | heck, I've been treating virt-manager as a reference platform Jul 27 12:26
* | jlaska agrees Jul 27 12:26
wwoods | yeah, our testing is going to focus on KVM guests Jul 27 12:26
wwoods | err, our automated testing is going to ... Jul 27 12:27
wwoods | so if that's broken we're back in the dark Jul 27 12:27
jlaska | right on Jul 27 12:27
kparal | in that case it sounds reasonable to treat them with high priority Jul 27 12:27
adamw | should we throw them on the f12alpha list now so we don't forget to talk about them at the meeting? Jul 27 12:27
dpravec | i had problems with virt-manager -> so now i am using only kvm :) Jul 27 12:27
jlaska | adamw: kparal: yeah definitely ... kparal won't be around for this friday's meeting too, so that's a good dbl check Jul 27 12:28
adamw | ok Jul 27 12:28
kparal | let's add them then Jul 27 12:28
adamw | i'll do it Jul 27 12:28
kparal | ok Jul 27 12:28
jlaska | thx Jul 27 12:28
adamw | done Jul 27 12:28
jlaska | any other questions/concerns/thoughts/hicu on Liam's install testing plans coming up this week? Jul 27 12:28
jlaska | alrighty ... stay tuned to the list Jul 27 12:29
jlaska | now on to a related topic ... Jul 27 12:29
jlaska | #topic Alpha blocker bug day#3 Jul 27 12:29
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Alpha blocker bug day#3 (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:29
jlaska | nothing earth shattering here ... just a reminder about bug day #3 this friday Jul 27 12:30
jlaska | adamw: wanted to give you a chance to share and things that worked well, or not so well, about the last 2 events? Jul 27 12:30
jlaska | s/and/any/ Jul 27 12:30
adamw | i think they went fine really Jul 27 12:30
adamw | just the usual exhortation for anyone who sees a bug they think might be a blocker: put it on the list :) Jul 27 12:31
* | poelcat really appreciates the email recaps Jul 27 12:31
adamw | that way you can be sure it'll be evaluated Jul 27 12:31
jlaska | I like meetbot :) Jul 27 12:31
adamw | or else, come out to the meeting and mention it there Jul 27 12:31
jlaska | in keeping with last week, should we identify who has (or wants) the ball(s) for this weeks bug day? Jul 27 12:32
jlaska | * send announcements Jul 27 12:32
jlaska | * send meeting summary Jul 27 12:32
jlaska | Jul 27 12:32
jlaska | anyone new interested in trying it out this week? Jul 27 12:32
* | poelcat will send announcement Jul 27 12:33
dpravec | :) Jul 27 12:33
jlaska | poelcat: danke Jul 27 12:33
jlaska | points to whomever can come up with some good ascii art to kick off the meeting Jul 27 12:33
adamw | i can do the recap Jul 27 12:34
jlaska | adamw: thx! Jul 27 12:34
* | dpravec will try ascii art Jul 27 12:34
jlaska | nice, just keep it clean ;) Jul 27 12:34
jlaska | #action poelcat to send blocker bug meeting announce Jul 27 12:34
jlaska | #action adamw to summarize blocker meeting Jul 27 12:35
jlaska | #action dpravec to try his hand at ascii art for blocker meeting Jul 27 12:35
* | jlaska still playing w/ meetbot Jul 27 12:35
dpravec | is it for irc, right? Jul 27 12:35
jlaska | dpravec: you got it ... take a look at the SOP poelcat wrote ... Jul 27 12:35
dpravec | hmm thats hard to do right :) some people have wrong fonts Jul 27 12:35
* | poelcat notes sop is in draft status and needs to be finalized at some point Jul 27 12:36
jlaska | okay ... any other points to discuss on the blocker meeting coming up? Jul 27 12:36
poelcat | so feel free to use experiences learned thus far to make it better Jul 27 12:36
* | jlaska isn't exactly sure of a clean consistent way to track the test blockers Jul 27 12:36
jlaska | poelcat: it's 1000x better than the SOP I didn't write :D Jul 27 12:37
jlaska | unless any other questions, changing gears shortly ... Jul 27 12:38
jlaska | alright, wwoods + dpravec ... I know it hasn't been a long time since our meeting, but if there are any AutoQA topics you'd like to discuss with the team ... we've got some time Jul 27 12:39
jlaska | #topic AutoQA update Jul 27 12:39
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: AutoQA update (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:39
