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Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee Election 2007: Nominations

Candidates may be any member of the Ambassadors group in the Fedora Accounts System. This helps ensure FAmSCo members have some experience with the processes of Fedora Ambassadors but still allows relatively new contributors to sit on FAmSCo and bring fresh ideas to the table.

Candidates must self-nominate at least two days before the voting period opens by writing their information onto the wiki (Fedora account, email and irc nick, statement of past contributions and what they hope to accomplish while a member of FAmSCo.)

  • Nominations Periods: Nov 21st 2007 to Dec 9th 2007 and Dec 18th 2007 to Dec 28th 2007
  • Voting Period: Jan 1st 2008 to Jan 8th 2008


Alejandro Moncada


  • Candidate statement
  • Firstperson of Proyecto Fedora Colombia.
  • Contributor profile
  • Fedora Ambassador
  • Fedora Free Media Program
  • Webmaster of Proyecto Fedora Colombia
  • Future plans
  • Fedora a Common goal
  • Search resources for the growth of Fedora in LATAM
  • Integrate University to the project (development and implementation)
  • Fedora Tour, a festival of knowledge in different cities in the world, showing that Fedora is not simply an OS is a Culture
  • & learn.

Andreas Rau

Candidate statement

  • Currently Ambassador in Germany located at Karlsruhe

I submit my self-nomination to the FAmSCo without any pressure

Contributor profile

  • Fedora contributor for around 2 year, Fedora Ambassador for 16 months
  • In front of a Keyboard since I was 6, started with nice tele-consoles (Phillips)
  • Linuxuser since... Slackware 2 - with many breaks maybe you know why
  • First try of RedHat was in 2000
  • Fedora expirience since FedoraCore 6
  • Events in the past I have been: FAD EMEA 2006 , FAD LinuxTag 2007 , LinuxTag 2007 , FUDCon LinuxTag 2007 and FAD EMEA 2007

Future plans

  • Bring FAmSCo back to life ;-) too

Fabian Affolter (fab)


  • Candidate statement

Currently Ambassador , I submit my self-nomination to the FAmSCo after a little pressure of some EMEA ambassadors ;-) .

Francesco Ugolini (fugolini)


  • Candidate statement
  • Currently member of FAmSCo , running for re-election.
  • Contributor profile
  • Fedora contributor since 2006.
  • I participate in the following projects:
  • I joined those events:
  • Future plans
  • Make FAmSCo a point of reference for each Ambassador.
  • Help Ambassadors to create their Regional infrastructures (e.g. European Infrastructure, America Latina Infrastructure etc...).
  • Improve communications between Ambassadors: it's really important to work together, sharing opinions, helping each other and making Fedora Project a real keystone for the project.
  • Be a liason between FAmSCo, the other Projects and Fedora Board.

Jeffrey Tadlock (iWolf)


  • Candidate statement
  • I have been a Fedora Ambassador since January of 2006. During this time as an Ambassador I have maintained an active role promoting Fedora. As a FAmSCo member I would strive to make organizing events even easier to help make that portion of an Ambassador's role easier. Although located in the United States I would work hard to keep open communication with Ambassadors across the world, making sure they receive the support they need from the Steering Committee as well as learning from their successes and applying that to the US Ambassadors. I would be an active board member - available on IRC and email to help when needed.
  • Contributor profile
  • Fedora contributor since 2006.
  • Linux user since late 1990's.
  • I participate in the following projects:
  • Organized Fedora Booth at:
  • Participated in:
  • Fedora 8 Release Party (Columbus, OH)
  • Future plans
  • Continue forward progress on the Event Box .
  • Organize Fedora Booth at local events and participate in local Release Parties.
  • Promote an active FAmSCo board that helps give direction as needed to the Ambassador group and as requested by the Ambassador group.
  • Support both local Ambassador efforts as well as efforts worldwide.
  • Promote communication between Ambassadors in each region of the world. We can all learn from each other what has worked well for people and has not worked well if we keep open lines of communication.

John Babich (jmbabich)

Wiki page: JohnBabich

IRC Nick: jmbuser

  • Candidate statement
  • I am interested making people better ambassadors for Fedora Linux as the premier Linux community distribution by
  • Participating in both FOSS events and commercial ICT exhibitions
  • Promoting via blogging, writing articles, editing and authoring documentation
  • Motivating members through clear objectives and consistent effort
  • Contributor profile
  • I am currently a member of the Fedora Docs Steering Committee (FDSCo).
  • I participate in the following projects:
  • Fedora Docs Project
  • Fedora Ambassadors
  • Fedora Websites
  • I am an unofficial advocate for the One Laptop per Child Project (OLPC), the great educational project with the cool technology.
  • I successfully organized the Fedora Project's presence at GITEX 2007 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, one of the three largest ICT commercial exhibitions in the world.
  • Future plans
  • Foster Fedora adoption across the globe.
  • Encourage the multicultural and multilingual nature of the Fedora Project.
  • Increase understanding of the Fedora Project's goals and principles.
  • Promote Fedora Linux and FOSS by motivating Ambassadors to blog, publish articles, and write documentation in all languages.
  • Assist the Fedora Ambassadors Project in moving forward with clear organization and goals - freedom in a framework with mutual respect.

