From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Process for Payment with the community credit cards
🔗 Where are the Community Credit Cards most usable?
- buy things online on trusted online platforms!
- SWAG Vendors who accept card payments
- Vendors for Booth decoration who accept card payments
- pre-pay for hotel accomodation
- pre-pay travel tickets
- buy dinners ;)
- pay for SWAG shipment
- ... feel free to add more what could make sence
🔗 Payment Regulation
There are 3 scenarios which provide the necessary peer-review and transparency.
("Request" = means Community-/Contributor-Request - like from a individual person or the fudcon-planning group etc. ...)
- Request -> FAmSCo approval -> CardHolder <-> direct handling "Request"
- Request <-> CardHolder -> FAmSCo approval
- CommArch -> CardHolder -> FAmSCo-Info-Ticket
Special Cases
- Shipping expenses for SWAG <50$ do not need approval from CommArch or FAmSCo
- If a Card Holder has to make a urgent decission - (of course based on sanity and reason and with a limit of ???$) - for a payment and can not create a ticket first, he is in charge to report the use of budget in the tracking system as soon as possible (48 hours?) to provide a predictable budget. This should always be an exception!