wwoods | I'm writing a couple of longer things about this (a blog post and maybe some wiki docs) Jul 27 12:39
jlaska | wwoods: awesome! Jul 27 12:39
wwoods | but I've got 7/12 tests from the rawhide acceptance plan automated Jul 27 12:39
dpravec | last autotest packages have some problems, I posted something at Jul 27 12:40
wwoods | I'm gonna try to rig something up to send out status emails / logs Jul 27 12:40
Viking-Ice | Hum cant we automate this Jul 27 12:41
jlaska | wwoods: I think there support for sending mails built into autotest Jul 27 12:41
Viking-Ice | as in the test Jul 27 12:41
wwoods | Viking-Ice: probably, yes, but that's outside the scope of Jul 27 12:41
dpravec | wwoods: please ping me when your docs will be online Jul 27 12:41
Viking-Ice | yup Jul 27 12:41
wwoods | hopefully the wiki docs will give a good idea about how to write a test though Jul 27 12:41
wwoods | dpravec: will do Jul 27 12:41
wwoods | jlaska: oh excellent. I'd like to have some useful public test results between now and when we get a nice web frontend for this stuff Jul 27 12:42
wwoods | I'll give that a look Jul 27 12:42
jlaska | wwoods: I could be wrong, there is some email support in the global_config.ini packaged by autotest, we might just be able to update that Jul 27 12:43
wwoods | yeah, but if all it does is (e.g.) send out links to internal URLs for logs Jul 27 12:43
wwoods | then that's not gonna be real useful Jul 27 12:43
wwoods | so I'm not yet sure it'll be that simple Jul 27 12:43
jlaska | yeah, probably not in the short term Jul 27 12:43
dpravec | xmmp reporting might be sweet Jul 27 12:44
dpravec | i mean notifications about finished tasks Jul 27 12:44
dpravec | xmpp* Jul 27 12:44
jlaska | dpravec: thanks for the update on the packaging ... looks like a file went missing from the previous autotest package Jul 27 12:44
wwoods | dpravec: yeah, eventually we want to do a big Fedora Infrastructure Message Bus thing, so we get a signal about the completion of a new compose/build/whatever Jul 27 12:44
wwoods | and tests get kicked off Jul 27 12:44
wwoods | and then signals get sent about the test results Jul 27 12:44
wwoods | and so on. we'll get there eventually. Jul 27 12:44
jlaska | f13: do you have any cycles left for an autotest packaging update, or is that something dpravec and I should look into? Jul 27 12:45
f13 | I'll look at it today Jul 27 12:46
jlaska | f13: sweet, thanks for the turn around Jul 27 12:46
dpravec | i will test them... Jul 27 12:46
dpravec | i mean if you do new packages Jul 27 12:46
f13 | nod Jul 27 12:47
jlaska | cool, so I think that's it for AutoQA ... are there any other comments/concerns before moving to 'open mic night' ? Jul 27 12:48
jlaska | #topic <your topic here> Jul 27 12:50
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: <your topic here> (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:50
f13 | I have a topic, mass rebuild Jul 27 12:50
jlaska | #topic open mic - <f13> mass rebuild Jul 27 12:50
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: open mic - <f13> mass rebuild (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 12:50
jlaska | f13: you've got the mic Jul 27 12:50
f13 | At some point this week, some 8K new builds will be tagged into rawhide Jul 27 12:50
f13 | this is new arch (i686), new compression (XZ), new glibc, and new gcc. Jul 27 12:51
f13 | should be exciting Jul 27 12:51
f13 | we're going to need to look out for issues like this. Jul 27 12:51
jlaska | the perfect storm Jul 27 12:51
wwoods | there's a bit of a problem right now AFAIK - the rawhide RPM has been rebuilt twice Jul 27 12:52
wwoods | so if you don't already have the RPM with xz support Jul 27 12:52
wwoods | you can't upgrade Jul 27 12:52
wwoods | because all the packages are xz payload now Jul 27 12:52
f13 | oh geez Jul 27 12:52
f13 | didn't we go through this with the checksums too? Jul 27 12:52
jlaska | so this will require some manual jiggery to upgrade to rawhide? Jul 27 12:52
f13 | and decided that having rpm itself need new rpm was a bad idea? Jul 27 12:52
* | f13 would strongly push for rpm itself to be built with the old compression Jul 27 12:53