Mukul Dharwadkar


  • Candidate statement
  • Having seen Linux as one of the possible alternative to Windows Dominance but not reaching it's full potential at any time. I have done some work on my own to improve Fedora awareness. Now I would like to get involved in the community. I have been a passive watcher for a long time.
  • Contributor profile
  • Active Linux user since 1999.
  • Started with Redhat 5.2 right through Redhat 9 and then Fedora Core 1 to now Fedora 8.
  • Tried out many other distributions like SuSE, Mandrake, Ubuntu before finally settling on Fedora
  • Run my own website on Fedora Core 6 from my home with focus on Linux and open source
  • Also contribute in the following Fedora projects
  • Fedora Docs Project
  • Fedora Ambassadors
  • Fedora Websites
  • Fedora Marketing
  • Future plans
  • Help Fedora shed the "Geeks Only" tag
  • Improve the end user experience in using Fedora
  • Help sell Fedora to the enterprise user community as the a viable alternative: Not only to save costs, but also secure the enterprise environment.

Pablo Barrera


  • Candidate statement
  • Currently member of Proyecto Fedora Latinoamerica.
  • Contributor profile
  • Fedora Ambassador since 2006, full active since December 2006
  • I participate in the following projects:
  • Fedora Ambassadors
  • Webmaster of Proyecto Fedora Latinamerica -
  • Coach of future Fedora Projects around Spanish Latinamerica -
  • General responsibility and management of Fedora Argentina
  • I joined those events in 2007:
  • FISL 8, Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil
  • FLISOL 2007, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
  • Latinoware 2007, Fóz do Iguaçu - PR, Brazil
  • 7 JRSL 2007, Ciudad de Córdoba - CDB, Argentina
  • Install fest La Plata 2007. BUE, Argentina
  • Fedora showcases in SouthSide BUE, Argentina
  • CAFECONF 2007. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Organized events:
  • Fedora showcases in SouthSide BUE, Argentina
  • Future plans
  • Special Spreading Programs for Fedora in Latinamerica Spanish Speaking Communities
  • Push to local Spanish talk ambassadors to become part of future elections
  • Work to decentralize the 7 Chairs and Let other people around the world (like Asia, Africa, and LA be part of the FAMSCO)
  • Strengthen the participation of Local Fedora Projects to create an Spanish documentation center in Fedora Project.
  • Work to reduce the difficulties to become ambassador to non technical people.
  • Reduce the space between "geeks" and "end users" with Fedora
  • Create a Spanish latinamerican road map to work with unified objectives in the region to spread Fedora.
  • Work on statistics and progression information to find the needs in local Fedora Projects.
  • Organize and develop the First Fedora Day in Buenos Aires, May 2007
  • Support the Rodrigo Padula work with the II Latin American Conference and the I FUDCON Latin American

Rodrigo Padula


  • Candidate statement
  • Currently member of FAmSCo , running for re-election.
  • Contributor profile
  • Fedora contributor since 2005.
  • I participate in the following projects:
  • I started Proyecto Fedora Latinamerica - [1]
  • I joined those events in 2007:
  • Organized events:
  • Future plans
  • Contribute with the organization of local Fedora Projects (Mainly in Latin America and another in development Countries).
  • Strengthen the participation of Latin American contributors in Fedora Project.
  • Spread Fedora in events, with media distribution, lectures and booths.
  • Be the voice of the community and ambassadors in the FAMSCO and Fedora Project.
  • Support the local projects with all that they needs.
  • Create and organize the II Latin American Conference and the I FUDCON Latin American

Sandro Mathys (fas: red | irc: red_alert)


  • Candidate statement
  • Nominating myself due to lack of enough nominees above all.
  • Very interested in being a proud member of FAmSCo in future, nevertheless.
  • Would not have nominated myself normally, because I think there are people who better fit into this position (e.g. with more experience).
  • Contributor profile
  • Linux user since 1998
  • Red Hat Linux: 1999-2003
  • Fedora: since 2003
  • Fedora ambassador (Switzerland/Europe/EMEA) for a little over 6 months only.
  • Actively participated at the following events in the past:
  • LinuxTag 2007 in Berlin, Germany.
  • FAD EMEA 2007 at LinuxTag 2007 in Berlin, Germany.
  • OpenExpo 2007 in Zurich, Switzerland.
  • FAD EMEA 2007 in Rheinfelden, Germany.
  • Future plans
  • Be of help to every ambassador in need.
  • Become the voice of EMEA's ambassadors in the FAmSCo.
  • Support the EMEA based activities.
  • Help to establish a legal entity for Fedora in the EMEA region.
  • Increase the number of ambassadors, contributors and donors in EMEA.
  • Support worldwide efforts, too.
  • Improve the cooperation betweend Red Hat and Fedora ambassadors at events.
  • Re-activate FAmSCo (especially the regularly meetings).
  • Actively paritcipating at the following events during 2008:
  • FOSDEM 2008 in Brussels, Belgium.
  • OpenExpo 2008 in Berne, Switzerland.
  • LinuxTag 2008 in Berlin, Germany.
  • FUDCon 2008 at LinuxTag 2008 in Berlin, Germany (co-organization).
  • FAD EMEA 2008 at LinuxTag 2008 in Berlin, Germany.
  • FrOSCon 2008 (TBA).
  • OpenExpo 2008 in Zurich, Switzerland.
  • FAD EMEA 2008 (TBA).

Thomas Canniot (MrTom)


  • Candidate statement
  • Currently president of the French Fedora Organisation
  • Nominating myself due to lack of enough nominees above all... as well, but well, after thinking of it, would really like to help FAmSCo.
  • Contributor profile
  • Linux user since 2002
  • Fedora user since 2003
  • Fedora ambassador since 2005
  • Actively promotes Fedora in France (organisation, events, website , goodies...)
  • Future plans
  • Share French experience in actively promoting Fedora
  • Restore Ambassadors confidence in FAmSCo.
  • Help to establish a legal entity for Fedora in the EMEA region.
  • Improve the cooperation between Red Hat and Fedora ambassadors at events.
  • Make France one the the leading communities in Europe dealing with marketing :)

Next candidate (alphabetically)

  • Candidate statement
  • Contributor profile
  • Future plans