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In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1]. For more information on the work of the QA team and how you can get involved, see the Joining page[2].

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

Test Days

Thursday 2011-03-24 was power management Test Day[1]. The event produced a great turnout of testers who provided results on a wide range of hardware, and the developers are already looking at the bugs filed. Thanks to everyone who came out to help.

This Tuesday, 2011-03-29, was printing Test Day[2]. The turnout was a little smaller than we hoped, but the testers who did come managed to find lots of bugs, and Fedora's printing maintainer, Tim Waugh, was very happy with all the results.

This Thursday, 2011-03-31, will be ABRT Test Day[3]. As well as checking that ABRT (Fedora's automated crash report tool) is working as expected for Fedora 15, we'll be testing out a big new feature, the retrace server[4]. This allows you to submit crash reports to a remote server which will generate the backtrace - avoiding the need for you to download and install often large debuginfo packages in order to submit reports. Please come along and help us test this exciting new feature!

There is currently no Test Day planned for next Thursday, 2011-04-07. Take the day off!

Anaconda testing

James Laska requested testing of an installer image which included updated versions of anaconda and lorax that needed testing before being approved as stable updates[1]. Several testers responded, and the updates were soon approved.

GNOME Tweak Tool testing

Michel Salim announced that GNOME Tweak Tool, an application for tweaking various advanced settings in GNOME 3, was now available for testing[1]. Several group members thanked Michel for the announcement and provided feedback on the tool.

Fedora 15 Beta preparation

The third Beta blocker/nice-to-have review meeting took place on 2011-03-25[1], and the team worked through the full list of proposed Beta blocker and nice-to-have bugs. The first test compose was scheduled for Tuesday 2011-03-22, but could not be completed on that day due to various outstanding bugs and the lack of the planned NetworkManager 0.9 packages. At a special release schedule meeting on Wednesday 2011-03-23[2], the QA and release engineering teams, and the Fedora Project Leader, agreed that the late arrival of NetworkManager 0.9 justified a one week slip in the release schedule. The first test compose was then set for Tuesday 2011-03-29.

Improving pre-release download page

Tim Flink passed on some feedback[1] he had received from a new tester who had downloaded a pre-release and asked some questions in the #fedora IRC channel, which does not handle pre-release issues. He suggested that it would be a good idea to add some text to the pre-release download page[2] explaining the right places to go to post feedback and get help with pre-release issues. Jóhann Guðmundsson and Adam Williamson both suggested filing a request with the websites team, and Tim reported[3] that he had filed a ticket[4].