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Fedora In the News

In this section, we cover news from the trade press and elsewhere that is re-posted to the Fedora Marketing list[1].

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

First look: Fedora 15 arrives with GNOME 3.0 and systemd (ArsTechnica)

Kara Schiltz forwarded[1] an ArsTechnica article on the release of Fedora 15:

"The community of open source software developers behind the Fedora Linux distribution announced this week the release of version 15. The update brings an overhauled desktop user interface and a number of noteworthy architectural improvements under the hood.

Fedora is a community-driven Linux distribution that is sponsored by Red Hat. It is released twice a year on a six-month development cycle and typically ships with the latest cutting-edge Linux software. Fedora is known for riding ahead of the curve and is often the first Linux distro to introduce major new features. It also serves as an incubation space for emerging Red Hat technologies, particularly in areas like virtualization. It lacks the usability and robustness of some other distros, but its unique technical advantages and high commitment to open source ideology are appealing to system administrators, software developers, and software freedom advocates.

The most significant user-facing change in Fedora 15 is the inclusion of GNOME 3.0, a major update of the open source GNOME desktop environment. It brings a completely new desktop shell to Fedora that helps to modernize the user experience. The new shell is built with the Clutter toolkit and requires hardware-accelerated rendering in order to operate. Fedora fortunately does a pretty good job of handling it with open source drivers on many hardware configurations."

The full post is available[2].

Fedora 15: More than just a pretty interface (The Register UK)

Kara Schiltz forwarded[1] a posting on the release of Fedora 15:

"The Red Hat–backed Fedora Project has released the latest version of its Linux-based operating system, Fedora 15, into the wild.

Despite the similarities of the two leading Linux-based PC operating systems, Fedora has long played second fiddle to Ubuntu in the minds of many Linux fans. Now – for the first time – there are actually major differences between the two distros.

For most users, the debate between the two can be distilled down to GNOME 3 versus Unity. But as always, Fedora remains quite a bit different under the surface, as well.

With the Unity Shell making waves – and not always good ones – in the Ubuntu community, Fedora 15 offers something of a refuge for those frustrated with the Unity Shell.

Unfortunately GNOME 3, Fedora's new default desktop, while in much better shape than Ubuntu's Unity, is still very different than any version of GNOME you've used before."

The full posting is available[2].

How GNOME 3 is besting Ubuntu Unity (

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] an article on Gnome 3 compared to Unity:

"Takeaway: Jack Wallen was jonsing for GNOME 3 and discovered the best route to this new desktop was Fedora 15 beta. Can you image how surprised Jack was to find out that GNOME 3 blows away Ubuntu Unity? Read on to find out more."

Conclusion: "I’d like to drop some props to the Fedora 15 team, as they’re doing an absolutely incredible job with this bleeding-edge Linux distribution. Fedora 15 and GNOME 3 is a serious win-win from my perspective. Give it a go, and you might find that you agree!"

The full article is available[2].

Fedora 15 Released; Comes With Gnome 3

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] another posting on Fedora 15 and Gnome 3:

"The best features of Fedora 15, which will attract a lot of users is Gnome 3 shell. Fedora 15 will give users a distro which will allow then to explore Gnome 3 with the stability that Fedora 15 offers.

Fedora 15 is also introducing Btrfs as a menu item in the installer (only for non-live images. live images support just Ext4) and does not require passing a special option to the installer as in the previous releases. Btrfs availability has moved up a notch as a incremental step towards the goal of Btrfs as the default filesystem in the next release of Fedora."

The full article is available[2].

Fedora 15's five best features (

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] an article about Fedora 15's top five features; Rahul writes:

This list doesn't cover major features like systemd and talks about Fedora not including Chrome ignoring the fact that Chrome is a proprietary browser. Chromium is not included for other reasons and quick a search in the wiki documents that. However the list of five is interesting

The full article is available[2].

Fedora 15 Released, Has GNOME 3, New Search Tool (softpedia)

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] a listing of features in Fedora 15:

"Highlights of Fedora 15:

· Linux kernel; · Btrfs filesystem; · GNOME 3 desktop environment; · Indic typing booster; · Better crash reporting; · Redesigned SELinux troubleshooter; · Gnome Shell user interface; · GTK+ 3.0; · Xorg Server 1.10; · Deja Dup backup software; · LibreOffice 3.3 open source office suite; · Mozilla Firefox 4.0 web browser; · BoxGrinder appliance (virtual machines) builder; · Ledger, double-entry accounting system; · Higher compression in live images; · recoll, full-text search tool; · Dynamic firewall; · IcedTea Java plugin; · RPM 4.9; · Python 3.2; · Rails 3.0.3; · OCaml 3.12; · FreeIPA 2.0; · Maven 3; · GNU Debugger (GDB) 7.3; · GCC 4.6; · Sugar .92 environment; · eCryptfs support in authconfig; · LZMA comperssion for Live images; · Power Management improvements; · Retrace server; · Robotics suite."

The full article is available[2].