From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 ARM build on F-17 rawhide build problems

🔗 broken upstream and hence on arm

Problem Package arm-koji PA-koji RHBZ Upstream BZ Dependencies Comments Engineer
icu ARM icu PA icu ARM build failure is possibly awaiting gcc-4.7.0-0.7.fc17 but the upstream failure is also blocking
elfutils AMR elfutils PA elfutils Possibly gcc 4.7. Previously built fine in mainline

🔗 broken on arm

Problem Package arm-koji PA-koji RHBZ Upstream BZ Dependencies Comments Engineer
glibc ARM glibc RHBZ# 781765 RHBZ# 781765 awaiting gcc-4.7.0-0.7.fc17
krb5 ARM krb5 Needs investigation
gdb ARM gdb Needs investigation, maintainer aware
nss-softokn nss-softokn Compiled on f-15 so possibly gcc (await gcc)
numpy numpy Needs investigation
libarchive libarchive PriArch broken mainline, possibly gcc 4.7