🔗 What is Haskell?
"Haskell is an advanced purely functional programming language. The product of more than twenty years of cutting edge research, it allows rapid development of robust, concise, correct software. With strong support for integration with other languages, built-in concurrency, debuggers, profilers, rich libraries and an active community, Haskell makes it easier to produce flexible, maintainable high-quality software." -- (from http://haskell.org/)
For more information about Haskell support in Fedora, go to Haskell_SIG.
🔗 Getting started with Haskell on Fedora
sudo dnf install ghc cabal-install
sudo dnf install haskell-platform
All devel packages
sudo dnf install ghc-*devel
For auto-packaging and dnf integration:
sudo dnf install cabal-rpm
The stack
build tool is available in a Copr repo.
🔗 Haskell software in Fedora
- pandoc: markup converter
- ShellCheck: shell script checker
- git-annex: out of repo file repository
- hledger: accounting program
- xmonad window manager and xmobar
- shake buildsystem
- Agda proof assistant (and the idris dependently typed programming language)
🔗 Upstream package repo
Much more software can be found in upstream community Hackage repository and its downstream distribution Stackage.