adamw | at least it's happening before the alpha Jul 27 12:53
wwoods | jlaska: well, no - the rpm package in F11 updates-testing is gzip payload with xz support Jul 27 12:53
wwoods | and using anaconda to upgrade is no problem, since anaconda will have xz support Jul 27 12:54
wwoods | the only place it's a problem is pre-rebuild rawhide -> post-rebuild rawhide Jul 27 12:54
jlaska | gotcha Jul 27 12:55
wwoods | a simple but ugly hack is to force the f11 package into the rawhide repo Jul 27 12:55
jlaska | #link Jul 27 12:55
jlaska | wwoods: f13: this may have already been done ... but is this a worthwhile candidate for the rawhide blog? Jul 27 12:56
f13 | yes Jul 27 12:56
wwoods | yeah. if you force it with --nodeps you'll hose your system (unfortunately krh seems to have found this out the hard way) Jul 27 12:57
jlaska | doh! Jul 27 12:57
jlaska | okay so ... perhaps we can add that to the Feature page "how to test"? Not sure ... how else can we warn testers Jul 27 12:57
wwoods | right now AFAICT (I have no Rawhide systems so I'm guessing) the situation will look like this: you can't upgrade anything because of depsolving problems Jul 27 12:57
wwoods | the fix is, I guess, to install the RPM package from F11 updates-testing Jul 27 12:58
jlaska | anyone interested in taking that discussion to warren? Jul 27 12:58
skvidal | that would more or less be this bug Jul 27 12:59
skvidal | Jul 27 12:59
buggbot | Bug 5139372: was not found. Jul 27 12:59
jlaska | if no takers, I'll be happy to talk with warren after the meeting and see about testing wwoods idea Jul 27 12:59
adamw | i don't see why we can't just do f13's solution and have rpm in rawhide built with gzip compression and xz support, just like the one in f11 Jul 27 12:59
adamw | it'd only cost a few kilobytes, surely Jul 27 12:59
jlaska | skvidal: is there an extra number in that bz? Jul 27 12:59
warren | ? Jul 27 13:00
f13 | rpm and any of it's deps I guess Jul 27 13:00
adamw | hmm, true Jul 27 13:00
skvidal | Jul 27 13:00
buggbot | Bug 513937: medium, low, ---, skvidal, NEW, missing dependencies Jul 27 13:00
skvidal | yes the 2 Jul 27 13:00
adamw | that's bigger =) Jul 27 13:00
jlaska | skvidal: thx Jul 27 13:00
skvidal | sorry Jul 27 13:00
wwoods | I'm not sure how hard it is to disable xz payloads on a package-by-package basis Jul 27 13:00
adamw | well, 'all dependencies' makes it rather tricky anyway Jul 27 13:00
adamw | rpm has lots of deps :\ Jul 27 13:00
jlaska | so stick with the f11-update 'workaround' for now? Jul 27 13:01
f13 | adamw: enough deps that you can do a yum update rpm, yum update Jul 27 13:01
jlaska | can someone help with the summary for this? Jul 27 13:02
adamw | everybody's screwed? Jul 27 13:03
jlaska | heh Jul 27 13:03
adamw | that's my standard summary for everything, it's usually quite accurate =) Jul 27 13:03
wwoods | people using pre-alpha rawhide might notice that they can't upgrade due to dependency problems with rpm/glibc Jul 27 13:03
wwoods | (I don't have example messages, sorry) Jul 27 13:04
jlaska | wwoods: no worries ... and we'll recommend installing the f11-updates rpm to work around the issue for now? Jul 27 13:04
wwoods | it's because of the xz feature (link, brief explanation) - install f11 updates-testing rpm thusly as a workaround: [commandline] Jul 27 13:04
wwoods | yeah, that seems to be the recommended fix Jul 27 13:04
jlaska | okay, Ican take that Jul 27 13:05
jlaska | #action jlaska - talk to warren about a rawhidewatch post on rpm xz workaround for rawhide testers Jul 27 13:05
jlaska | okay folks ... if not other topics, let's close things out for the day Jul 27 13:06
jlaska | s/not/no/ Jul 27 13:06
* | jlaska likes extra letters Jul 27 13:06
kparal | well maybe the livecd issue? Jul 27 13:06
Viking-Ice | So is rawhidewatch @ wordpress supposed to be our official blog Jul 27 13:06
Viking-Ice | ? Jul 27 13:06
jlaska | #topic open mic - livecd issue Jul 27 13:06
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: open mic - livecd issue (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 13:06
