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Revision as of 06:33, 23 January 2011 by Anujmore (talk | contribs) (→‎Tasks by levels)
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Feel free to edit anything under this proposal, we are working on it as draft
This is a draft for the mentioned Fedora Classroom '11 topic: Version Control Systems. You can see drafts for other topics, choose to prepare a draft on one of the topic or suggest a class here.


  • Getting people (mostly beginners) acquainted with using Version Control Systems like git.
  • Get them to work together into learning and meet each other, sharing more ideas to work in Fedora.

Schedule proposed

These could be the tasks for a first introductory crash course

Introduction to Verson Control Systems

Everyone should be able to make changes to a software (using git) in a maximum time of a week.

Prerrequisite: A Fedora system with git installed. Setting up a fedorapeople space

  • Need for Version Control System
    1. Backup and Restore
    2. Synchronization
    3. Short-term undo
    4. Long-term undo
    5. Track Changes
    6. Track Ownership
    7. Sandboxing
    8. Branching and merging
  • Terminology used frequently (Repo, Trunk/Main, Head, Diff etc)
  • Checkins and checkouts
  • Branching/Merging
  • Tagging
  • Source control using IDEs


I really don't know what to put in here.

Tasks by levels

This classroom topic needs teachers
We really do. Add your name below to take up this topic (Only if you are well acquainted with git and other Version Control Systems (Because I am not)) Feel free to add/remove any topics you feel. This is just a draft.

Tools and process