From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 VoIP Special Interest Group

🔗 Mission

To package as many Voice over IP applications as possible for Fedora. To that end, members of this SIG will assist in packaging VoIP applications and make reviewing VoIP-related packages our priority.

🔗 Process

Want to suggest a VoIP application or library? Just add it to the Applications/Libraries of Interest list. Working on packaging a VoIP application or library, or need a review for your VoIP-related package? Just add it to the Applications/Libraries Being Packaged list. Interested in joining the SIG? Just add your WikiName to the list.

🔗 Applications/Libraries of Interest

  • Asterisk-Addons
  • Asterisk-Sounds
  • Call Control - a prepaid application that can be used together with OpenSIPS call_control module and CDRTool rating engine to limit the duration of SIP sessions based on a prepaid balance. It can also be used to limit the duration of any session to a predefined maximum value without debiting a balance.
  • CDRTool - A set of utilities for working with call detail records
  • Druid - an open source web-based unified communications platform (based on Asterisk)
  • FreeSWITCH - an open source telephony platform.
  • gnugk - H.323 gatekeeper
    • This may require importing OpenH323 from the old Fedora package into Fedora Package Collection because Fedora dropped OpenH323 once GnomeMeeting/Ekiga switched to Opal.
  • MSRPRelay - it helps in NAT traversal of media sessions between endpoints located behind NAT.
  • SIP chatserver - an open source conference bridge that supports MSRP chat sessions.
  • minisip - SIP softphone
  • OpenSBC - hybrid SIP proxy and B2BUA
  • OpenSIPStack - implementation of the Session Initiation Protocol
  • QjSimple - cross-platform SIP Client, is based on the pjsip SIP stack and the Qt GUI toolkit.
  • QuteCom (former WengoPhone) - SIP compliant VoIP client
  • SFLphone - the open-source enterprise-class SIP/IAX2 softphone
  • SIP SIMPLE client - a Python software library that allows for easy development of Internet communications end-points based on SIP and related protocols for voice, rich presence, session based instant messaging (IM), file transfers and desktop sharing.
  • sipXecs - a SIP Unified Communications solution for your enterprise.
  • Yate - Yet Another Telephony Engine
  • Yxa - transaction stateful SIP stack and a set of SIP server applications
  • GreenJ - GreenJ is an open source Voice-over-IP phone software using pjsip and Qt

🔗 Applications/Libraries already packaged

  • asterisk - Open Source PBX
  • asterisk-sounds-core - core sounds for Asterisk
  • callweaver (former OpenPBX) - GPL-only fork of Asterisk.
  • ccrtp - Common C++ class framework for RTP/RTCP
  • ekiga - A Gnome based SIP/H323 teleconferencing application
  • iax - Implementation of Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol
  • iaxclient- Library for creating telephony solutions that interoperate with Asterisk
  • isdn4k-utils - Utilities for configuring an ISDN subsystem.
  • jabbin- Jabber and VoIP client (fork of well-known Psi)
  • jrtplib - C++ RTP library
  • kannel - WAP and SMS gateway
  • libeXosip2 - A library that hides the complexity of using the SIP protocol.
  • libosip2 - oSIP is an implementation of SIP.
  • libpri - An implementation of Primary Rate ISDN
  • libss7 - SS7 protocol services to applications
  • libzrtpcpp - ZRTP support library for the GNU ccRTP stack
  • mISDN - Userspace part of Modular ISDN stack
  • nagios-plugins-check_sip - A Nagios plugin to check SIP servers and devices
  • opal - Open Phone Abstraction Library
  • openser - Fork of well-known SER SIP Server with interesting new features
  • opensips - Open Source SIP Server
  • openxcap - open source, easy extensible, fully featured XCAP server with TLS security and support for multiple realms.
  • ortp - A C library implementing the RTP protocol (RFC3550)
  • python-sippy - B2BUA SIP call controlling component
  • rtpproxy - RTP proxy server
  • sems - an extensible SIP media server
  • ser - SIP Express Router
  • sip-redirect - Tiny IPv4 and IPv6 SIP redirect server written in Perl
  • sipp - test tool and traffic generator for the SIP protocol
  • sipsak - SIP swiss army knife
  • sipwitch - SIP telephony server for secure phone systems
  • sofia-sip - Sofia SIP UA Library
  • spandsp - A DSP library for telephony
  • stun - implements the stun protocol
  • twinkle - SIP softphone
  • xisdnload - An ISDN connection load average display for the X Window System
  • zaptel - Tools and libraries for using/configuring/monitoring Zapata telephony interfaces

🔗 Packages for review

  • HylaFAX - is a enterprise-strength fax server supporting Class 1 and 2 fax modems on UNIX systems.
  • Mediaproxy - far-end NAT traversal solution for SER/OpenSER
    • Initial attempt to package it was made, but review request was closed due to lack of activity
  • opal - Open Phone Abstraction Library (merge review).
  • srtp - Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) Library
  • pjproject - Libraries written in C language for building embedded/non-embedded VoIP applications

🔗 Orphaned Packages Needing Maintainers

  • None, currently

🔗 Rejected Packages

🔗 Packagers/Reviewers/People interested

🔗 General Issues

  • Legal status of iLBC prevents it from inclusion into Fedora, so you should check that your application doesn't use it before submitting it to Fedora/EPEL.

🔗 See also

🔗 References