From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 22:14, 16 September 2010 by Riteshambastha (talk | contribs) (Created page with ' organizes technical seminars and workshops in engineering colleges. Our business orientation is towards bridging the gap between „engineers‟ and ‘smart engin...')
(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff) organizes technical seminars and workshops in engineering colleges. Our business orientation is towards bridging the gap between „engineers‟ and ‘smart engineers’. For this righteous task, we have excellent composition of speakers that include leading institutes like IITs and ISB and professionals working in companies like Yahoo, Google and Red hat.

Its our pleasure to organize an event on 18th Sept’2010 for the B-Tech & M-Tech students of Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad.

Event Agenda

Myths in Open Source What is Open Source and how do we interpret it? What is Free Software, FOSS and Open Source, What’s the difference? What is Community Driven Model? What is Commercial Open Source?

Business Models in Open Source

Open Source Scenario around the world and India LUGs and Knowledge groups Who Uses Open Source and How? How to Participate in Open Source Projects? Why should we participate? What is a Community? How to choose the right community for yourself? Technology Checklist to participate in the Community How do the contributions go into the final build?
