🔗 MeeGo™
🔗 Summary
The MeeGo™ Spin by Fedora Netbook UX spin is a spin on the MeeGo™ User Experience for Netbooks in Fedora
🔗 Owner(s)
- Name: Peter Robinson
- email: pbrobinson at gmail dot com
🔗 Detailed Description
The MeeGo Architecture is designed to support multiple platforms and usage models ranging from Netbooks and NetTops to Mobile Internet Devices (MID) and various embedded usage models, such as In Vehicle Infotainment systems. The central piece of the architecture is the common layer called "MeeGo Core". MeeGo Core is built on the GNOME Mobile platform, extending and enriching it with new technologies like Clutter, GUPnP and libsocial. The MeeGo Netbook UX is the core desktop environment that sits of top of Fedora.
🔗 Benefit to Fedora
The current release of Fedora GUI environments aren't optimised for the small screen environments of NetBook and NetTop devices. This will allow for a desktop environment that is optimised for these newer small, cheap devices that are becoming popular.
🔗 Kickstart File
🔗 ISO Name / FS Label
🔗 Dependencies
The current plan is to base the Spin on MeeGo 1.1. If there are issues with getting MeeGo 1.1 into Fedora due to either upstream or other issues we will fall back to shipping MeeGo 1.0 which already has all required packages in Fedora rawhide although some may require updates.
🔗 Scope / Testing
- Run basic spin testing
- Test installs from livecd and usb, test livecdcreator
- Test the MeeGo user interface including core components
- Test various X drivers for OpenGL support or whether it falls back to software rendering
🔗 Spins Page
🔗 Slogan
The future of the Mobile internet.
🔗 Spin description
The MeeGo™ Spin by Fedora is a Fedora-based operating system designed with the mobile device developer and user in mind. We started with MeeGo, a hardware and usage model independent layer built on the GNOME Mobile platform that provides one uniform way to do development across mobile platforms, then enriched it with new open source technologies also intended for mobile development.
The result is an integrated software experience suitable for use on multiple platforms, including netbooks, nettops, mobile internet devices, and embedded usage models such as vehicle infotainment systems.
Try the future of the mobile internet today. Learn more.
🔗 About
Here are just a few of the features highlighted in the MeeGo™ Spin by Fedora:
- Clutter, an OpenGL-based software library for creating fast, visually rich, portable and animated graphical user interfaces with an easy-to-use API.
- GUPnP, an object-oriented framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, allowing mobile devices running the Fedora MeeGo Spin to connect with consumer electronics products from over 899 vendors working together to create the the UPnP standard.
- Bisho, a tool to configure user and account details for the libsocialweb social network aggregation service, which allows users to both fetch and update data from photos and upcoming events to microblogs, online auctions and more.
🔗 Screenshot
Coming soon....
🔗 Download tab
Download the Fedora MeeGo spin for Netbook and Nettop computers.
🔗 Support tab
* #fedora on freenode.net: irc://irc.freenode.net/fedora * #fedora-mini on freenode.net: irc://irc.freenode.net/fedora
Mailing lists:
* Fedora mini list: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/mini
* Fedora Forum: http://www.fedoraforum.org/
* MeeGo in the Fedora wiki: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MeeGo
🔗 Custom branding
To be discussed with the Fedora Design team