From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 03:20, 10 December 2010 by Kaio (talk | contribs)

Here are my personal Fedora goals in 2011. Daily tasks of my various Fedora roles are not included for readability: 以下為我的個人 Fedora 2011 年計劃。為了方便閱讀,我各項 Fedora 職位的日常工作並未收錄:

I will collaborate in.. 我將協作..

  • Organization of Linux Conference Australia (LCA) 2011 and Fedora Activity Day (FAD) at Brisbane 2011 籌備 "澳大利亞Linux會議2011" 和 "Fedora布里斯本活動日2011"
    • Communicate with people from Red Hat
    • Contact local linux/dev groups
    • Order "Fedora Cake"
    • Prepare equipment
    • Plan meals
    • Reports
  • Processing funding/reimbursement requests from ambassadors 處理來自大使的撥款請求
    • Read relevant info
    • Funding for expenses of LCA 2011 and FAD @ Brisbane 2011
  • Renovation of Fedora Chinese User Group (FZUG) forum[1] and wiki pages 整修中文用戶組論壇與 wiki 頁
    • Tune forum
    • Edit wiki
    • Link forum and mailing list
    • Freeze previous mailing list
  • Distribution of media in Australia and New Zealand 散佈光碟至澳紐地區
    • Equipment of media production
    • Order from overseas
  • Organization of Fedora Users and Developers Conference (FUDCon) Asia Pacific 2011 籌備 "亞大區Fedora使用者與開發者會議"
  • Translation of organisational information into Traditional Chinese 將組織運作資訊翻譯成繁體中文
  • Promotion among education institutions in Australia and New Zealand 向澳紐地區教育機構宣傳
    • (in progress)
  • Recruitment and mentoring of ambassadors in Asia Pacific 招募及引導亞太地區大使
  • Design of mascot 設計吉祥物
    • Concepts
    • 2D pictures
    • 3D models
  • Development of software related to my production environment 日常使用相關軟體之開發
    • IBus
    • intuos4
    • Gnome

(Reference: S.M.A.R.T.[2])