jlaska | Viking-Ice: official? Hrmm, I guess it's the first thing that came to mind that would get the work out Jul 27 13:07
adamw | Viking-Ice: it's a place to report important issues with rawhide that require user intervention Jul 27 13:07
adamw | much like this one :) Jul 27 13:07
warren | rawhidewatch isn't very active right now because I'm not using rawhide yet, it doesn't work on my laptop at all Jul 27 13:07
Viking-Ice | I see so we can close the ticked in infra for official QA blog Jul 27 13:07
adamw | no, because that's not what it is Jul 27 13:07
adamw | qa covers more than just issues in rawhide which require user intervention Jul 27 13:07
adamw | we wouldn't post about, oh, test days on rawhidewatch Jul 27 13:08
warren | yup Jul 27 13:08
warren | exactly Jul 27 13:08
Viking-Ice | no then let's get a move on getting a fedora-qa wp instance from infra Jul 27 13:08
kparal | livecd issue: the current guide on is I believe not correct, because it uses F11 repos instead of Rawhide repos. you can see that if you follow the includes in the kickstart file. Jul 27 13:08
Viking-Ice | were we can have rawhide status etc Jul 27 13:08
kparal | sorry, will wait Jul 27 13:09
jlaska | Viking-Ice: hmm, maybe something to consider in the future ... it's a neat idea. But someone would need to investigate further and come back with recommendation/plan Jul 27 13:10
adamw | kparal: i believe you have the floor Jul 27 13:10
kparal | it's just a short note. those people building live images according to that script are in fact building images based on F11. Therefore I'm working on a best way how to modify it so that it is based on Rawhide Jul 27 13:10
kparal | if that's what's wanted for a test day Jul 27 13:11
jlaska | kparal: indeed, thanks! You caught me cheating in that script ... I often point to a local spins-kickstart.git repo when building test images Jul 27 13:11
kparal | :) Jul 27 13:11
Viking-Ice | jlaska: investigate what further Jul 27 13:11
kparal | and there are jlaska and awilliam extra repositories which i don't know if they are still needed Jul 27 13:12
jlaska | Viking-Ice: let's wait until kparal's finished, and we'll move to your topic Jul 27 13:12
jlaska | kparal: I usually toss extra packages not yet in koji on the repo url posted Jul 27 13:13
jlaska | and adamw includes rendercheck there as well for the X testing events Jul 27 13:13
adamw | kparal: nothing in my repos is needed for anything in f12. Jul 27 13:13
adamw | well, except rendercheck. =) i should update that build. Jul 27 13:13
jlaska | kparal: if we need to gut that page to make things clearer, feel free to give it a once over :) Jul 27 13:13
kparal | ok. it was just a note. Jul 27 13:14
kparal | releasing the mic :) Jul 27 13:14
dpravec | i want to thank you all for moving the meeting time from wensday (in that day i need to take care of my kids, so it was hard to pay attention to the channel) Jul 27 13:14
jlaska | heh ... releasing Jul 27 13:14
--- | stickster is now known as stickster_mtg Jul 27 13:14
jlaska | dpravec: you're welcome, glad this works better! Jul 27 13:14
jlaska | #topic open mic - qa blogs Jul 27 13:14
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: open mic - qa blogs (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 13:14
jlaska | Viking-Ice: you mentioned a request to host qa blogs Jul 27 13:14
Viking-Ice | Yes trying to track down the ticket in infera Jul 27 13:15
Viking-Ice | in infra I mean Jul 27 13:15
Viking-Ice | it's been there since what f9 I think with no movement Jul 27 13:15
jlaska | is this something people see a need for now? Jul 27 13:15
Viking-Ice | Ok how are we delivering various need to know info to people? Jul 27 13:16
Viking-Ice | by mind power ? Jul 27 13:16
jlaska | basically through every channel possible right now Jul 27 13:16
jlaska | mailing list(s), fedora planet, fedora forums etc... Jul 27 13:16
adamw | jlaska, wwoods and I have our personal blogs on planet fedora Jul 27 13:16
adamw | and we blog about significant qa events Jul 27 13:17
adamw | so they get out via that method Jul 27 13:17
jlaska | Viking-Ice: you don't even blog do you? Jul 27 13:17
jlaska | ;) Jul 27 13:17
