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Revision as of 02:53, 13 August 2009 by Sankarshan (talk | contribs) (Added reasoning behind the booklet)
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Sometime in the month of July 2009, I had a tentative suggestion on the mailing list about producing a Fedora Booklet. The idea around the Booklet/Handbook is that it should provide the following:

* a take-away reading material to anyone who wants to do offline reading about The Fedora Project
* content that can guide anyone interested to participate
* a reasonably detailed overview of the Fedora way of doing things
* explain the Four Foundations in the form of talking points
* be amenable to be translated if anyone so chooses
* should be in a form that can be taken to the printers and, be printed in bulk
* should have lots of pictures
* should not be tied into a release or, specific date/time