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This page is a subset of the Fedora 7 feature wish list that is deemed "must have" in order to release. In other words, we draw our line in the sand and simply will not release until these items are complete. Think twice before adding things to this page.

Merge Core and Extras

  • Fedora Core and Fedora Extras merged into a single source control system and use a single build system, thus creating a new package set that carries the already overloaded name "Fedora".
  • Build system, distribution and ISO composition tools, must all be available outside of Red Hat.
  • Koji (JesseKeating, DennisGilmore, et al)

Associated pages

Ability to spin a custom distribution/LiveCD

Tools and documentation must be available that make it as simple as possible to spin a custom distribution, using packages in Fedora as a base.


  • The process that Red Hat's release engineering goes through should be identical to that of any community member who wants to create a Fedora spin.
  • An end user should be able to create either an installable and/or live ISO, depending on their needs.

Requirements (Primary Owner):

  • Pungi (JesseKeating)
  • Revisor (JonathanSteffan)
  • livecd-utils, aka Pilgrim (DavidZeuthen)
  • Simple, use-case driven documentation (BobJensen)
  • QA (WillWoods)
  • A reasonably clueful guinea pig who is not an expert in the code. (MaxSpevack, JoshBoyer)
  • Process docs -- "I created my own spin. Now what?" (owner unclear)
  • What kind of spins are legal?
  • What kind of naming will be used to differentiate "official" spins and "community" spins?
  • Demonstrate a use case close to this at the Red Hat Summit. (MaxSpevack, JonathanSteffan)

Two specific use cases:

  • On the day that Fedora 7 is released, it should be dead simple for a user to have the ability to create a LiveCD of Fedora 7 that is in any supported non-English language, and then share it with the Fedora Project and community.
  • On the day that Fedora 7 is released (really this could happen now), it should be possible for a community of users to begin figuring out potential package manifests for "Fedora Minimal" and have the tools necessary to build and test them.

Associated pages

Spins That Are Both Live and Installable

The deliverable for these is a single 700 MB LiveCD, that is also installable.

  • Fedora 7 Gnome Desktop (JesseKeating, JeremyKatz, WillWoods)
  • Fedora 7 KDE Desktop (JesseKeating, RexDieter, WillWoods)
  • Fedora 7 Preview for Red Hat Summit (MaxSpevack, JeremyKatz)

Associated pages

Spins That Are Only Installable

The deliverable for these is an installable ISO set.

  • Fedora Prime, which has a package manifest similar to what FC6 looked like, and fits on 1 DVD. (JesseKeating)
  • Fedora Everything, which is pretty obvious. (JesseKeating)
  • A final name for these spins. (Fedora Board, Red Hat Branding, JesseKeating)

Associated pages

Fedora's Web Pages

  • A small set of static HTML (probably living at and removing the automatic /wiki/ redirect) that makes it blatantly clear what Fedora 7 is about, and also will make us more resistant to bandwidth problems.
  • Basically, a simple, clean front to fp.o that leads into the wiki once you dig just a little bit.
  • Includes Fedora 7 features, selling points, etc. (DocsProject)
  • DONE -- gone, as much as humanly possible. At the very least, all the crappy and outdated content at its top levels. (MikeMcGrath, MaxSpevack)

Release Plan

  • A plan in place, and properly communicated to all of Red Hat prod-ops, with all details of the release. The problems that we had at FC6 launch (and there were several causes) simply can't happen again. (MikeMcGrath)