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Fedora Women Day, Pune, 2017


  • Date -
  • Location -

Event Description

Fedora Women Day is a new weekend of celebration to help raise awareness and thanks for the women contributors across the Fedora Project. Fedora Women Day marks the anniversary of the Fedora Women team. This event started and organized by Fedora Diversity Team.

Speakers and Topics

  • Amita Sharma - What is Fedora and what Diversity and Inclusion mean to Fedora.
  • Satyajit Bulage - Installation of Fedora
  • Aziza Karol - DNF as package manager
  • Madhuri Upadhye - Fedora loves Python
  • Pravin Satpute - Globalization and Internationalization
  • Pravin Satpute and Amita Sharma - What you can do for Fedora and How followed by how to send Introduction Mail to Fedora Mailing List and subscribe.



  • 200 Students
Feel free to add your name here


  • We are collaborating with University Connect team at Red Hat Pune office to do this event in a college.


Item Expenses
Cab Charges $0
5 FWD T-shirts $30
FWD Stickers $0

NOTE - Red Hat Pune University Connect team is taking care of Cab charges and stickers printing.

Useful links

Blogs and Reports

  • FWD Pune event report -