adamw | i'm not sure whether a qa team blog would get significantly more might, but i'm not sure how to tell Jul 27 13:17
Viking-Ice | I dont blog Jul 27 13:17
Viking-Ice | well microblog perhaps Jul 27 13:17
adamw | btw, for anyone who doesn't know, anyone can get their blog on planet fedora Jul 27 13:17
jlaska | I know other open source projects have team blog aggregators Jul 27 13:17
adamw | there's a wiki page with instructions Jul 27 13:17
* | dpravec needs to go today, see you all later Jul 27 13:18
Viking-Ice | We should have official blog Jul 27 13:18
jlaska | dpravec: take care Jul 27 13:18
jlaska | Viking-Ice: I like the idea of organizing the blogs of testers, but I'm not ready to put lots of time+effort into a team blog just yet Jul 27 13:18
Viking-Ice | instead of spreading the need to know info on various ( private blogs ) places on the internet Jul 27 13:18
adamw | a qa 'planet' might be a better idea Jul 27 13:19
jlaska | is there a way to aggregate the blogs ... right Jul 27 13:19
jlaska | that are already being posted? Jul 27 13:19
adamw | in my experience, team blogs often get neglected because no-one really takes responsibility for it Jul 27 13:19
jlaska | yeah I agree Jul 27 13:19
jlaska | but if we can continue doing what we already do ... and it's aggregated somewhere ... that seems like an easy win Jul 27 13:19
adamw | so if we could set up an aggregator and aggregate posts from qa team members, that might work best Jul 27 13:20
Viking-Ice | adamw: that just reflect poor management of those team Jul 27 13:20
adamw | Viking-Ice: true, but it's hard to push water uphill - always best to look for the path of least resistance (sorry for the management cliches :>) Jul 27 13:20
jlaska | hrmm, I guess that's one way of looking at it :) Jul 27 13:20
f13 | I think aggregation is the best way to do "team blogs" Jul 27 13:20
adamw | the only downside of aggregation is we may get quite a lot of duplication Jul 27 13:20
adamw | five posts about the same event for e.g. Jul 27 13:20
jlaska | well, that at least agets the word out :) Jul 27 13:21
f13 | like we don't already get that on planet fedora? Jul 27 13:21
jlaska | Viking-Ice: does this help provide focus for your existing infrastructure ticket? Jul 27 13:21
adamw | f13: yes, we do - that doesn't mean it's not a drawback. :) Jul 27 13:21
Viking-Ice | team aggregation is not a solutions Jul 27 13:22
Viking-Ice | a solution from my perspective+ Jul 27 13:22
jlaska | Viking-Ice: it's a solution that has the support of the team Jul 27 13:22
* | kparal thinks blogs aggregation can't hurt Jul 27 13:23
jlaska | Viking-Ice: do you want to update the existing ticket ... or is someone else interested in driving this with the infrastructure team? Jul 27 13:24
Viking-Ice | then go ahead with it and close bug 489801 Jul 27 13:24
buggbot | Bug medium, low, ---, notting, NEW, [RFE] rss reader + notification bubble Jul 27 13:24
jlaska | hmm, I'm not planning to close any bugs Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | okay, it'll be an open action item for anyone interested Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | #action - fedora QA planet aggregated blogs? Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | okay gang ... let's close it out Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | #topic closing for business Jul 27 13:25
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: closing for business (Meeting topic: Fedora QA Meeting) Jul 27 13:25
jlaska | thanks for your time everyone :) Jul 27 13:26
jlaska | #endmeeting Jul 27 13:26
--- | zodbot has changed the topic to: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See for meeting schedule Jul 27 13:26
zodbot | Meeting ended Mon Jul 27 17:26:35 2009 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . Jul 27 13:26
zodbot | Minutes: Jul 27 13:26
zodbot | Minutes (text): Jul 27 13:26
zodbot | Log: Jul 27 13:26
jlaska | I'll follow-up to the list later this afternoon with some minutes Jul 27 13:26
f13 | cheers. Jul 27 13:28
* | kparal goes home, bye Jul 27 13:29

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