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Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2006-02-09

Next meeting



  • ThomasChung (tchung)
  • AurelienBompard (abompard)
  • DavidHackl (solartrooper)
  • PatrickBarnes (nman64)
  • FlorianBrand (BruderTux)
  • GeroldKassube (GeroldKa)
  • ChitleshGoorah
  • WilliamHoffmann


Following list of agenda/schedule is based on

Review upcoming events

  • solartrooper requests to add Linuxweeks in Austria to FedoraEvents
  • We should move past events to FedoraEvents/PastEvents and we should combine FedoraEvents/PastEvents with FedoraEvents/Archive
  • we can simply move content of Archive to PastEvents and remove Archive
  • Also I think we should move any events without owners to HelpWanted/Events

SCALE 4X (Feb 11-12, 2006) Owner - ThomasChung

  • Well, good news folks, Warren Togami accepted as a speaker at the SCALE at the last minute. :)
  • tchung has added Talk Title in :)
  • we haven't received exact schedule yet but I'll post it there as soon as I hear from SCALE staff.
  • I believe Warren will provide his prenstation so they can post on their site and our site.

Fedora Day (Feb 25, 2006) Owner - ThijsHulshof

  • ThijsHulshof not here to report on Fedora Day

FOSDEM (Feb 25-26, 2006) Onwer - FredericHornain

  • FredericHornain not present

Jornada Software Libre y Aplicaciones (Mar 13-16, 2006) Owner - JoseTarazona

  • JoseTarazona not present
  • tchung received email from JoseTarazona via list
  • The Description needs to be updated in English
  • tchung will contact him off the list

Free Desktop Event (Mar 16-18, 2006) Owner - MauricioPretto

  • MauricioPretto not present

LWCE Boston 2006 (Apr 3-6, 2006) Owner - MatthewMiller

  • tchung spoke to MatthewMiller and he'll be joining us in the next meeting.
  • He'll give us update on FUDCon Boston 2006 (Apr 7, 2006) at the time as well

PyCon: In Addison, Texas

  • nman64: Oh, a quick note about PyCon: In Addison, Texas, it is a relatively small event, and does have a registration fee.
  • The total cost for me to get there and participate makes it, IMHO, not worth bothering with. (Addison is in the Dallas area, BTW.)

FISL 7.0 (Apr 19-22, 2006) Owner - RodrigoPadula

  • RodrigoPadula not present

German Linuxtag 2006 (May 3-6, 2006) Owner - GeroldKassube

  • ChitleshGoorah: I'll do my best to assist GeroldKa during linuxtag
  • GeroldKa: Yesterday I met Florian Brand aka BruderTux and we discussed a lot of things, also the FUDCon which will be organised from
  • BruderTux. Have a look at
  • We'll organise a lot of and we think we'll fill a 50 square meter stall

Linuxdays in Austria

  • solartrooper: Austria has a bit another concept of "Linuxdays"
  • we have the countrywide linuxweeks, which always begin about May and go until June.
  • date of the first dissertation isn't fixed right now, but will come soon
  • As soon as solartrooper has details, he'll add them to the FedoraEvents page.


  • ChitleshGoorah: I really need support for the FedoraLibrary project.
  • I tried to launch discussions in the list. But nothing. I feel no one is interested to work it out
  • tchung thought the owner of Fedora Education Project is interested
  • William: ChitleshGoorah, i'm new here but I could help you in France ...
  • ChitleshGoorah has scheduled a meeting with the directory of his Uni to launch it here in Strasbourg
  • tchung: ChitleshGoorah, if you send me some introduction of your project, I'll post in my next FWN.

Schwag pipeline

  • We are happy to report our Steering Committe is making some progress in this issue
  • Alex will give us update in the next meeting

Funding for attendance

  • Alex will report at the next meeting



  • ChitleshGoorah: Does the Steering Commitee (famsco) discuss among themselves or on the list?
  • tchung: Yes, FAMSCO has a list called
  • It is private list. If you have any request or suggestion to FAMSCO, please email me and I'll forward to them. :)
  • nman64: Or, post to the Ambassador list, as all SC members watch it.


  • tchung won't include ["Distribution/FreeMedia"] in the Schedule until he has a more sold idea and more participants


  • EVERYBODY: Note that we cannot perform any fundraising activities at this time and so we cannot sell anything at events!

Fedora Account System

Presentations for Ambassadors

  • We need to provide Ambassadors with some slide decks for various presentations.
  • We should probably aggregate the ones we already have and make them available.
  • We should also figure out our policy for licensing these presentations!
  • tchung thought Rahul was working on *Official* or *Standard* slides for us
  • We'll need contributors to complete the CLA (as all Ambassadors should), and will probably be licensing them using the OPL without stipulations.

Standard Ambassadors kit

  • this is either already done or Greg is still working it :)
  • The content of the kits is just about finalized, but production and distribution will still take time.
  • Greg will be back to give us update on Standard Ambassadors kit in the next meeting
  • At present, it looks unlikely that shirts will be part of the standard kit, but will be available for < $10 USD to Ambassadors.
  • The *current* plan is to include reasonable quantities of install DVDs.
  • We're having to watch production costs, so that really isn't feasible right now.

  • Meeting Minutes summarized by AlexMaier
  • Meeting Minutes posted by ThomasChung